Something suggested, and well looks like no one started a thread, so I decided to, each month there will be a theme for 3D modelling and you gotta make a scene based around the theme, and they'll be a 'due in date' and you gotta post you finals in on/before that date, after the date you go into a voting stage, people can say what the like the best, and the winner can choose the next theme, also you can post your work in progress screens as well.
Due in date : 25th August (this one will be short, oh well) votes by the end of the month
Theme: Your favourite character from a movie or a game, or just a character of your choice.
May sound hard for you non character modellers, but Spongebob the movie, is a movie isn't it, and patrick is an easy model
So once you've picked your character post an image of it, then get your but into gear
I'm being realistic, and realised I haven't the time to do Azumi
and well on the due in date I'm gonna have to ask some one to do that bit for me, as I will not be here, my holiday starts on the 20th