Currently you cant change the NPC scale, but I will add that. The NPC section is quite complex as it was set up for myself, and I wasnt always sure if I would keep it. To set paths, use the staging open a sub panel that let's you define NPC actions such as MOVE TO, FACE AND WAIT. For movement commands, click the cords to set the position and then click in the world, add a new order and repeat to fade. Movement nodes will be connected by arrows on screen showing the direction of movement, and orders will loop when finished, essentially returning to the starting position / first position set.
Now that models are done (multi mesh and spec shader) I will get to adding to this. I also want to add a simple cut scene editor - I have the basics working for my own game, just no interface for the builder yet. Generally, features start as internal only for me, then I build an interface around it. Defining animation is not possible yet, so its expecting specific animations at specific frame ranges...use the stock character I supplied and it should walk about though.