I've uploaded a new Android player to the downloads section that fixes the crash on Ouya and adds controller support to the raw joystick commands. You can also use the Ouya button to exit apps and return to standby. We won't be adding IAP to 108, you will need to have AppGameKit version 2 for that.
There is one small bug I noticed that I'm wondering if anyone else experiences, sometimes when holding down the Ouya button to return to the home screen the home screen freezes and loses its menu forcing me to restart the device. Not sure if it is something I'm doing or if it happens with other apps as well.
You can use the following tier 1 code to test controller support
setvirtualresolution( 1920, 1080 )
SetClearColor( 151, 170, 204 )
setrawjoystickdeadzone( 0.1 )
createsprite( 1, 0 )
setspritecolor( 1, 255, 0, 0, 255 )
setspriteSize( 1, 50, 50 )
setspritevisible( 1, 0 )
createsprite( 2, 0 )
setspritecolor( 2, 0, 255, 0, 255 )
setspriteSize( 2, 50, 50 )
setspritevisible( 2, 0 )
createsprite( 3, 0 )
setspritecolor( 3, 0, 0, 255, 255 )
setspriteSize( 3, 50, 50 )
setspritevisible( 3, 0 )
createsprite( 4, 0 )
setspritecolor( 4, 255, 255, 0, 255 )
setspriteSize( 4, 50, 50 )
setspritevisible( 4, 0 )
for i = 1 to 4
if GetRawJoystickExists(i) = 1
setspritevisible( i, 1 )
x1# = getrawjoystickx(i)
y1# = getrawjoysticky(i)
x2# = getrawjoystickrx(i)
y2# = getrawjoystickry(i)
print( "Joystick "+str(i)+" X: "+str(x1#,2)+" Y: "+str(y1#,2)+" RX: "+str(x2#,2)+" RY: "+str(y2#,2)+" LT: "+str(getrawjoystickz(i),2)+" RT: "+str(getrawjoystickrz(i),2) )
printC( "Joystick "+str(i) + ":" )
for j=1 to 16
printc( " "+str(getrawjoystickbuttonstate(i,j)) )
next j
print( " " )
setspritevisible( i, 0 )
next i