While I do not pretend to be The Oracle of these forums,or any particularly insightful person,I have noticed a new (might be old)
trend that has started dominating these forums.
WARNING - [b]This will be an exceptionally long vent,so to save yourself time,especially if you have already decided that whatever I have to say is nonsense,please skip ahead.
Recently these forums have taken a serious turn for the worse,there is a constant negative attitude,not only to FPSC as a Tool,but also to any and all people asking questions or submitting work for discussion.
These Individuals,who should appropriately be named DRAMA QUEENS,besides tearing apart almost everything they see also for some reason seem adamant to announce their imminent departure .(WE DON'T CARE.)
As for attacking the program itself and Going off towards mods etc.
Let me be the first to congratulate everyone at TGC for an exceptioanlly powerful tool.
The reason I refer to it as such is that considering the price everyone here has payed for it sand what you can actually do with it,how can anyone complain about one or two bugs.
(I've actually developed on many Engines,including TGE and A6 and these are more difficult and slightly more bug ridden than anything I've seen using FPSC so far.
Complaining about shortcomings , like the infamous NO LADDER,problem only demostrates shortsighted game design,not a real knack for finding a problem like some people here tend to beleive they have.
If you don't have a ladder,design around it,if you can't save,THINK.There are many ways of skinning a cat.
Regarding the MODS - Thank you,I know that you do your best to govern this circus.(You cannot be expected to give technical support to users and most of us understand this.)
I would like to congratulate users,I know I have not contributed nearly enough myself,for all their various contributions and good - spirited offers.
Suggestions for the future:
Let's all be friends (Kidding LOL)
Let's start doing things as a community ,such as
A monthly competition,one level to be designed and evaluated by a panel of judges.
We could speak to some hosting sites to get the winner each month a free hosting for their demo,Perhaps on the profoundly underrated FPS files site.
A NOOB corner,where newbies can get answers to some simple problems etc.
If we do nothing about the current situation we will destroy something that is worthwile and has a lot of potential.
(Feel free to flame or direct hatemail at