Ah, I'm out
just couldn't get enough time for what I wanted with everything else going on (2 other projects + a book) and Plan B didn't go easily because, well, I get caught up in details. I gueas I learned one thing: Simple just ain't my style. I'm a perfectionist, too so I started writing a dll plugin to do what DBP couldn't and... need I say more. I ended up trying to recode my first DBP game thinking I could pull a quick one-day mod but the src is actually scary -- like ~4.5k lines of BASIC code vomit terrifying. Besides the point. On the up side I gained twi valuable life lessons:
1. Don't bite off more than you can chew (again)
2. It doesn't have to be a Picasso.
I also gained a very valuable collision system which I'll be releasing to the community for the special low price of $0.00
Yup, I'm tossing both my entries where they belong (bin) but I got something infinitely more valuable and I'll be releasing this Ultra Fast Collision dll for free (look out for it in my sig. I post regularly in the posting competition so it's gonna be there). I plan to release the source one day when it's tidy so AppGameKit T2 folks will benefit also.
Well, it's been fun making two half-projects. Good luck everyone and hopefully next comp, I can actually enter.
You're a bad man!