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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Post Bugs Here

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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 06:02 Edited at: 7th Apr 2005 09:07
Well I hope whoever TGC gets to organize the bug database can use this information to help them. I will continue to monitor the threads for elusive posts about bugs until then. If you think you've found a bug, post it here and hopefully someone will try to duplicate it and confirm it's existence. If this thread dies, then it dies, and we'll just have to do it the messy way.
If you're positive it's a bug please wait. TGC is going to be setting up a way to report bugs.
IMPORTANT: If you find a way to remove the FPSC splash screen, have somehow broken into files you shouldn't have, etc., ABSOLUTELY DON'T POST IT. Report it, please.

The Bug List
Solutions to Problems:
The Deion List-o-Difficulties- All over the place (Solved: Deion switched his display mode from 16 bit to 32 bit fixing all his problems)
The DazzaB Lockup Bug (FPSC Locks-up and if restarted doesn't want to work right)- Go to the thread and find out what to do to get it fixed.)
The Jordan Sidall Won't Test Bug-
The Peter Lives Bug- this thread (Unable to Duplicate)
The Famdylan Missing Map Bug- this thread (Solved: press Alt+TAB)
The Tariq Undo Wall Bug- this thread (Unable to Duplicate)
The jcleaver McAffee Conflict Bug- (Solved: Check post in this thread)
The Ominous Map Overload Bug- this thread (Not a Bug)
The Ominous Damage Bug- this thread (Not a Bug, but will be addressed)
The Chimera Wall in Doorway Bug- (Solved: Not technically a Bug. It's just the way the program is. You can't use doors on overlays.)
The Famdylan Bazooka Bug (Picking up Bazooka ammo gives you a bazooka)- (Lee is paraphrased as saying this is intentional.)
The KLU 007 Moving Markers Bug- (check thread for solution by Cloud of Crows)

Current Bugs (believed to be bugs):
The Jasuk70 Jump Bug (Jump on a barrel and hold space and press crouch)-
The Nerd Checkpoint Bug (Player checkpoints that crash FPSC)-
The Coldnews Flickering Light Bug (.exe lights have to be static to be seen, no flickering lights allowed)-
The Rick O Apply Bug- this thread
The Slacer Disappearing Prefab Bug- this thread (code snippet from Cloud of Crows)
The PocoRev Ethereal Enemies Bug-
The Cloud Of Crows Half Bullet Holes Bug- this thread
The JerBil Missing Media Bug- this thread

Current Minor Bugs (they exist, but are easily fixable or don't cause major problems):
The Jiffy Door Delete Bug (only a very specific method could get rid of the troublesome door)-
The Cloud of Crows Sliding Enemy Bug- this thread (Addressed by RickV in this thread)
The Xero Trunkless Tree Bug-
The Peter Invisible Character Bug- this thread

Possible Bugs (needs to be duplicated):
The Peter Abort Bug-
The fdecker Floating, Bleeding Gun Bug-
The FINN MAN Missing Wall Bug-
The JerBil Mouse Offset Bug- this thread
The Cellbloc Studios Resolution Bug- this thread
The DOMRAY RunTimeError Crash-
The Sgrego Deadly Teleporter Bug- this thread
The KLU 007 Bazooka For The Win Bug-
The Squidgy Suicidal Nazi Bug- this thread
The Squid's Revenge Test Level Runtime Error Bug- this thread
The Wayne Total Loser Runtime Error Bug- this thread
The _14N_ Taskbar Bug- this thread
The Whitemail Revived Rotating Window Freeze Bug-
The JerBil Streight Corridor Bug- this thread
The AliM Launching Error "3" Bug- this thread
TheLostSoul54 Gantry Crash Bug-

Possible Minor Bugs (needs duplication, and are easily fixable or don't cause major problems):
The Merix Slow Crouch/Quick Stand Bug- this thread
The Ominous mas36 Ammo Bug- this thread
The uman Glassless Windows Bug-
The KimoSabi Jerky Badguy Bug-
The Cloud of Crows Twichy Head Bug- this thread
The Cloud of Crows Gun Holding Bug- this thread
The Peter Turn Dependent Graphics Bug- this thread
The Seige1975 Sniper Shot Decal Bug- this thread

Unknowns (mysterious ailments related to FPSC, further investigation needed):
The Famdylan Runtime Error 7006 Freeze-
The Fixxer Error-

Heaping Loads of Problems (Are they bugs or perhaps "subpar" hardware, older drivers, spyware related, or a combination? They don't know, but they do know that they have a lot of them, whatever they are.)
The Swhale List-o-Difficulties-
The fpsdave List-o-Difficulties- This thread
The MaddA ChieF List-o-Difficulties-

Observing (Possible Possible Bugs) (this is mainly for me to keep track of where certain threads are that may be Bug related): (being addressed by Lee and Mike)

Deion could you post all your problems here, so we know what they all were. Instead of us having to track them down to see if we have the same problem or problems you had.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 06:55 Edited at: 15th Feb 2005 14:41
New possible bug (more duplication would be nice):
The Famdylan Bazooka Bug

Confirmed and has been classified as a Minor Bug (it exists, but is easily fixable and doesn't cause major problems)

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 09:16
Needs to be duplicated -----------------------------
Loaded the ww2.fpm that came with fpsc and tested the level now I finished the level and I am back at the map builder and no map is showing (graphics bug?)

Have the latest drivers and directx
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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 11:33 Edited at: 15th Feb 2005 11:42
New possible bug (needs duplication):
The FINN MAN Missing Wall Bug

Possible Minor Bug (not sure its a bug and needs to be looked into):

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 12:59
Can't compile exe's no matter what options.
I get error 56. That is all it says.

FPSC easily crashes when trying to lightmap, whether it is quick or full, and whether dynamic lighting is on or off.
However, with dynamic lighting off, it does crash less.

'Deleting the test game' when ending a test takes way too long.
totally unacceptable.

I cannot uninstall the program. What's up with that?

There are many many other things.

This should be Beta 1 NOT RC 20!!

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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 15:03
The list just keeps growing, especially with the Possible Bugs, Possible Minor Bugs, Unknowns, and Heaping Loads of Problems. Hopefully, a few people will attempt to duplicate and confirm the existence or non-existence of these.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
The Nerd
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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 16:55 Edited at: 15th Feb 2005 17:33
Well i know that the player checkpoint bug also happened for "Coldnews" and "Ali m" and at my computer.

looking for Royalty free 3D objects?
then Check PanzerGames at this link :
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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 18:59 Edited at: 15th Feb 2005 19:56
Hi, not sure if this has been reported...

i had a level, simple rooms, a corridor outside, i used a light with a large radius in this corridor on cursor layer 5, when playing, the light managed to illuminate things like doors, characters and the outside of the building even on cursor layer 6 (even tho the light was inside on level 5) this a bug

notice the blue light on the wall too...



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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 20:10
another with the ligth outside of the corridor the light is inside, if you set the radius larger the light appears brighter outside


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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 20:12
another showing a character which is obviously shrouded in red light from a light inside another room...

it affects the gun you carry, doors etc...



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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 21:56
I would guess the radius circle around a light shows how far
it will reach. You'll have to right click on the light, and lower
it's light range in the left pane.


Ad Astra Per Asper
Tariq Hussein
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Posted: 15th Feb 2005 22:00 Edited at: 15th Feb 2005 22:06
Undo/redo bug

Looks more like a bug. Start up a level, paint up a simple
room. Now select 'Pick Segment', select on of the wall segments.
Select 'Paint Only Segment Walls', draw a few walls. Now undo
them. The entire level goes awol.

Edit: Just draw a simple room, and select 'Paint Only Segment Walls'.
Now select undo.

When I turned 2 I got worried, in 1 year my age doubled!
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 01:48
Yes, this is a bump . Anyway, I have edited the bug list, and there are still lots that need duplication and confirmation. Unless of course you have already e-mailed the problems to the guys upstairs, and if that's the case why in the world am I doing this ? It must be the attention .

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 02:09 Edited at: 1st Mar 2005 01:41
Not sure this is a bug, but if I edit the setup file to set
resolution to that of my screen (1280x1024) the mouse pointer is offset to the lower right of the shroud instead of in the center.

Items still go in the center of the shroud, but you can't select with mouse pointer.

EDIT: New Bug: In compiled games, Tab key shows FPS in upper left,
but Tab does not turn if off again. Once on, it stays on.


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Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 03:34
When I set my resolution to 1600 x 1200 x 32, I get this block on the screen when playing. my boomstick!
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 05:52
Possible bug. Conflict with McAfee Antivirus. When running, deleting test-level can take 20 minutes, or completely lock up application. When McAfee not running, deleting test-level takes no more than 30 seconds.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 05:58
jcleaver I had you're problem listed with Unknowns, but if you feel it is a possible bug I will re-classify it.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 09:12
MaddA ChieF has been reclassified from Solved back to Heaping Loads of Problems, due to a point he made in his post. Bump !

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 11:59
ehh!! ?
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 12:22 Edited at: 16th Feb 2005 12:26
Sorry I meant your List of Difficulties you have. In your thread you mentioned you would get a new video card to fix it, so I moved your List-o-Difficulties to solved. Then you posted that it wouldn't change anything, thus I moved your List-o-Difficulties to Heaping Loads of Problems. Sorry I name all the bugs and problems after the people who have found it. I'll edit the above post.

I personally have experienced a bug. I made a huge DM (deathmatch) map (Yes, I know there isn't any DM. A guy can dream, can't he?) Anyway, it was a very large map consisting of 5 layers with about 50-60% of each layer taken. As I started added ceiling tiles to my fifth layer from the sixth layer, the black circle changed into a gray square, though the changing from wireframe to graphics stayed in a circle. Then as I was adding a few finishing touches (A few more ceiling tiles here and there), the screen went black for about 10-15 seconds and then a box came up saying something to the effect of this application has performed an error it wil be close. I hit OK and FPSC closed up. Everything was fine, but I lost my map. All 1.5 hrs. work of just tiles.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
Dot Merix
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 12:47
After playing one of the games created just now i noticed how crouching will actually show you slowly kneeling into that position when you press C... However, after releasing C it doesnt show you slowly getting back up, it simply stands you up instantly.. There needs to be a delay between crouching and standing up.

WindowsXP Home(Service pack 2), Athlon XP 2400+(2.1Ghz), 1GIG Ram, Ati Radeon 9800Pro 128MB.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 12:51
Ok I will place this in the Possible Minor Bugs area.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 14:45
Anothe Possible Minor Bug I found has been added, as wellas the difficulty of getting rid of a door. The Ominous Damage Bug- shoot a badguy with X strength with a gun that deals X damage and you'll have to shoot him twice to kill him.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 16th Feb 2005 18:30
The Nerd/ ColdNews flickering light bug - the worlds first solo band.
New coldnews single avalable from here
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 01:34
Thanks Coldnews. I'll name it after you since The Nerd already has one.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 01:53
well after 4 days of hard work i still cant add anthing to my lev with out it crashing so i tried to re make the lev the same to see what happens.even if i take items out it still wont let me put a new one in .this is what i get [COMMON]
PathToEXE=C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\CrashOn_02_16_05.txt
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 02:03
if I place TELEPORTER IN on the 4th floor and TELEPORTER OUT on the first floor and use it, I take falling damage.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 02:07
Well, you're still under the Unknowns, but I am debating putting you under Possible Bugs.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 02:16
Difficulty in being able to delete doors is certainly a problem. Presssing delete just pops up the propeties dialogue box. Easiest way is to delete the tiles each side it sits over then redo the tiles.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 02:40
The DOMRAY RunTimeError Crash has been reclassified as a Possible Bug. It is no longer an Unknown, DOMRAY seems to think it is caused by having too many objects ina a level.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 04:17
The small armory prefab has TWO doors. It only comes to light if you change the key name. The key will open the first door but not the second.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 06:26
Changing the LIVES at the Player Properties doesn't have an effect if the game is in testingmode. It shows allways 99. Changing HEALTH works fine.
The Nerd
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 06:46
I just went into fpsc to see if i could change the LIVES. It also showing 99 here but not when i build the final EXE.
and yes changing HEALTH works fine.

looking for Royalty free 3D objects?
then Check PanzerGames at this link :
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 07:24
Very well, into Current Minor Bugs it goes...

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 07:34
I found another one. The green circle of the mas36 ammo is not centered on the ammo.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 17:39
Quote: " Thanks Coldnews. I'll name it after you since The Nerd already has one."

charming. - the worlds first solo band.
New coldnews single avalable from here
Freddy 007
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 19:53 Edited at: 17th Feb 2005 19:54
This is hard to explain...
When I make a corridor, right besides a room, the corridor kinds og cuts though the wall, and gets visible in the room, where you shouldn't be able to see it. Don't know if this is a bug, but I had to rearrange my level to get it to fit.
If noone understands me, then I will post a sreenshot(can't do it right now, compiling two levels with Full Lightmapping ).
i don't know if this is classified as a bug, but it's definately annoying.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 20:04
I always arange my corridors so they do not run directly next to a room, but have at least 1 square clearence.


"What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not'release' software. It escapes leaving a bloody trail of developers and quality assurance people in its wake!"
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Posted: 17th Feb 2005 20:05 Edited at: 17th Feb 2005 20:07
I'll post a screenshot of the problem once I'm done compiling.
It's only in the cornors..
I'll post a screen...

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Posted: 18th Feb 2005 00:36
When I launch FPS Creator, I get two items on the task bar FPS Creator and mapEditor. Then the mapEditor goes away from the task bar and the system slows down and it takes FPS creator 5-30 minutes to respond.

When checking the CPU usage I find it %100 solid...
Both FPS Creator and mapEditor are splitting the CPU.
When I exit out of FPS creator the CPU usage drops to 1-2%

I've attached my system info


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Posted: 18th Feb 2005 02:31
Corridors are slightly bigger than one quare which is what is probably causin you your problems KLU 007.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 18th Feb 2005 19:58
my map editer don,t lode most of the time i have to reinstale restart etc. i'm using a laptop with 500meg ram intel p4 radenon 9000 32 meg video
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Posted: 19th Feb 2005 06:11
When I right click on an entity, then chancel, the icons on my editor tool bar are grayed out, they have come back but the last time I had to close the program and re-start.

Toshiba Sattelite, 2GHz,Nvidia GeForce4 420go, Windows XP Home.
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Posted: 19th Feb 2005 10:34
ACK! bdigital English or Nihongo please! These are the only languages I know. Well I know only a little of Nihongo (Japanese for you non-speakers).

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 19th Feb 2005 11:08
Ominous, no one was asking you, this is a bug thread.

Toshiba Sattelite, 2GHz,Nvidia GeForce4 420go, Windows XP Home.
Rick O
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Posted: 19th Feb 2005 23:46
I keep running into inconsistencies when I try to modify settings when editing entities. Sometimes it works, but most times it doesn't. When it works, selecting Apply Changes sends me back to the level editor and the changes take. When it doesn't it just sits there and I exit by clicking the map. When I go back to edit, the parameter (Name, Action, etc.) hasn't changed. Are others seeing this? (BTW, I was originally seeing all sorts of problems until I went from 512M of memory to 1G.)
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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 02:34
I've noticed a couple times when I clicked Apply that it missed
the click. If it takes, it will exit to the editor. If it doesn't,
click Apply again. Might help.


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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 04:30
small suggestion ... can you make the "-" and "+" signs of the keypad at the right of the keyboard work to move thru layers while developing .... currently, I find using the keys besides the number row not effcient .... thx
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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 05:08
Lift Bug? The manual says enemies are not supposed to follow you into a lift. I beg to differ I was experimenting with making lifts and a SS Officer followed me into the lift and came out at the bottom. Another time, he got stuck in mid air inside the lift tube. See attached scrennie.


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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 07:00

Brilliant deduction, however, I am the one who started the thread (in case you didn't read the first post), and I'm the one who has been keeping it updated until the bug database has a go. It becomes much harder for me to edit the bug list in my first post if I can't read what the bug is. If the bug isn't posted in my bug list, then people may not find out about it, and thus confirm it.

@Everyone else
Good. I have noticed the apply bug as well in my maps. I will edit my original post and make it a current bug. Thank you.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy

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