Site Updated A Lot
I revamped the last 3 chapters, edited them and corrected some major code problems that somehow slipped by me. I also edited Chapter 5 GREATLY, gave a more detailed explanation of DB's basic commands and collision theories, and altogether fixed everything. The new chapter is up featuring polygonal collision and I'll pick up tomorow, I have a half day of school so I should have some time to add a chapter.
Also, pretty soon I'll be releasing some media for download, just a heads u. It'll be a map file, a character, a gun, an enemy, the weapons, a HUD picture, other pictures, textures, some random objects like boxes and barrels, and possibly more. Not too soon but I'm just letting you know, duno why
Thanks for all the great comments so far, It's been helping a lot of people from what I understand.
P.S: Antidote thanks for the reminder on the variable definition, I'll be fixing that in the next chapter. As I said this is my first time making an FPS aswell
P.S.2: I'll be updating the website soon aswell (possibly even tonight) with a lot more resources for newcommers (a bunch of snippets, the tutorial will finally be features on the site, the forum will be back up, ad other things aswell). So, an all around productive week for is ahead!