Hey fellas, just want to introduce my project to you guys --
This is a 3d game where the objective is to cross to the other side of the course/level while avoiding all the various obstacles in the way, sort of frogger style. (this is why I've used vehicles as placeholder models
Current to-do list:
Change player collision with walls/blocks to sliding / smoother collision.
Create a proper animated player model.
Create more types of obstacle than the simple back and forth object.
Create other types of level scenery instead of just blocks.
Create "power-up" type items to be "picked up" that may have various effects to assist in passing the level or give extra lives / etc.
Create more maps and populate them with obstacles.
Create a proper sky / environment outside the matrix.
Create a title screen, track player lives, possibly a score system.
Probably more I am forgetting.
Heres a couple screenshots of the game play, and attached is the current build and media (placeholder media, only a small amount of it is my own work).
Comments / suggestions / criticism appreciated.