here's my first wip. despite the image, it's not actually textured at all yet. i just photoshopped the blank model a bit to get an idea in my head of what i want the final thing to look like.
i played with the idea that in the future, assault vehicles will develop increased versatility and manouverability.
therefore i designed a tank that could walk around whilst allowing the driver to shoot accurately using joystick controlled gun arms, that could then transform into a hover tank that can move at high speeds with great manouverability.
it uses technology powered by electricity, very cheap energy renewable energy source in the future, to charge the ground beneath it so to create a negative magnetic force hovering it stably above ground. It's also useful for holding the limbs together on the walker tank, meaning they break apart with ease and the tranformation from tank to car is quick.
i am planning to design the cockpit and a driver, fully equipped in his futuristic driving gear. i feel ambitious
i'd be interested in animating it as well, to see how realisticly i can get it to move and change.
I thought of a cool name as well, i figured in the car state it looks alot like an insect I know, so i decided to called it...