Guess What time it is...IT'S REVIEW TIME!
*Cue Crappy Intro Music*
Ok so here is how it is gonna work, this review is being split up into several sections. Pretty Standard stuff.
Graphics- Darkest Island is a very pretty game. It is aided by several of the offical model packs and some media from around the forums. The textures on the walls in some areas are what really impressed me about this game. The cutscenes were also done very well. *****
Sound- The gun sounds were amazing! This is mainly due to the use of Model Pack 5. The voices though were a little sub-par. Overall though, it was a very enjoyable experience. ****
Gameplay- This is where Darkest Island really shines. I have played a lot of games from these Forums, but this game is the only one that I truely enjoyed for more than five minutes. There were only some minor lag issues at times but this can be contributed to the engine. The story, all though it was kind of fragmented at times, kept me hooked all the way up tiull the end. The "big" Twist at the end was complety unexpected. I also enjoyed the fact that during Part 2, I started to run out of ammo on certain guns making this game more difficult. My one true complaint though, lies in the length of the game. It was way too short for my tastes. Being a FPS fanboy, this game was way too easy to provide more than 30 minutes of gameplay. ****
Pros- Great Graphics, Excellent Gameplay, Interesting storyline.
Cons- Sub-par voice acting, Too short & Easy.
Overall- This game is a must have for all who play FPS games. It has offically set the bar high for future games made with FPSC.
Score (Out of 5)- ****1/2