I didn't think of actual taxis, But i did think of having:
- Trams like in the opening to Half-life.
- Speed walks (you know those powered conveyers you see at airports.)
- Vertical and horizontal elevators.
heehe, reminds of the end "Charlie & the Choclate factory" the Great Glass Elevator speil. Something like "they can go upways, & downways, & sideways, & zigways .... can't really remeber it right but I know it's funny!
- And I also wanted to have warps, just so you don't have to walk everywhere. Plus it will be a good escape route to get away from those mods with the "Flame" throwers!
First we just want to get everything working in an open space, then a room, 2 rooms... etc...
But I have great confidence in this team. CattleRustler and Mnemonix are dedicated and hard workers.
They have both amazed me with their:
-knowledge, attention to detail, & a strong dedication to get things working at all cost.
-discipline (We actually had a successful sheduled IRC meeting, and everyone showed up on time). I can't even get people I work with (who get paid) to accomplish that!
-ability to design, and discuss openly without egos.
-forsee problems and ability to look at different angles for solutions.
-are open to suggestions and criticism, and willingness to explain their ideas in an effective manner.
-energy, excitement, humor, and respectfulness (This makes the work much easier and the moral has been high (although early in, we have already faced roadblocks and cool heads, patience, and dilligence prevailed)
We have many more trials that we will face and some of the hardest are to yet to come.
- Endurance, and steadfastness (getting over the newness is something that sinks many a project in the "Compuda Triangle", including some of my own!)
- Dealing with complexity (as it grows problems find a way of hidng in your code, usually the last place you are thinking of)
hehee, reminds me of a George Carlin rant. "Ever noticed that when you look for something, it's always in the last place you look? Well of course it is STUPID! Because after you find it, your not going to look for it anymore. Hey, look! I found it! .... But let me look around for it a little bit more"
- Filtering/management/leadership etc... (Great ideas have a way of getting you to leap before you crawl, It's easy to get caught up in the excitement, and rather on getting the foundation to work properly you rather spend your time working on 20 bazillion cool things that you have no idea how you are going to complet them. Whilest your code sits in a Weaved, & Tangled mess.
It takes a good project lead to keep everyone's eyes on the immediate goal, while he/she is guiding and looking ahead to where things should eventually wind up. Staying on course is tough, A project lead acts as a compass and his/her job is to make sure that the team meets at waypoints and that everyones bearings are accurate and their sights are Focused. Withouth this many a project dissapear into the abyss aka "The Land Of Great Ideas That Went Astray Never To be Completed Or Heard From Again". I have used that as my home address from time to time.
Only time will tell if we have what it takes, my confidence is 100% with them.