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Program Announcements / Quikly 3d Model Pro: Full version & Free version available, & demo & screenshots

Megaton Cat
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 17:47
Dammit Kangaroo, where's your email adress???

Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 24th Feb 2006 19:53
Um lol Badger king I think that counts as spam! Do you mean get models from the Quikly Model Pro to FPSC? I haven't triedit but I've been told that the models supplied with the EA versions go into fpsc fine (the are .x modes) When things settle down I'll find out my copy of fpsc and try it properly.

Megaton, I don't post my email addy here as last time I did it satrted a blumming spam marathon which crashed my server lol I've sent you na email instead so you'll have my addy to reply to. Thanks

Preorder EA here:
+ Model Pro out now in Program Announcements!
Uncle Sam
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Posted: 5th Mar 2006 02:16
No one seems to know how to make thread-titles short anymore. It's sad.

Uncle Sam
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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 04:04
All of these links are broken
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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 08:24
Am I the only one who didn't receive an email with download instructions? On Kang's site it says everyone has--- but not me. And it says his site will be upon March 20th.

So far, after over a month, I still haven't received the package-- and I emailed him about it but haven't received a reply.

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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 09:09
Same here. Tried to contact Sam but with no result.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 09:31
Here's the last email I received from him around the 14th of March. It should answer some questions about what has been going on, hopefully he doesn't get mad I pasted this.

Quote: "Introduction :

Welcome to the First Quikly Chronicle. I am writing this on the 14th of March, one whole month after the official launch of Quikly 3d Game Studio Pro. What a month it has been! Those who have been following it on the forums and k2dn will know that I have had manufacturing problems at all stages along the way, website problems, computer problems, illness in myself, my wife and my kids, general incompetence from local postal services and essentially everything that could go wrong, did. It has been stressful, nerve wracking and exceedingly expensive! But I’m not here to be negative, I’m here to say what doesn’t beat Quikly can only make it stronger, and no matter how tough stuff gets, I’m in it for the long haul. Quikly has the potential to be the biggest and best software in its class, and I’m glad you’ve all decided to see it through and help it develop. I really appreciate all the support I’ve been getting from emails and through the Quikly community Forums. Thanks all, this one’s dedicated to you!

About the Website:

This website will be re-launched on the 20th of March 2006, it is being re-written in a way that will allow me to update and manage it far easier. No more orders will be taken until the site re-opens. Many apologies to anyone who has emailled me and not got a response, I'll be answering all your queries this coming weekend.

About Deliveries:

I can confirm that all deliveries for people who bought the EA or Full versions up till today have been shipped. Those in the UK whose batches were shipped and didn’t arrive, can rest assured that second lots have been sent out to you also, so within the next few days everyone should have their copies with them. For Non-UK orders, all copies have been sent Airmail, and shouldn’t take long to arrive.

As you know I have been having a lot of trouble with online downloadable versions, but I have spent the last few days with it and have hopefully come up with a solution. Over the next few days I’ll be personally emailing files out for each of you to try in the meantime while waiting for your boxed order to arrive.

People who have been sent free versions for review evaluation, thank you for helping etc will find that your old log-ins can’t download the latest versions of the software. That is simply because I have been flat out getting the paid orders sorted. Yours will get sorted as soon as I get a moment to breathe!

Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding. The orders process is now pretty much sorted and I have learnt from my mistakes and shall be using the main sorting office and sending out a new batch every week, meaning orders in the future should be delivered a lot more reliably.

Article: The Origins, and Future of Quikly

Quikly has been in development since late 2001, but I’ve been making Games making languages and systems since 1989, starting with a basic
level editor for breakout, pacman and space invaders style games on the family’s old CBM/PET, then porting them to Commodore 64 when my parents saw I was developing stuff that was good and programming wasn’t just a fad for me. The first real drag and drop style games creation software I made was “Kangaroo” for the Amiga 500, so called because it let you just “jump” into games creation, and also because collision between the floors and your characters was caused by pixel “bouncing”.

Quikly was initially started as a Dark Basic program for creating 3d
city racing games along the lines of Crazy Taxi and Mid Town Madness,
but allowing you to make your own city. It soon became apparent that the level editor could be used for other styles of games and it became “Kangaroo 2”, and remained under that name for nearly 2 years, and lead to me being known on the Dark Basic forums as “Kangaroo2”. Unfortunately I ran into many speed problems with Dark Basic especially with collisions when levels became complex. I heard about Dark Basic Professional and upgraded, but found virtually none of my code ported over to it as it should and I started again from scratch. After a while a 75% complete version was around, and I started to enquire with publishers and got quite a lot of interest. However, with deadlines and the feeling of less control over the future of the projects made that fall through. Then there came a dispute with using the name “Kangaroo 2” and some of the source code, the project was put on hiatus, and I’d almost given up.

I decided to start again, but with a new name, new methods of coding and editing, with the idea of creating an all encompassing product that would include its own model editor, level editor and everything else someone would need to make games, without having to pay for extra software. With the introductions of new gaming technology such as Direct X 9 shaders, real-time lighting and physics on the horizon with the as yet unreleased but much hyped Half-life 2 and Doom 3, I started to write design documents for a product that would allow you to create games of similar quality, easily, and quickly. I bought, the rest is history, and on the 14th of February 2006, my game maker finally officially went on sale. There’s still a lot of things I want to do with Quikly, and you’ll be here to see it – here’s to the future!

While Quikly 3d Game Studio Pro is still in its infancy, there’s a long way to go from here. There will be little updates often, and big updates in time too, hopefully helping to keep Quikly up to date with new trends and technologies. There will be new software packages, as well as improvements and updates to the existing ones, and all will be free. Be sure to keep checking for the latest new and updates, you can visit k2dn and the forums to read the developer diaries and suggest improvements and new features. And if one day something happens and I can’t release any more updates, I will do my best to get the source code freely available to the community so you guys can keep developing even after I’m gone. But I’m not planning on going anywhere. Quikly has been my own personal project for over 4 years, and a vision of mine for even longer. I’m so glad you chose to be part of it, welcome!

EA Bonus:

As an early adopter (in this case meaning someone who purchased Quikly before the date this Chronicle was published) you are entitled to some benefits, as a thank you for bearing with me over the last few months!

Firstly, everybody is entitled to Half Price Quikly Books. Once a year every December, a professionally produced paperback and hardback book will be produced, as an annual and containing hard copies of all the documentation and tutorials updated on over that year. These won’t contain any content you won’t be able to get for free via the website, but will be an invaluable reference for those of us who like having professionally printed manuals on the shelf, and will also be a nice collectable for the future. As an early adopting user you are automatically eligible for half price copies of these books

Secondly, everybody is entitled to a free email subscription to
Kangaroo2 monthly newsletter, which will usually be only available via educational packages. The newsletter will start at the end of the year and will cover games design, theory and history, along with tutorials for non Quikly apps and engines, including game mods.

Thirdly, everybody is entitled to a half price “experience” day in the 9thlife Recording Studio in Somerset, UK. 8 hours recording studio time with a professional producer, you get to take home a mixed cd of your days work and a detailed guide to the music industry – standard price £100, offer price to Quikly users (or their relatives/partners etc) just £50! One voucher per user, contact Sam via PM for details.

There are some more cool bonuses including some cool free stuff on the horizon, I’ll let you all know more about that in next month’s chronicle!

Last Month’s Competition:

Each month there will be a new competition set in this newsletter for
Quikly Users. What you also don’t know is there was a secret competition last month which no-body was told about! I asked a friend of mine to surf through the forums and also my Quikly relative emails folder to find possible Quotes to put on the back of the box design whilst I was in a panic to get it done on time! Essentially they went through finding nice, varied or simply amusing quotes from you guys, chose the best and we put them on the back of the first batch of boxes to look nice and stay there until we get feedback & reviews for a more complete version. Those of you whose quotes were selected, thank you very much, sorry that I couldn’t email you to ask permission first, the time restraints for the printers didn’t leave us such luxury. However you will be emailed personally to let you know of what prize bundles you all are entitled to, including a book, pc game, movie and first edition comic!

This Month’s competition:

The competition this month is simple: design and model a vehicle. All
vehicles modelled and submitted will be added to the media bank and will be royalty free for Quikly users to download and use in their games, so if you aren’t happy with that, don’t enter – remember that the point in media based competitions is to increase our media bank to help other people make games, and a competition is a fun way to do that and keep the forums busy.


1. The competition is open to anybody, whether a Quikly user or not.
2. Entries must be in my email inbox by midnight GMT on 10th of April
2006. I am not responsible for emails getting lost/not reaching me.
3. There is no limit to the amount of entries per user.
4. The entries will judged by the Quikly forum community, based on a
post which I shall make with screenshots of all the models taken by
myself. There will be no names attached to the pictures so entries will remain anonymous. That way it stays fair, and avoids alliances etc.
5. Because of the above, discussing or showing your competition entry
models on the forums or via forum pm is not allowed

Model Guidelines:

1. Models can be made in any modelling package, but must be standard .x format, with a single UV mapped texture.
2. Wheels must be exported as separate single models to the car body,
each with their own uv mapped texture, or sharing the texture with the body.
3. The body and wheels must have the correct centre of rotation when
4. Polycount limit is 3000 including all wheels. Low to mid poly is


Extra credit will be given for alternative texture jobs, for example
different colour skins, different racing stickers, different dirt maps etc.


The entry with the most votes wins a racing game of their choice for pc, ps2, xbox or gamecube subject to stock, “Dumbo & Cool” game for PC, A signed picture of our un-official sponsor Tiffani Thiessen. If the winner owns a copy of Quikly, they will also receive a copy of the first Quikly book when it is published in December. If the winner is not a Quikly owner, the book will be replaced with a full version of Quikly 3d Game Studio Pro!


That’s about it for this month’s Chronicle, I hope it was an interesting read, it’ll be back roughly this time next month with more news, articles and another competition."

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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 14:36
sam won't get mad, he doesn't get mad, but i'm sure that email was for Quikly users only...

I got my Quikly, i got it saturday..
everyone in britain should be recieving it now, sam had trouble with the post office so he went to a better post office and they came quick enough, sams in the process of updating the site with downloads.

Also, he didn't say anything about downloads being ready, he said he has sent an email which contains info about orders (the fact they have all been sent out) and he explains what he is doing about downloads, thats partly why he is updating the site...

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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 19:44
@ Oolite

I too recieved my copy on Saturday, Awesome!

However i havent been able to use it as the install needs an update from the site and it says it's down.

Is this the same for you?

BTW this is Nemo from the Quikly forums
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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 20:19
hi, well yeah it is the same, if you notice sam has take his WHOLE server down, he was linking his avatar from his site and thats missing, so presumably all the Quikly stuff for the install as well, i'm sure you'll get an email saying when its up, as for me, i'm glad i just have it, i can wait a little longer to install it...

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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 20:27
i think ill buy this as soon as i got the money!!!!

(ok i already got alot but its not for this its for RC)

look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
(its not old yet)
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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 22:59
Quote: "hi, well yeah it is the same, if you notice sam has take his WHOLE server down, he was linking his avatar from his site and thats missing, so presumably all the Quikly stuff for the install as well, i'm sure you'll get an email saying when its up, as for me, i'm glad i just have it, i can wait a little longer to install it..."

Yeh kool thanks for confirming what i thought, i too can wait a lil longer, must say i was pleasently suprised to see the personalised installer!
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2006 08:15 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2006 08:18
Okay, I finally received it in the mail (and I'm in Canada!)--- disappointed to see the unlock server down though.


And I just noticed that the 3D Studio is not actually *on* the CD--- just the installer, which downloads the files from the server. While this is cool and "secure" (albeit), this is not going to be fun everytime you want to reinstall, though. Oh well, I'm sure there will be other options in the future

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2006 16:22
yeah its a nice way of doing things, but i believe thats the trouble he was having in the first place(along with the incompetent manual printers), which caused the delay...
I think it won't be a problem later on because everything will be stable, except for the regular updates etc...

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2006 16:38
Same Question Sam !!
Any news would be good sam .
(anybody else waiting out there )

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2006 16:41
Quote: "This website will be re-launched on the 20th "

Same thing,just a word from the boss .

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2006 19:11
Also waiting...
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2006 19:22
Quote: "Whoops! Temporary Downtime

This website will be re-launched on the 20th of March 2006, it is being re-written and organised in a way that will allow me to update and manage it far easier and quicker, with less downtime and faster download speeds.

I have a large backlog of emails and pms to sort through and reply to, many apologies for the delay in answering them all. Due to this, no new orders will be taken until the site re-opens.

All current orders have been fulfilled and emails sent to all Quikly Users confirming delivery and with details of updates, downloads etc.

Thank you for your patience, Sam "

i wonder,it's already 23th of march,still not opened?
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Posted: 24th Mar 2006 13:36 Edited at: 24th Mar 2006 13:41
I have sent several emails to sam, but no reply, I too have my CD, but like you guys say, cant use it.
Blast, I want to play.
If anyone is intrested, there is a quikly section on my forum, just click the sig.

Game resource forum and arcade, click sig.
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Posted: 25th Mar 2006 15:10
Done my money,no result. I think both Quikly 3d threads should be deleted >


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Posted: 25th Mar 2006 20:37 Edited at: 25th Mar 2006 20:39
It would be nice if he emailed a link to the paid up customers, so we can use what we have paid for.
I don't want to clogg up TGC's forum with complaints of 3rd party software, so thats why I have a Quikly board on my forum.
I have sent 4 emails to Sam, and had no reply, this type of treatment is not good for the software sales of Quikly, All he has to do is write one wmail, adressed to all customers, explaining the problem now, and when, if ever, we will be able to use this software.

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Uncle Sam
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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 03:11
Did it ever occur to you guys that he may have cheated you?

Uncle Sam
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Classic Evil
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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 03:44
Why does eveyone think that this is so much better than piXel viXion.
piXel viXion is completely free and has an unlimited size for textures and "boxes" what ever he means by that

There are two types of people in this world: people who are extremly cool and are good at everything and people who are me.
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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 04:14 Edited at: 27th Mar 2006 04:22
Quote: "Did it ever occur to you guys that he may have cheated you?"

It has been mentioned, we have all attempted to get in touch with Sam, I have asked him to my forum to post, and let us know whats up, but no reply or posts.
I am beginning to think the worst.

What is piXel viXion?

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 08:28
I don't think he cheated us because he is a very respectable member of this forum--- he was even a mod in the past (or so I'm told). Plus he had a fairly good working version of the software that we could try out (with no save capabilities), so it's a pretty elaborate con if it is.

Anyways, I can attest 99.9% that it's not a con, but merely a good example of how to *not* treat your paying customers. For me, there was absolutely no point in paying an extra $10 for faster shipping.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 14:39 Edited at: 27th Mar 2006 14:48
I have to agree with jeku, the con bit is a bit over the top, but it could turn out that it was a unplanned con, something went wrong, and instead of trying to put it right, and let us know, he has run and hid.
I am also concerned, that the date on the temp page on his web site has not changed, if he had planes on a later release, you would think he would change that at least?
I think it is time to give up on Game studio pro.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 14:59 Edited at: 27th Mar 2006 15:04
I'm SO hoping that this is all down to the host of problems he has faced and the fact that he lives in a fairly remote part of the country.. Do they not have internet cafe's where he lives???

The worst part is not being able to do anything about it and having to sit around and wait like mugs for something that may never materialise.. I jus hope Sam is a good person.. I don't like bad people.. lol

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 15:18
I don’t think Sam deliberately set out to con anyone, but I don’t buy the remote area crap either.
In one of his last posts, Sam had mentioned he had a new laptop, if he had internet connection problems, he could buy a cheap wireless card and go to his nearest hot spot, and let us all know what’s going on.
And if he has a phone, he can get dial up, if only to reply to our emails, he has family that can log in to this forum on his behalf, and give us info, all he has to do is pick up the phone, hell if nothing else, get a carrier pigeon.
I am sorry, like I say, Sam is not a con man, but he is bad for putting us all through this, when he could easily let us know what’s up.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 15:49 Edited at: 27th Mar 2006 15:53
I hear what ya saying aoneweb.. however im guessing the UK is a lil different to where you are from.. Sam lives down near Cornwall/Dorset.. which is not the most how do i say "modernised" place over here (no offence to people who live down that way) as such they are less likely to have any hotspots. They're not that frequent in the rest of the country yet either (except places like London etc), and being as there is no MAJOR developments that i'm aware of down there.. i.e shopping centres (or malls, ya know the big mahoosive ones) then they're far less likely to have any hotspots.. I woulda thought there would be a fairly decent internet cafe tho!

Unfortunately not everywhere in the UK has broadband capabilities either the more rural ure location the less likey you are to being able have it, for example i live in a fairly large and very modern city over here and i can only get 1meg BB and no higher. Still no excuse, but i jus wanted to point out that Sam may not be in the same boat as the rest of us!

EDIT: Oh and don't get me wrong i'm a pissed of as the rest of ya!!! Argh!

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 18:49
I don't buy the "remote area" argument either, as he was doing pretty fine updating his blog every single day for that few weeks before he suddenly stopped posting on February 28th.

Chris Franklin
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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 19:17
Quote: "Why does eveyone think that this is so much better than piXel viXion.
piXel viXion is completely free and has an unlimited size for textures and "boxes" what ever he means by that"

Model pro

Your thing

See the difference?

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 20:31 Edited at: 27th Mar 2006 20:36
A big difference,
Quote: "I don't buy the "remote area" argument either, as he was doing pretty fine updating his blog every single day for that few weeks before he suddenly stopped posting on February 28th."

It just feels wrong, I also notice that the domain runs out near the end of May, so he could have pulled the plug.
Sam if you are checking these posts, just do the right thing, and give us our software, if we have got it wrong, then we apologize.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 20:54
So,if I have this right. You all got CDs with functional software. Not blank or anything? All he forgot was to email or include the serial keys?

If the CDs really did have software on it, then id think this is sincerely unintentional

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 21:00 Edited at: 27th Mar 2006 21:01
The cd had no software other than a registration panel, after you typed in your serial, it tries to contact the server to download the software.

Here is a email I sent Sam 5 mins ago, asking him to respond.
Quote: "Could you be kind enough and post on TGC forum or my Forum and just give us some idea what's is going on, I and the rest of the quikly's would really appreciate a word from you.
I hate putting you on the spot, but we are concerned, if quikly is no more, tell us and maybe we can go elsewhere for our software, at least give us what we paid for, it wont cost you to send out email links, so we can download your product.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2006 22:29
I think hes gone with your money...


or not..Who knows?

look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
(its not old yet)
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Posted: 28th Mar 2006 01:33
Quote: "I think hes gone with your money...


or not..Who knows?"

Thats the thing Silver, nobody does know, and thats what we are moaning about.
I hope Sam wasn't a

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Posted: 29th Mar 2006 22:12
he dissapeard...



look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
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Posted: 30th Mar 2006 06:00
I have the answer to all your problems


Making better games everday!
Oh yeah and just so you know its Oh-nek-a not One-ka!
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 30th Mar 2006 18:14
Quote: "I have eaten him...and his website..."

Did they taste good, I always wondered what fried kangaroo tasted like, and eating something electronic must be just shocking.


You can only get away without irritating him with that if he uses gmail, because it comes up as about 5 emails with about 40 emails inside of them (Some git flood mailed me because I sent an angry email for a comment he made to me, but I will refrian from naming the member)

Chris Franklin
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Posted: 30th Mar 2006 18:24 Edited at: 30th Mar 2006 18:25
I'' see if i can find out for ya all

Quote: "(Some git flood mailed me because I sent an angry email for a comment he made to me, but I will refrian from naming the member)

lolz and i know who did that

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Posted: 30th Mar 2006 20:38


look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
(its not old yet)
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Posted: 30th Mar 2006 22:56
Hi all,

I dig up an alternative e-mailaddress from a friend of Sam which he used first for receiving payments through Paypal.
I mentioned this friend that his customers want to get in touch with him desperately and therefore asked him to contact via the threads Program Announcements / Work in Progress.

Hopefully he will contact us.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2006 23:11
And I just created a new thread in Geek Culture to see if I can find any of his friends that might visit there once in a while.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2006 01:34
Build it, and he will come.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2006 17:45
Seems that in older mail Sam mentioned his home address for a bank transfer. I will not mentioned on this board.

He lives in Somerset. Is anyone living in the area ?

Maybe someone can reach him then.
Uncle Sam
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Posted: 31st Mar 2006 23:59
Quote: "I don't think he cheated us because he is a very respectable member of this forum--- he was even a mod in the past (or so I'm told). "

People who you meet online can pretend to be respectable to gain your trust, and then cheat you. Who knows, he may have not even made the program.

Uncle Sam
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Posted: 1st Apr 2006 03:55
We already said that he made a demo which we all tried--- it was close to completion. Therefore the theory that it was all a farce is incorrect for the 100th time

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Posted: 1st Apr 2006 11:32
Maybe one of you guys who lives in the area is willing to make a phone call to him.
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Posted: 1st Apr 2006 16:09
I seem to remember sam saying if he couldent keep up with Quikly 3d ,he would give away the source.Anybody else remember this,I'me waiting .It dosent matter what's gone wrong you can allways post one massage to all the people who are waiting.


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Uncle Sam
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2006 01:16 Edited at: 2nd Apr 2006 01:18
Maybe...maybe he never existed! He was a computer program set up to create and deceive thousands of people an rob them of their cash...and it worked! Glad I didn't fall for it.

Quote: "Model pro

Your thing

I must say that the only difference is that advanced terrain has been added to the shot. That gun offense.

Uncle Sam
Nvidia Geforce 6600 GT 128MB PCIEx, 2.66 GHZ Pentium 4 proccessor, 768MB RAM
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