UMAN- I couldn't agree more. It would be nice to see both features added. I also think that while knowing where every enemy was in the design process would be great for the forced scenario however having the option to randomly spawn based on map cords would be just as sweet. I feel that it would allow for two major atmospheres that this engine is missing.
1) With random spawning based on randomly generated map cords would add that "Holy H-E double hockey sticks!" one of the major set backs would be if the generator spawned an entity with in an entity, but that depends on the constraints placed in the generating function.
2) With pixel perfect placing you can still get the "Holy H-E double hockey sticks!" but in a more story board fasion. This method would ensure that each entity added would be placed perfectly avoiding as many possible collision problems as possible. there are some draw backs to it. after testing the level a couple of times the creative process sorta gets diluted. also if the player decides to take a different route than what you have laid out for them it's likely that they will not get to experiance the level as it should be.
Either way the addition of both options would be great for both game maker and player. and both options can be seemlessly utilized with in the same level to achieve that mother of all "Holy H-E double hockey sticks!"
I have also emailed Lee with another .fpm for him to test. I know this has already been stated but alot of the player scripts destroy the frame rate. point in case:
I used the chase.fpi on one character and the cover.fpi on another. when those said entities are spawned the frame rate drops from 32 to around 19 fps. When I use the default main .fpi's there is no drop in frame rate. Also there is another area of the map that I am utilizing your load/unload method (I've been using it since our conversation those many months ago) the entity that gets spawned uses airslides scripts and it drops the fps from 32 to 19-22 depending on how much of the enemy I can see. So it would seem that a completely new AI needs to be introduced. One that will jive with the engine a little better, ok alot better. The only thing I can do is sit and wait for Lee's response.