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Program Announcements / AGE, the free game editor

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 03:32 Edited at: 19th Nov 2008 12:54
EDIT 19/11/08
AGE is currently being hosted on


Hello there,

After many conversations and moments of contemplation, the decision to make AGE free as chips was made. AGE is a game editor, kind of like a level editor, but through the ability to place entities and the seamless intergration with the rather nifty frameworks and the editor itself, well it grew a bit.

The editor allows you to place objects around either a grid or your own terrain - which can be made in the editor via the terrain generator - or infact, any other object. from a castle on a hill, to a mug on a table. It uses a built in real time level loading system, so memory usage is at a minimum, and of course, first load is pretty instant.

As for the current frameworks, there's two of them. One covers the basics of using AGE, another covers that with a bit of multiplayer. Both use the real time loading system, for that super speed, low memory usage and huge level capability. There's also a lighting system that allows for the use of unlimited lights, though that's not completely done.

Both the frameworks and the editor are not totally finished, but they're certainly usable enough for you to start having a bash at making a game with. My todo list is continually growing.

Due to DBSpot deadage, AGE can now be found here.
This site is hosted for free by FXTC.
The file itself is hosted for free by Drew Cameron.
Be sure to check out there sites!

If you have any questions, then you can either email me, or join #coding on

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 09:55
Excellent Aura. I take it this is what you have been showing me on MSN?

Looks REALLY NICE. Downloading now.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 13:46
Cheers buddy.

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Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 14:24
I tend not to download .exe after i got a datamine on my pc from an exe file

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 14:31
It's a self extracting archive made with tugzip, was a rar but, I find that a lot of people complain about using that rather awesome format.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 16:43
Plus, I trust Aura. Aura just a question why is it that creating a new object gets rid of the other one i just built?

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 16:48
It doesn't. Selecting an object changes the mouse object/brush into that object, in a ghosted form. then you place and rotate your object where you'd like it, and when happy with where it is, you hit the return key, and your object is built.

If however, you are hitting the return key, then something's broken.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 16:48
Heh, My Bad.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 16:54
Mine really, I need to make some help documents. When I have more time, I'll sit down and make some, or one.

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Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 16:57
Thanks i'll check it out it does look cool well done on creating such a good program

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 17:18
Great, thanks.

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Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 17:35
I've got loads of stuff i'm working on now if you can help. like a simulation game would you be able to help with that thanks

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 17:41
If you or anyone would like a hand, then email my msn addy, or add it, or even better, join #coding on

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 21:05
very nice works

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optical r
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 21:54
thanks man! ill check this out

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 23:25
@ Aura,

Looks excellent - will mailback this thread
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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 15:56
Thanks peeps.

Quote: "will mailback this thread"

Me too.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 01:15
I lubu Aura

perty nice...

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 15:27
Well I wub u too Joel, even though your sig has vanished.

Almost Important information!

I'm going to add collision detection to the frameworks next. I can't say when, because I'm so very busy, but I can say that it will be soon-ish. Possibly. Although I don't have collision checking in there yet, there is actually collision data stored for levels that are made in AGE. Default Collision information is stored in a FileName$+".set" file where the object files are. And that data is kept in the saved level file, and when that level is loaded, that data is stored in Level_Objects(Obj,9). So now I just need to tell it what to do with each collision type.

And one of my future plans for AGE that you may all like is environment emulation. This is where the environment in the scene in AGE is visually accurate to what you will see in the framework. This will be done by adding fog, and working lights. Maybe even a day cycle thingie! But I need to make teh codez for that yet.

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optical r
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 15:42
wow! ive scrapped my multplayer engine and set up your framework into my game and. it. works! its absolutrly fanticque!

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 17:14
Wow, thanks. Though that's not finished either. But yes, all is quite usable. And thanks to ben for multisync!

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optical r
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 17:19
hope you dont mind but ive given you credit for the code - why not try my game. all instructions/download here:

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 17:27
That's what it's there for.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 21:53

I pwn.. this glove.
optical r
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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 13:47
@Aura: I don't know if you can help me here but ive tested the mulitplayer system (finally) and it works!. A couple of queries though:

1. am i right by saying that clients only appear at the same time on each others' screens when they become within a certain range of each other

2. HOW do i fill in the movements of the players. I ask this becuase when a player moves in fornt of me, the positionj nly updates when the server displayes the new co-ordinates of the two players. How do i make them 'appear' to move in BETWEEN these 1/2 second intervals?

I'd greatly appreciate any advice as my game depends on it - lol!

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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 17:02 Edited at: 25th Aug 2005 18:36
1. Yes. (And since posting this, I've made setting that value much easier to alter)
2. For that you'd probably want a prediction system, or to gradually move the players from the current position to the new one. So you'd move it closer each loop. And remember to use the delta command when you move things, as that keeps everything going at the same speed.


As said above, I've made the server slightly better. Now you can set the ip in the "config.ini" file, and set the distance value where players are notified of eachoter in the settings.dba file. The server code is attached, just replace your current files with these ones and delete the "settings.txt" file, you'll be able to keep your old accounts. You'll need Multisync to compile this code.

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Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 18:51
wow.. I hate click n' play tools, but I confess
you are doing the greatest work at easy game designing
I did ever see since T3DGM

By the way I found yours much better


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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 19:01 Edited at: 25th Aug 2005 19:02
Wow, thanks.
I remember getting the 3DGM, and the hours of fun that entailed. I do actually keep that in mind while working on this. It made me conclude that using editable frameworks instead of just exporting the code or the game would allow for a much higher level of customisation, while ensuring simplicity by using AGE. So your comments are much appreciated, as are the comments of everyone else, and of course optical r‘s early and excellent use of the multiplayer framework. It really makes it worth while.

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Ian T
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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 20:52
You rock Aura

I'd definatly use this if my game didn't require a lot of detailed and specific stuff in the editor.

Well done. Nice GUI too.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 20:58 Edited at: 26th Aug 2005 23:31
Cheers roomy. Just out of curiosity, what were those things that you would need to make your game in AGE?


Today I finished with AGE 1.0.1 which has a better collision setting system, and have added collision to the frameworks! It's not totally finished, but it works, and I have to go out now. I'll upload the new AGE tomorrow, as I'm sure you can live without it for a day, but the news frameworks can be found in here:
So give them a bash. I've also seperated the prefabs, as this keeps things in order and saves me having to keep uploading them. So yes, I'll upload the prefabs, and the new AGE tomorrow. Bye now!

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Posted: 26th Aug 2005 15:18
This is looking great. Jees, many new gaming editors recently! Great work. Aura. Keep it up.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2005 17:08 Edited at: 26th Aug 2005 23:34
Thanks, and I will.

I've uploaded the new AGE and the prefab pack, and also updated the site. Dooby do

Now, if you haven't got AGE yet, you'll need the prefab pack. So that's two downloads, but what to do should be quite clear on the site. If you have got AGE already, then you already have the prefab pack, so you only need to download the new AGE and replace all of the given files. Have fun!

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Megaton Cat
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Posted: 26th Aug 2005 20:58
Looking pretty good.

I like the landscapes at that little village prefab pack.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 14:26 Edited at: 28th Aug 2005 14:31

Right, very important update!

Lastnight, while very tired, I added a snap to grid feature to AGE. I remade Prefab Pack 1(now it uses a smaller terrain, and the textures have been made nicer). I changed the collision in the frameworks slightly, and gave them new maps which use the new prefab pack 1. I also made the server slightly better by adding a maximum players display, and resetting the player start position(currently line 90 of "data control.dba", will add map reading soon so changing this may be avoided). With the client, I added the ability to store the last sent position, so if that position hasn't changed, new data won't be sent to the server as it isn't really new data anyway.

While uploading these, I fell asleep, and have updated the site this morning, and am now making this post.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 15:10 Edited at: 28th Aug 2005 15:10
i keep getting errors on the makeing terrain window thing. Images are missing for files or something...

I am also getting some errors in the frameworks too...
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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 15:11
What are the errors?

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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 15:18
"Runtime error: Images can not be found" - in the terrain window
The tab in the terrain window just exits out of the program
"Terrain data missing: Check images"

Stuff like that

In the frameworks
I am getting Unknown sub errors, DWOD errors, etc.
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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 15:26 Edited at: 28th Aug 2005 15:37
I'm looking into it right now. The AGE error probably has something to do with me removing files for updates, so I'll try and add them now. The framework error sounds totally odd. What version of DBP are you using?


Ok, the AGE error is happening because there's no "terrains" folder in the "prefabs" folder. You can either make a terrains folder there, or download prefab pack 1 and stick its contents into the prefabs folder to fix that. The whole terrain generation system needs to be changed tbh, so I'll leave this untill then.

"Terrain data missing: Check images" isn't really an error. It's telling you to get some images for the terrain. Otherwise you'd be making it from nothing.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 15:49 Edited at: 28th Aug 2005 16:00
well thats another problem i been getting..

The prefab pack extract program is broken and it gives a microsoft error and then closes so i cant get the prefab pack'

And i am useing the latest dpb

It giving me a runtime error right now. When i load a hieght map to use witht the terrain in the terrain window it crashes "Runtime error: 506 image not found at line 2286
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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 21:11 Edited at: 29th Aug 2005 21:36
The new prefab pack is up again, so redownload that. Did you follow my "make a terrains folder in the prefabs directory" anyway, because that should fix that. As for the framework error, if you do have the latest version of dbp, then I'm not sure why that's happening.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 18:00
Okay, I hate to double post. I really do, but as nobody else is going to, and this is a mighty important update, screw it.

New mighty important update to AGE and frameworks!

AGE now has the ability to check for a file of the same name with a "_lm" before the file extension, and if there is one, then it is placed where you place the original file, and ghosting is applied. This is for lightmaps that some modelers export seperate to the objects. Super handy.
I'm not sure if I mentioned the snap-to-grid feature, but yeah, that's in there too, and the snap-to-grid interval can be set inside of the "config.ini" file.

As for the frameworks, both the basics and the multiplayer one have updated load level and real time loading functions, which loads the ghosted lightmaps.
The multiplayer one has been made much better, with the ability for clients to send messages out via one function:

I could probably update that a tad more to include the players number, or maybe it already does, but yeah, it's good. Player names are now printed above their heads. And finally, Players slowly go to their new position, which looks nicer than the old, sudden way. Also, the server now reads the level itself, to get the player start position and stuff. And I'm done.


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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 19:07 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2005 21:54
Hi Aura,
This is looking good!

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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 17:45 Edited at: 16th Sep 2005 17:47
Cheers Drew. As is Katie.

Not really an update, but a thought of what I'll do next. Currently, the levels are continually held within arrays. This allows me to do the real time loading of them, which allows for bigger worlds with less RAM usage. However, if you were to make a HUGE level, like a world, then those arrays would start to take up too much RAM also, and everything would suck. My idea is to read the level file repeatedly, while going around the level, say every time you go past a set distance from the last load, and if an object in the file is near enough, then it will be added to the array, while objects that are now out of the distance*size range will be replaced with blank reusable array fields. It should work perfectly, and I will be trying it out now-ish.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 18:14
@ Aura,

What's the eta on the idiot proof (ie. me) help guide?
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 19:13
Erm. How badly is it needed?

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Ian T
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:54
I decided early on that my gameworld would be split into individual levels, so a world grid wouldn't be neccesary. Obviously a big step to tackle. Good luck with it

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Posted: 25th Sep 2005 21:11
Consider it tackled! I've added the system that I mentioned above to the basics framework, and it works perfectly. Now I'm going to stick it into age, which will mean modifying it slightly, but I'll get it done. I'm also adding additional object properties to age, such as transparency, fade, something else..

But yes, all goes well.

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Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 25th Sep 2005 21:57
looks and sounds great I'll defently download this

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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 07:14 Edited at: 29th Sep 2005 07:19
Thanks DBM. Tell me how you get on.

New site design up. With this one you have to register to use it.

As for progress on AGE. Object entity storage is now implemented, I just need to make a new window for object entity alterations. I believe this to be the most powerful feature yet, as if it were to be combined with a framework with a powerful enough parser, which I intend to eventually work on, AGE would be independent.

ie, bye bye DBP!

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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 22:37 Edited at: 29th Sep 2005 22:46
Here is my free prefabs

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