ignore this zip, i uploaded the wrong version and appollo wont let me get it back
ok keyword exporting with tooltip guides is in. you must put the dbdoc header above the function name for it to work, so that only important functions get highlighted and not private functions, additionally dbdoc is 99% complete, just need a small tweak on the exporter. Do you guys prefer html or rtf export?
I made an html exporter, but seeing how im using a vanilla richtextbox already it would be very easy to just save the project as richtext.
*strings are now colored (they were before but rewrote the blazingly fast coloring routine from scratch and had to add it back in)
*moved to a more netbeans style look (red/navy blue/grey/magenta/black/purple) rather than that harsh green for comments (looks much better) code is now colored once upon startup and then line by line afterwards (the startup coloring has no progress bar because if you can see the bar fill up, the routine is coloring words way too slow)
*dbdoc is nearly done, and the dll manager has more options for saving profiles to you can select dll profiles quickly
*grouping the snippet and project repository by folder,rather than just plainly by lists, so you have more conrol.
*trying to find out why project windows prompt you three times to see if you want to save.
additionally im adding a save project as binary option, to allow you to save the project into a single file, so that your whole package can be in a jar type structure.
im going to play around with the winXP themes (not the .net look, but winXP type buttons and menu's)and allow you to drag and drop things into your toolbox. and as soon as i figure it out, ill let you vbscript the text editing to make custom routines, like custom indenting, or put a space between every other line. itll be really cool.
*thinking about releasing snippets of the IDE source code but not quite sure, i need to think about that
put that in your pipe and smoke it!