It is an FPSC level design competition and the level has to be designed in FPSC.This was discussed during the last level design competition and it was agreed there would be little point in having an FPSC level design competition if you designed it with a world editing program and imported it into FPSC.
VP (or whatever you call yourself these days),e-mail me so I can verify you want to give those prizes away.As far as I know all of the judges from the last competition are going to be judges again.If not I have an alternate judge or two ready.
Let's go over the rules real quick.There aren't too many so it shouldn't be too hard.
1. It must be one level (meaning start to end.You can have as many floors as you want).
2. It must be in the form of an .exe.Some of the judges don't have FPSC on their pcs and they will not be able to compile an .fpm file.
3. It must be uploaded to Ozark Games.Contact Just One Old Man when you are done with your level and wish to upload it.
4. No stealing,cheating,etc.You will get caught and you will be disqualified.
5. The level itself must be made in FPSC.
6. There are no media restrictions that I am aware of.Use whatever you like and you don't have to release it to the community.Make sure you have a license to use it...again,no stealing,etc.
7. Any attempt to erase,delete or edit another person's entry will result in an immediate disqualification.
Higgins came up with a "wave" theme for the level this time and you can read more about that in his post above.
I will let Keith post on what the judges will be looking for when they play the levels and what criteria they will judge them on.
As soon as I verify some of the prizes I will post a complete prize list.
Good luck.