Woah @
Mr Tank !!,
Thanks, didnt think any one was following this, and to address your issues.
At the moment, I'm not to concerned about the graphics, really need processing power for enemy control ect.....(working on multiplayer as I go, have it running, maybe a demo soon).
The spells, sorry I thought I did cover that in the tutorial, the spells can be used by left or right mouse button, open spell menu with left control and left or right click to assign to that button.
The crosshair is a temp thing I made up for aiming purposes, later on I will let the user choose if they would like 1 and what color(again graphics).
The tree cropping is graphics again, will get to that later.
Also with the tree's they are just scenery, and I think I will leave them that way, cannot hit them with spells ect.... only dissapear if you make a castle on them or the ground gets altered in some other way.
The issue with the carpet spinning after selecting a spell is a pain in the buttocks, I have tried a few methods to compensate, but none work, might have to rewrite the mouse control for it.
LOL. The dude that's in the water, yes, I often forget to remove "test subjects". He is now actually your character that rides on a carpet, in multiplayer mode you get to see them as the players.
At the end of the tutorial, when I loaded up 300 enemy's(or close too) I just wanted the user to experience a tonne of mobs at a time, it is usually restricted to a certain number of each, but for the demo I unleashed fury to show the different AI ect.....(even though there was only 3 types).
The pause when a bunch of new mobs are loaded cannot be helped, the originals are alreay in memory, the new ones are cloned and animated, this lag cannot really be fixed when loading 100 of each mob(Unless I load them all 1 by 1 over time). As I said before there is a limiter to the amount made(this does not cause any lag), and in the original this lag was covered with a flash of white and a noise and a indicator showing new creatures had been loaded. I will be recreating that as well.
And thanks for responding, always good to get feedback, either good or bad. And even better to hear from people that have actually tryed it.
Now for the updates.
Multiplayer works, get to fight with each other over mana on the ground. Shoot other player and claim mana.
New graphics(taken from the original and enhanced).
And thats about it
Will be more soon, just have to figure out how I'm goin to update the enemy on the client, I'm guessing I send the initial data stating to make some of this kind at this location with their state and direction, then let them wander and as a new state is changed per mob, then update client with new data......... All good, and eventually will be done.
Just downloaded the demo(forget whats in each version) and this is far more advanced than that 1. This one has player HP, TowerHP, even the spells have mana bars and show if they can be cast or not.
Eventually, I will release another demo, just ironing out a few bugs still(like spell selection ect....)
Well, enough from me.
Why are the forgotten always remembered? But no-one remembers me?!