Perhaps a function/command to turn a normal tile/image into an isometric tile. Maybe have its own setups like image and sprite.
load isoimage filename$,num
filename$ - image source to make int an isometric tile.
num - its number.
paste isoimage num,x,y,transparent,ghost
num - image number.
x,y - location on screen.
transparent - like the transparent option on paste image.
ghost - makes it translucent like ghosting on a 3D object.
isogrid num1,num2,num3,distance between tilesX,distance between tilesY.
Makes a symple isometric map based on the tiles available. A bit like making a matrix. (0 is a blank)
num1 - number of the grid.
num2 - number of tiles x.
num3 - number of tiles y.
distance between tilesX/Y - spreads the tiles out evenly so they display in the right place and not on top of eachother.
Make Isogrid Window num,sizeX,sizeY,X,Y,clipping on/off
Makes a clipped or unclipped window to display the isogrid.
Num - the isogrid to display.
sizeX/Y - size of window.
X,Y - place on screen.
clipping on/off - weather you want the window to display all the grid or just an area.
move isogrid num,X,Y - moves the isogrid window to X,Y.
Show isogrid window num
Shows the isogrid when you want it to. You may have several layers of grids with characters,NPCs, etc moving in between so youll need to show the isogrid windows when you want them. EG
ground layer, walls and characters, roof layer, weather effects.
num - window/isogrid to show.
Thats just the starters and Im sure if it was mixed with normal 2D tiling commands it would be a cool addition.