Hi All,
Recently I have been working on an IDE for AppGameKit, trying to add some features i thought were perhaps missing from the current IDE or that may come in useful.
I built it from the ground up so it is reasonably lightweight and quick and designed with AppGameKit in mind!
I have added some nice features such as:
Compatible with current AppGameKit projects so your projects made in CodeBlocks will work just fine
Manage media folder within the IDE
Syntax Highlighting (of course)
Autocomplete dropdown
Code Assistance - so when you type in an AppGameKit command it will prompt you as to what parameters AppGameKit expects, similar to what the old DarkBasic Pro editor used to do.
Code Tidy - Any time your code starts to look scrappy hit Ctrl+K and it will correct indentation, tidy keywords and adjust spacing.
Access tools (eg. placement editor) from a menu in the IDE to speed things up a bit.
Code Inspector - This allows you to see at a glance what functions, types and global variables are in your code and with one click take you to the line it was declared on.
Help at Cursor - just like current IDE, hit F1 and it will open the help for the command the cursor is at.
Updater - for quick and easy IDE updates
- Visual Studio theme for familiarity
- Much more im sure i have forgot, but more importantly, much more to come!
Manage sub folders in media folder
Code Analysis - will scan your code for errors and notify you before build
Click to enlarge screen shot
There is still much to work on/add/improve but i have found it useful and I hope you might do as well. I have only been working on this for around 2 weeks so there are bound to be bugs and issues so if you let me know I will try and fix them or have any suggestions that would be appreciated! It requires .net 4.5 installed at the minute, this will be lowered but need to test on previous versions first.
Thanks hope you like it!
VERSION 1.0.3 Now Released