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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Post Bugs Here

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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 09:33 Edited at: 20th Feb 2005 10:09
This may be related to KLU 007's problem. When you place an access corridor as a lower right segment, part of the outside is missing, where it ought to be closed. I have attached a picture (in wireframe mode so you can see the inside.)

EDIT: Finally figured out there are corner segments, but I'm still
not sure that's what I need here.


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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 09:54
i have no idea if this has been posted yet, but i'm 99% sure it has. if you jump off of an object (say a box) and would normally hit your head on the ceiling and then come back down again, well if you just HOLD the jump key, you can stay on the ceiling without falling down until you either let go of the jump key, or walk into a wall or some object on the ceiling
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 12:24
Quote: "I keep running into inconsistencies when I try to modify settings when editing entities. Sometimes it works, but most times it doesn't. When it works, selecting Apply Changes sends me back to the level editor and the changes take. When it doesn't it just sits there and I exit by clicking the map. When I go back to edit, the parameter (Name, Action, etc.) hasn't changed. Are others seeing this? (BTW, I was originally seeing all sorts of problems until I went from 512M of memory to 1G.) "


Many times you have to repeatadly hit apply and/or wait for changes to take effect. If you left click out then the only changes that keep are movement changes you have made to the entity.

I too have 512 megs of RAM.

It would be nice if there was a way to edit entity properties WITHOUT invoking the "zoom down to entity" procedure as this seems the likely culprit of gobbling up all the memory.
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Posted: 20th Feb 2005 12:26
Ominous - not sure if this got picked up from an older thread:

Originally reported by slacer, confirmed by me.

The "slacer dissappearing prefab bug"?
Freddy 007
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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 03:03 Edited at: 21st Feb 2005 03:09
You can blow up the Win Zone with explosive weapons

I place a Win Zone right in front of the player, and I place some Bazooka ammo right besides the player.
I run the game, collect the explosives, and shoot uncontrolably on the Win Zone. Then I walk into the place where the Win Zone was places, and nothing happens.

Then I have another bug, but I need to test it some more times before I can explain what happens. It's something with a lift tube and a Win Zone...

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 08:48
I will need confirmation for the Win Zone one. I don't mean to offend you KLU 007, but you could just be doing something wrong. If you post another post saying you have made other Win Zones that work I'll put it in the Possible Bugs. If you someone confirms it, I'll post it in Current Bugs. Cloud of Crows, thanks for the Slacer Disappearing Prefab Bug. I already have the "hit apply button several times" in the Current Bug list. It's called The Rick O Apply Bug.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 09:58 Edited at: 21st Feb 2005 09:59
Tried to post this earlier, but didn't take.... hmmm

Anyway "the sliding zombie" bug:

Make a few connected rooms and drop down some zombies (mostly static ones, maybe a few pistol holders). Set thier fpi scripts to cautious, coward, etc. Now give yourself a colt or some other light weapon and walk around shooting the zombies to get them moving.

If the stars are aligned correctly you get to see the zombies slide across the floor without moving thier feet. weird.

If anyone can confirm this odd behavior I would be most greatfull

Then again maybe my zombies are just trying out as moonwalking extras for the next thriller video. (ouch that may have been too 80's of a reference )
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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 11:08
I have seen something similar to this in the MMORPG Asheron's Call 1. Lag would cause monsters that were chasing you to slide along the ground. It's probably due to lag, but I'll post it. You never know, maybe they can fix it.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 13:45 Edited at: 21st Feb 2005 13:49
I can confirm Cloud of Crows finding, but with the Aiko scifi character in the science lab prefab.

Also, here's a picture showing Aiko using the chase.fpi script that's a little strange.

And, with the sniper script, after she shoots one of the windows out, you can go in and stand beside or behind her and she just stands there.


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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 13:47
That's completely possible, but there were no other obvious slow downs.

I think the lag was probably in the AI running the script as there was a lot to contend with - large room, several AI's running, open roof showing the skybox, stairs up to an open platform and so forth.

The game ran great, but I'm thinking the AI got frazzled and stopped running through the script hence it probably skipped whatever animation commands it was given (this could also be an internal thing). I know Lee was experiment with AI drop when too much was going on, maybe this is a side effect?

I couldn't replicate it in a large closed room with multiple entities (zombies) so I think I'll dig up the test level agaian and see if I can determine if it's a specific forumla that causes it (i.e. unarmed zombie + coward.fpi + stairs in close proximity) or if it is just some kind of lag going on.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 16:28

I m running in 1024x768 and in test mode or build exe mode I get a line of the window frame running from the top to the bottom on the right side of the display.

Also in the ScFi 1 tutorial I can just walk up to the table and I step up on to it, not sure if this is a bug but shouldn't I have to jump up to get on to the table?

Thank you

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 19:50
Peter, I could not reproduce the number of lives bug. Can you please upload a .fpm that shows this up.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 20:08
famdylan - press Alt+Tab and you should see the map. Let me know if this sorts out the problem of not seeing the map in the Editor. We will make sure the map editor updates better.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 20:14
Tariq, I cannot reproduce the error you talk about with draw only walls and then click on UNDO. Works fine fot me. Can you post some screen shots to show what's wrong?

Beware that UNDO will undo the last session of painting, not just one cell of segment painting.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 20:20
JerBil, the setup.ini is being read by both the game and the editor. Best for now to leave it as installed and only change ini files for your built games.

For V1 we are planning to have a res change option inside the final exe game menu structure.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 20:23
Cellbloc Studios, when you set your res so high you actually got to see hidden sprite data that Lee placed out there. This will be fixed in V1 (he'll put them much further away)!

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 20:26
jcleaver, if McAfee is set to watch memory then it could be scanning the memory all the time (as FPSC does a lot of intensive memory work). Best to disable memory checking when FPSC is working).

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 20:34
Ominous, the map you lost due to the crash was a shame all round. For you because you lost a lot of work and for us to help fix such issues. I guess now you continue to save your work and best practice is to keep changing the save name, eg:


This way you can revert back to older versions.

If you or anyone else has a pre-crash level that just needs a few more tiles to send it over the edge then please send to us so we can fix.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 20:57
Ominous, the player has hard coded armour to give it a super human advantage over the enemies. So just tweak your enemies and weapons to create the game play you want. I would suggest we make the armour value editable in a future version.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 21:45
Cloud of Crows - the sliding enemies is due to enemies not having enough AI time to react to being shot. I have spoken to Lee about this and currently the way the AI system works the time splicing of enemies has to be dynamic and as quick as possible. For now you will need to limit the number of enemies.

In future we would have more pre-calculated AI info. This will be quicker and efficient.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 22:00
fpsdave, are you still suffering from error 56?

No one else has reported this issue. Let me know the latest.


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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 22:06
i just researched in KLU007`s bug i actually found out that you not destroy the win zone with explosive weapons.. No... You actaully blow the winning zone around!!! You can also do this with sound zones.
Okay here`s what i did:

I made a room using segments.
Then i placed a winning zone in a corner.
I placed a rocket launcher too.
Then i runned the game. I took the rocket launcher and start shooting in the corner were the winning zone were.
Then after i shot at it a pretty long time (6 shots) i tried walking over at the corner were i placed the winning zone. But i was not there! i didn`t complete the game! i started walking around the room and suddenly i totally other place than were i placed it i completed the game! this also happen with sound zones. I have not tried it with other markers but it looks like it`s a bug with markers. By the way it only work with explosive weapoens.

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 22:38
That jump on barrel bug was my finding! Not Jasuk70.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 00:12
(not sure if this is posted)

I just have a little problem with the manual. In the fpi scripts section, it doesn't list the desc = X condition or whatever. I'm not sure exactly what it does, but I think it just describes the scripts action.

Sorry if it really is in there or this has been posted already. I did a search on desc and only got some description stuff.

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 02:08 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2005 02:25
Wow! Look at all these posts. Sorry Jordan Sidall, but I named that one after the guy who created the game. It was my first bug post, and I hadn't developed a "formula" for naming.

A lot of "Bugs" have been reclassified. Thanks for the attention RickV.

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 09:44
Weird bug(?!?) with scripts. If you change animate=2 in the script follow.fpi it shows no appreciable difference in the entities behavior.

In other words if you try to change it to animate=32 (slow crouch) or animate=5 (move fast) the entity stills animates using animations equence 2 (move slow)

I'm guessing during waypoint finding the entity ignores animation changes. dunno.

Originally reported by Jordan Siddall in this thread:
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 11:21
O.k. I replicated my lab wall bug on the new video card.

Essentially on a certain segment of the lab walls the chaingun type decals get clipped halfway off. See the attached screenshot. If anyone can replicate and confirm it would be much appreciated


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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 20:56
I really hate that I can't script now...
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 20:58
COCS (cloud of crows studios). I like ur HUD. sorry for going off topic. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 22:55
Cloud of Crows Studios, Lee says that animation should work after you do your waypoint action. eg Waypoint Next, then you animation command.

If you are doing animation first and then a waypoint action then it may be over riding the anim command.

This advice is off the cuff (as we are busy on the trial version)!

The cut off bullet holes will need more inspection by Lee. We are adding it to our list of known bugs.

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 00:24
What about my bug? How come I can't script?
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 02:26
Jordan - I can't replicate your version of the bug (that entities don't move) only that they won't use different animation sequences while patroling waypoints.
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 02:55
No, I load up a script and save it in user. I load up the script up on enemy he just stays still doing nothing.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 03:38
But unless someone else can confirm it then it's something you may doing by mistake and not realizing it. Remain calm you've reported it, now lets see if anyone else can duplicate it
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 04:21 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2005 04:22
ok... It's really terrible though! I have to use FPSC the baby way...
Not being able to script is like having my wee wee cut off.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 05:02
I have a blinking dynamic light in my level. When I run the level using test mode it works fine. When I compile it doesn't show up. Anybody else see encounter this?
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 06:14
@FernandoK, Yup been reported a few times.


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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 06:31 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2005 06:31
File this under "it could be a bug, but we can't really tell yet"

Since dynamic lights aren't working right I can't verify it, but I think lights will not work as entities (that is you can't have them follow waypoints or chase you, etc.)

Dynamic lights should definately be able to use scripts as entities... if they don't... which we can't tell... yet...
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 06:37
Dynamic lights don't work in *.exe. You'll have to wait till V1.

@Cloud of Crows
File what under "it could be a bug, but we really can't tell yet"? Jordan Sidall's problem or FernandoK's problem.

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 08:51
Neither one of those.

This one:
Quote: "Since dynamic lights aren't working right I can't verify it, but I think lights will not work as entities (that is you can't have them follow waypoints or chase you, etc.)

Dynamic lights should definately be able to use scripts as entities... if they don't... which we can't tell... yet... "

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 14:19
Riiigggghhhhhht.... I'm not quite sure that's a Bug. (Boy, this post will play havoc on anybody using a free translator to read the boards.)

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 22:30
When trying to get a Zombie to spawn after dying, the only thing spawning is his weapon, which floats in the air.
Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 24th Feb 2005 16:15
I've got a zombie dropping it's pistol after it's dead; the pistol drops through the floor. I have 384MB memory; I think that's what's causing that and other strange collision problems (Like being able to walk through enemies).

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Posted: 24th Feb 2005 20:55 Edited at: 24th Feb 2005 21:02
With the demo :

Bugs :
A) Seems that you can push people around - literally, when testing a level, if you only shoot them just a little.
B) The German with the bazooka obviously has a deathwish - he fires the weapon and blows himself up.
C) Slows down a lot on my development machine (2.4Ghz Intel Geforc4 mx), whenever there is at least one baddie visible.
D) Very slow in re-loading map after finishing with testing a level.

Other :

A) Trying to position anything in the top-left corner of the map window is very difficult as you cant see the exact position.
B) Annoying having to press the cancel button in the entity/prefab/segment etc menu list before being able to select another tab.
C) Progress details needed to portal generation and various other bits when floor optimisation is active - otherwise people will think the level generator has crashed.
D) Light from inside a door is visible around the door frame. Examine the door with the included level.

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Wayne total loser
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 04:17
After I build a game (3 levels), and then run it...I can get through level one and then into level two, but once I get through level two, and when it starts to go into the level three load screen the program crashes and I get the following message.............:

RuntimeError 118- Array does not exist or array Subscript out of bounds at line 6617

What am I doing wrong???

Squids Revenge
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 08:47
When I click the "Test Levle" button, I get a runtime error saying: runtime error 3002 at line 9488.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 11:56
I use Windows XP Media Center Edition, and have auto-hide enabled for my taskbar. I noticed that during the menu editing, I moved my cursor to the task bar, and when it popped up, the map shook violently.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 12:00
I also noticed that when I click Segments, a blue box appears on the map, but flashes.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 12:18
typo!!! when previewing the game, it says "initialising player".

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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 15:50
And whats wrong with "initialising player" ?

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