Do Conspiricies Exist?
Yes, but the problem is... not everything you hear is true, infact the real conspiricies often never see the light of day until long after the fact.
A good example is in the 1950s British Waterways used to sabotage longboats carrying goods, because the government wanted people to use the Trains instead. They saw the canal system as a huge competitor and as such destroyed thousands of boats just to force people to move over to the railway.
At the time it was just a theory of a conspiricy of long-boat operators, and the sabotuers became so good at it that the boats would all sink basically in a single bay they'd purposesly flooded to hold boats. The area was particularly salty which ment even if a long-boat op could retrieve his boat, it would rust very quickly without expensive work.
Documents long since made public have uncovered this was a government plot, and was all true... but at the time, it was just seen as an unfortuate coincidence.
Conspiricies often are the by-product of a woven lies. What makes the paranoia around them so bad is, only a fraction of the lie are true, but all of it is strung together from facts of the evidence which mean, from certain stand points it all appears to be true.
Really that is the whole point in a conspiricy.
'Hiding in plain sight'