Download the actual version here:
Latest Video:
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Hi all,
today I started a small 'experiment', and wanted to check if I can finish a fully working game at just one day. (This would be my first finished project, lol
I have started at 12:30 AM I think (this midday) and programmed till now, just some breaks of 30 minutes for eating or going out with my dog, so all in all I have programmed for more than 8 hours.
I didn't plan anything, just started working.
I think the result isn't so bad, but I also plan to continue this small side-project the next days, because it may have some potential (some "beta-testers" said that they like the game, and that it's funny...).
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"Doyle on the run" is a 2D-Sidescrolling Jump-and-run-Game, in which you control the ugly, not yet animated Doyle, and move him through levels, full of dangers (mostly auto-shooting "enemys", like guns, or some more creative things..
I also created three Editors:
-Level-Editor (hard to use, will include a GUI the next days I think)
-Enemy-Editor (You specify the values like damage etc., but have to create the two images yourself: 'image.bmp' is the image of the enemy himself (e.g. a weapon), and 'bullet.bmp' is the bullet, which follows the player)
-Campaign-Editor (You can add different maps and text-files to a list, save this list as campaign into the campaign-directory and execute the series of maps and texts ingame then.)
They are all not very usable yet, because they all don't have a GUI or something, and in the map-editor most features are "hidden" atm.
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I have started a worklog on 12:30 and wrote all news, ideas etc. into it.
The worklog can be found here:
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1. Airport-Level
2. Jump-Level
3. Very motivated machineguns
4. Tutorial-Level 2
5. Autoscroll-Gamemode
6. Blockfall-Mode
7. Highscore-List
8. Options-Menu
First Video - Shows Doyle in a fight against some airplanes
Second Video - Now Doyle fights against missiles.. indeed its the same
This Video - Shows some levels and all actual existing Game-Modes:
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If someone wants to download the game.
Doyle on the run:
1. Version 1
2. Version 2
3. Version 3
Doyle - Editor Collection
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The rest:
I will, hopefully, finish this game within the next days (on Monday I am going to fly away with my family, no time for programming then...
) and post any updates here... (Edit: Had some time on my holidays and am still working on it now)
If you have any ideas, what I could include, tell me.
Oh.. and when it's finished, i will probably upload the sourcecode, for anyone who's interested.
So, thanks for any comments, ideas, whatever...
And have fun with the game.
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