Michael Moore is an extremely talented man. What are his talents? Manipulating facts and distorting the truth. Yes, I hate him. After watching Bowling for Columbine, I was sickened by how he took two teenagers to Kmart hq to return the bullets left in their body. Is this trying to make a statement? No, it is nothing more than manipulating two more teenagers and a tragic incident. Does he really care about gun control? I doubt it, Like the majority of people, he is more interested in building him self a bigger mansion. The thing I hate most is that Moore blatantly makes up facts. Yep, he just makes up crap that sounds good. But that's ok, the media is pretty corrupt as a whole.
Anywho, on the subject of conspiracies, I have to say that the CIA planning 911 is utter bull. No, our government is not that diabolical and we aren't ruled by Nazis. This is the real American Nazi Party. It's totally hilarious.
As for really really hilarious conspiracies, search google for "black helicopters" and "chupacabra"