well, im writing the evalutaion of my coursework now, it seemed to have taken longer than i expected
and i dont want to stay up as late as last time, as i have school tommorow, so we'll see whether i can squeeze in the time.
if not, then bad thing is also, that seing as my coursework deadline is wednesday, i'll also be covered with work to do tommorow aswell, unless i finish it during school breaks and lesson pull-outs, and maybe an afterschool session...hmmm
but the work isnt as large as it is today, the next piece i must finish are just redrafts and small sections of coursework, none the less, things could go wrong...
im sorry for the wait, but i'll eventually get something back to you
No, Duke Blue devils, i do not smell like pig
and good for you lol
RedCore // www.redcore.uni.cc