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Program Announcements / Game Manager

Lukas W
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2006 19:31
I call my new application "Game Manager".
it is a program that will give a list of games available for download.
i originally wrote it for my own, but i figured why not expand it a bit and let other people use this too. so i am going to add "add games to list" functionality soon.

at the moment though, you can:
* browse games
* download games
* "install" games (install as in extract them)
* play games
* check for application updates

i can add any game to the list, as long as they follow a few simple rules: so if you would like to get your game listed, follow these rules, upload it somewhere and email or post here, and i will say what information i need.

there are two bugs that i have no clue how to fix, they are:

if anybody would know how to fix that, or would like to help me fix it, i could possibly send the source code via Email or MSN. (would have to be to someone i feel i can trust then).

anyway, here are some screenshots of the application:

and you can download the latest version (0.2) here:

Darth Vader
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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 12:03
Looks really great! Will have to try this a bit later!

Lukas W
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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 13:40
New Version: 1.0.3
download here: - 753kb
OR: go to "check for new updates" if you allready have v1.0.2


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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 18:08
hmm,now we have Gsupport for media,and this for games.(Why not making tabs for wich genre it is?and a search?)

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 19:12
Nice. I like the GUI.

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 19:37
Holy Crap

You a freaking GENIOUS!!!!!!

And I don't say that for everyone.

I love it, its amazing. Its the most amazing idea ever. I downloaded and played enric the night easily.

Lukas W
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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 19:49
Quote: "Nice. I like the GUI."

thanks. it is available for download here:, in case you would like to try it out. (note: this application use that gui, but an updated version of it).

well that was my main goal to be able to download and install games easily.

i originally wrote it for myself to test out how hard it would be to write a steam like application.
but as i went on, and got feedback on it, i decided to release it, and let it become a global darkbasic game manager.
however, i am still not happy with it, i want more features.

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 19:51
Quote: ".(Why not making tabs for wich genre it is?and a search?)"

Quote: " i am still not happy with it, i want more features"

Lukas W
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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 19:54 Edited at: 24th Sep 2006 19:55
haha. i must have missed that one

i am currently trying to add sort functionality, so the user can sort the list by game name, author etc. but i encountered a problem :/

feel free to add games of your own, it would be fun to see this application grow

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 20:03
Quote: "haha. i must have missed that one"

even a men's sharp eye cannot see what comes after the eye.(what i mean by that:You cant see everything by looking trough all the miss something sometimes.)

Gamedesign er20
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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 20:57
Annoyingly it does not work on my computer, it says something about not having a dll. I have no idea how to fix it

Cocacola and Pepsi aren't that differnt. Deal with it.
Lukas W
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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 09:58
well what is the name of the dll?
the only dll i use externally is "urlmon" which lets me download using http. check your windows/system32 folder to see if you have that dll.

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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 19:06
he has FPSC,so it cant be the D3D_28.dll one.

i think it misses a file DBP uses default.(or Urlmon as lukas stated)

Jake Ruston
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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 23:58
I like the look of this! Also, this could be a great place to advertise on, i mean, in your Game Manager!
Darth Vader
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Posted: 26th Sep 2006 05:04 Edited at: 26th Sep 2006 05:05
Downloaded it and tried it.
Amazing! This is such a good program and I think this would be amazing if you could make it real big! All the TGC users could add there games to the list and we could have our own steam! Maybe in future versions you could add a buy game function were the user gets re-directed to the games website so they can purchase it (After trying the demo).

My only complaint is, in the game information and other text boxes, there is no word wrap! Its so annoying!
Fix that up and it will be brillinat!
I think a MOD should sticky this!

[EDIT] I was also able to download version 1.0.3 which I was quite suprised about! I didn't know you had an update out so fast! [EDIT]

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Posted: 26th Sep 2006 11:16
This is awesome.. And darth vader your idea is cool Oh and can you put this in system ray like mini icon if you dont know how to do it i can do it for you

Lukas W
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Posted: 26th Sep 2006 12:21
Darth Vader,
yea. in v1.0.4 i am using blue gui, which handles word wrap much better than my gui.

well i wouldn't want to do that because DBP applications tend to use 70-100% of your cpu :/ even with vsync turned on it uses 66% of my cpu.

Freddy 007
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Posted: 26th Sep 2006 21:50
Quote: "well i wouldn't want to do that because DBP applications tend to use 70-100% of your cpu :/ even with vsync turned on it uses 66% of my cpu."

I think that if you turn sync off, it will use a lot less of your CPU. But I'm not sure about that.

Anyway, very nice idea, this application is I really could see it grow larger, and become our own little Steam

The Nerd
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Posted: 26th Sep 2006 21:55 Edited at: 26th Sep 2006 21:56
Quote: "I think that if you turn sync off, it will use a lot less of your CPU. But I'm not sure about that."

Yes that's right.


Since you use BlueGui now, just turn off sync and the CPU isage will drop drastically. I do that myself with applications that use BlueGui, if I don't use 3D in it. And well... you don't use 3D in Game Manager so it will work.

Lukas W
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Posted: 26th Sep 2006 23:21
that's very cool

i use vSync and sync off. the cpu usage dropped from 99 to something between 0 and 5!

Dr Manette
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Posted: 27th Sep 2006 05:09 Edited at: 27th Sep 2006 05:11
Wow! This is an amazing program, Lucas. So can anyone use this? If so, I agree with Darth Vader, darkbasic users can take advantage of this to showcase their games in one place.

Once this becomes more finalized, I'd be interested in putting games on it(not that I have many yet, but my groups multiplayer fps is nearly done). I'm sure lots of people would want to use this too. Definately a sticky. Oh, the only problem is, I couldn't download the games on there.

edit: Actually, I could download some, but the install gets an error saying cannot find path at line 706.

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Darth Vader
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Posted: 27th Sep 2006 07:19
Didn't know so many people would agree with me...
This sort of like Robins website were he had the games on, but this is a more exciting approach! No offense Robin your site is fantastic!

Maybe you could add a bit more in the info section so that it tell you if the game is multiplayer, duration, genre, etc.
I like this program!

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Posted: 27th Sep 2006 18:41
actually if robin improved his site,and integrated it with this manager....

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Lukas W
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Posted: 27th Sep 2006 19:13
the difference between my application and Robins website is that he only have the best db games collected in one place, so that anyone wondering what DBC / DBPro is capable of, can easily navigate and find great gaems.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2006 23:45
One MAJOR issue:
You really need a status bar while a game is downloading, and you should be able to do stuff while one game is downloading.

Lukas W
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Posted: 27th Sep 2006 23:56
unfortunatley i don't know how to do that.

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Posted: 28th Sep 2006 03:39
Because DBP isn't multithreaded it would be very hard getting it to download and do other stuff simultaneously.

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Posted: 28th Sep 2006 07:37
What you would need to do is use a DLL to download the files in its own thread, and have a function the application can call to check the progress.

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Lukas W
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Posted: 28th Sep 2006 15:36 Edited at: 28th Sep 2006 15:37

Version 1.0.4 is finished.
there are some stuff that i was to lazy to implement in this update:

so what is updated:

download is here:
or click "check for updates" if you allready have v0.2 or v0.3 installed.


Darth Vader
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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 05:16
Yeah okay but the settings page is a mess, some of the games have gone, the descriptions are gone and the 'add game' list doesn't work!

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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 06:49 Edited at: 29th Sep 2006 07:01
I downloaded the latest version and I have to say I'm VERY impressed. Much better than the one I was attempting, so I've pretty much given up

Though I did find a little bug (see pic attached).

EDIT: If you get the enhacements pack for DBP you can manage Fileblocks, eliminating the nead for Win Zip and Win Rar, and make it so your program extracts it. That's how I did updates for games I made with auto-updaters.

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Lukas W
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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 09:32
blue gui and frames suck.
i usually let everything linked to a frame be drawned before the frame is drawn. that way those black backgrounds, and the ugly buttons dissapear, and it looks better. i forgot to test that out this time, because i was using the win98 style when developing it.
it worked perfect in win98 style though.

some of the games are gone, because you couldn't download them anyway so i removed them.

the descriptions are gone because i couldn't think of how to implement it. now i know how, i think. i would need to look at the "paddy" example.

i'll get right on this.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 12:09
If you are interested in downloading files off the net but with a progress bar, then take a gander at the following post where Monzi was wanting to do that. There is a handy windows dll that will download chucks of a file into a buffer.

There is also some useful code in there for determining filesize of a remote http file.

Lukas W
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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 15:39
thank you for that spooky


go to "Check for new Updates" button to get the latest version.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 16:00
It misses a MFC17.DLL or something like that...

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Posted: 30th Sep 2006 01:27 Edited at: 30th Sep 2006 05:32
Lukas, I'm sending you an e-mail with a simple app I think you'll find usefull. It will install the games for you (from the zip files) so you don't need winzip or winrar.

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Posted: 30th Sep 2006 06:08
Dude this is the best thing ever!!!!
I love it!
You should realy concider the following:

You should make it so game makers can add there games
Make it so they can sell or make there games free
Make a chat tab where people can talk about games!

Dude im apsolutly in love with this!
Lukas W
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Posted: 30th Sep 2006 13:03 Edited at: 30th Sep 2006 13:07
version 1.0.5 update:

Note: this is a critical update because the game list have been made changes to, so v1.0.5 is the only version that reads the new game list properly!

Or: click check for updates, if you allready have an older version.

You should make it so game makers can add there games.
That was available in v0.3 but i was too lazy to rewrite that part to make it fit blue gui. but it's coming.

Make it so they can sell or make there games free
you mean like a button "sell this game" or "make this game free"?

Make a chat tab where people can talk about games!
nah. who would use it? it's better off if they just came to this forum.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2006 04:37
Lukas, did you get my e-mail with the installer app? You can use it to replace WinZip/WinRar

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 03:57
you mean like a button "sell this game" or "make this game free"?
kinda like that but make it so its paypal freindly if you can im not sure if you can. Or make it so if they wanna get a game that cost money it sends them to a website where they buy it then it allows then to download it from there game manager. If you dont have a website i could make one for you... but i can not provide the url unless you want it to be
Lukas W
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 11:55 Edited at: 2nd Oct 2006 11:59
yea i got the email but haven't had the time to reply yet.
anyway, i would like to know a couple of things first:
* does it compress the files? i don't want to download 30mb files when winzip compress them to 15mb etc.
* would i be able to implement that in "GM" so it automatically compress the file or would the user have to download your application so they can compress it themselves?
* now i am lost, i had a couple of more questions but they all dissapeard

i don't think i will do that though. it would be too much work.
and i was hoping that this would be used for free DB games.

oh and i have a website, allthough the url is very long:
(try to guess where i got the inspiration from)

by the way, i wrote that website for use with firefox. would anyone be kind enough to help me make it compatible with IExplorer too?

Darth Vader
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 12:39
Quote: "you mean like a button "sell this game" or "make this game free"?
kinda like that but make it so its paypal freindly if you can im not sure if you can. Or make it so if they wanna get a game that cost money it sends them to a website where they buy it then it allows then to download it from there game manager. If you dont have a website i could make one for you... but i can not provide the url unless you want it to be"

That will make things confusing!
Instead you have a demo available and a link to the makers website, that way people can buy it of they want to!

@Lukas: I am downloading the latest version now!

Lukas W
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 13:31
Quote: "That will make things confusing!
Instead you have a demo available and a link to the makers website, that way people can buy it of they want to!"

that was what i was thinking

Quote: "I am downloading the latest version now!"

Hope you like it
I still haven't added Search, Sort and Add Game Functionality yet.

Darth Vader
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 15:47
I absoultley love it! All of the previos bugs are fixed!
And the news page makes it looks so much like steam! This is really great!

Just add the 'Add game' functionality and it will be great!

Lukas W
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 16:32
Thanks for the feedback

version 1.0.6 update:

or as usual, go to "check for updates".

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 16:53 Edited at: 2nd Oct 2006 16:54
Lukas, it's not a compresser, it's an extractor. It installs the games for you. You put it in the download directory, then use the command line part of the execute file command to read something like:
" Test Game".
The first part is the zip to UNZIP, and the second part is the name of the game. Put it in the downloads directory of GM and execute it when you install and it should work fine

EDIT: And you can include it with GM

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 21:19
Sweet, so we can finally add our own games! Too bad I don't have much to add yet. Ah well, once my fps beta is done, I'll totally add it.

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Lukas W
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2006 22:24
oh i see. i must read the email again so i am sure i get all the information correct

Dr Manette,
yea, and i plan on adding the ability to upload games to my server, if you (the users) can't find a place to host the game.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2006 03:07
Oh, Lukas, if you put this in the command line, you can even install updates:

"..\ Manager Update"

Tell me if there are any problems, I'll try to fix them right away

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2006 12:52
Lukas are you fussy?
I mean are we allowed to put any game on or only professional looking ones?
Getting update!

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