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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Knights of Errant - EAI goes Medieval (56k warning)

Errant AI
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 18:39 Edited at: 30th Sep 2008 16:46



I was planning to hold off on posting anything about this until I could put a video together but I simply couldn't wait any longer. Meh.

Please note that I have not abandoned my other set of weapons. Just taking a breather for a bit. There is also a modern component that follows this same technology but lets save discussion of that for the other thread.

Knights of Errant is a limited-scope, fantasy/medieval product line which will be coming to GCS. This line was developed specifically for Ply's Mod 1.07. Assets will still work in standard FPSC and any mods supporting AirMod 0.6 but with reduced functionality.

Good: In standard FPSC, developers can make simple gunspec edits to choose between 2-3 different attack animations. Standard FPSC users may also customize the look of the hands by manually(DIY) mixing and matching different textures for the hands, armor (armored hand versions have an "F" suffix) and weapons themselves. Any of the hand textures from model packs 9/10 may also be used. If a no-armor version is purchased, it will come with a new hand texture (patched leather design) that can be applied to any weapon featuring MP9/10 compatible hands.

Better: With AirMod 0.6 spec FPSC mods, developers begin to enjoy more options. Weapons play random attack animations (SE versions include a shield bash as one of the random attacks) and do not leave unsightly bullet holes. Timed blocking animations are also included for defense against characters scripted to use AirMod's "plrblocking" condition. Gunlag and recoil help the weapons feel more dynamic and less like they've been bolted to the game camera.

Best: With Ply's Mod 1.07, you get all of the above plus compound blocking which enables holding the block position as well as blocking raycast "bullets". Best of all, you get asymmetric dual wield compatibility. Your players will be able operate their weapon and shield independently or use two offensive weapons if they choose. They can knock enemies to the ground with a war-hammer in one hand then immediately close in with a dagger in the other to deliver a flurry of sudden strikes. And who's to say it's limited to melee and traditional fantasy-fare. The XIXSE and P90SE/P90SDSE on GCS are also compatible with asymmetric dual wielding

Alternatively, developers using DBP or other engines will find there is a wide variety of animations available to them when using this line of media.

Additionally, this line is being developed with developer-end modding in mind. I'm keeping the scope of weapons fairly limited yet, varied in terms of attack speed and animations for the benefit of users who want to do mesh-swapping in Fragmotion and that sort of modding.

Here's a look at the launch line-up...

I hope that's "in-FPSC" enough to buy some time until I am ready to show more of this media over the next week.

You'll note there are two or three versions for every weapon. I'll try to break down the Knights of Errant naming convention now:

(name of weapon)(mesh version)(texture version)(suffix)

F suffix = Fantasy version with armor mesh added. Best for use in fantasy games using Ply's Mod 1.07 by developers wanting to focus on the dual-wield aspect of that mod and developers who don't want a combo'd player shield in their game.

SE or SEF suffix = Special Edition with a shield included in the weapon. Best for use in fantasy games using AirMod 0.6 spec mods. or standard FPSC developers who like the looks of a shield.

no suffix = Normal version, most compatible with my modern weapons. Best for games mixing melee and modern weapons.

Obviously, with a little FPSC craftiness, a developer can mix/match and copy/paste some stuff to get all the different versions without needing to purchase everything. I'm just breaking things up in this manner for convenience. The difference between A an B textures is that the A versions are more common looking and the B versions have ornamental etchings/engravings. The meshes are identical as defined by the mesh version number in the name. There will be a minor damage increase in the damage for the ornamental versions to give sort of an RPG-ish aspect.

There are a few more weapons planned such as a viking axe, heavy-duty tankard, spiked fist, medieval hand gonne, arquebus and a couple of other things which will be added on later (I plan to bounce back and fourth between modern and fantasy to help avoid burn-out).

Feel free to make requests if you like but be reminded of my intent of limited scope (at least until I get caught up on modern work). So, that means requests for things that just look different will likely be sidelined for things that diversify the game play experience.

FYI, ETA of the weapons shown is imminent. A few odds and ends to take care of and I'm waiting on a new rev of Ply's Mod to finalize animations and test function.

Thanks for reading

edit: Oh, before anyone asks... That's not a star of David in Ye ol EAI logo. Kudos to anyone wo knows what the symbol means/comes from.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 18:44
WOW! This is amazing! Best fpsc weapons ever!

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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 18:50
I was thinking yesterday: I wonder when we'll get another EAI thread...

The Simon Cowell of TGC.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 18:52
Wow,=O, AMAZING work there errant, you're texturing never dissapoints.
Also the hands do remind me of Mp9/10, the layout in some places are simmilar.

(Also, A little offtopic, but lately I've been trying to improve my weapon texturing and wanted to re-texture the model_pack 9/10 guns. but my imports in 3dsmax2008 dont work? ='( .)

[B]"Your greatest teacher is your harshest critic"-Butterfingers[/b]
Errant AI
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 18:52 Edited at: 27th Sep 2008 18:54
And here it is.

Thanks, IWTG
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 18:57
Well, I was actually hoping for more modern day SMGs, like the one in hl2... but these are still awesome.

The Simon Cowell of TGC.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 19:13
*Off Topic*
I'm really thrilled that you let Oleg and me use your hand models for the scifi weapons, but I would like to know whether I could use the hands for my gun models as well, I have made hand systems but they don't really compare to yours and it makes more sense to have hands that match mp9 and 10 and your tgc store items. I would gladly give you a cut of profits. Just a question sorry to take up thread space with it.

fallen one
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 19:16
You have just made an avid LARPer and re-enactor very happy.
I remember talking about having something like this way back, to see it actually done is fantastic, I think melee games are better for fpsc, due to the fact it doesnt like lots of charaters on screen and large levels, fighting games help that condition out by having longer battles, and so they require smaller levels, and less enemies.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 19:16
Amazing work, bro they look fantastic! i cant wait to see more.

Errant AI
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 19:19 Edited at: 27th Sep 2008 22:52
Quote: "Well, I was actually hoping for more modern day SMGs, like the one in hl2... but these are still awesome."

No worries, there's an MP7 and a sub-carbine in the pipeline. After this first batch of fantasy weapons I'll get back to modern for a while and actually finish some of the things now that the feature list has stabilized. I really needed some kind of break from texturing black polymer over and over and over. Plus, now that Ply has integrated AirMod, his mod practically screams for sword/shield action so I figured I best strike while the iron was hot.

i want to game, shoot me an email about this when you get a chance and let me know what you're working on.

Thanks, fallen one

It's certainly low-speed, high-drag in comparison. And though I feel obligated to have some ranged weapons in this series as well, I prefer the plate-clad dungeon crawler style, myself. There will be some weapons you can shoot but I plan to give excruciating reload times so that ranged weapons are an incredible force multiplier at the beginning of a fight but worthless once the enemy is on you.

Thanks, Punk13
fallen one
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 19:30 Edited at: 27th Sep 2008 19:34
Cool items to make, Chain sword, those warhammer 40k things look great, they was not the first thgough, I remember games Workshop doing a board game called chainsaw warrior, had a daft pistol grip though, impractical, a normal sword grip is best, like the 40k ones, also always liked what Quake did with the saw gauntlet really great idea. SW Lightsaber or course, Ive always thought that a sword with a lazer edge would be great, Lucus has those lightsabers as his own, so something that had the lazer coming from in, as in its edge is lazer, and is eminated from the section from the centre, so its like a tech sword thing, but its edge is a lazer, so some sort of technology thing, that way one can make a comercial game with lazer swords and Lucus lightsaber cant complain.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 19:30
WOW, this is amazing work, I cant wait to see more.

Cyborg ART
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 19:43
One word, or maybe its not a word but just WOW!
Even more amazing than your other stuff.

Quote: " I was actually hoping for more modern day SMGs, like the one in hl2"

I think He said that he was going to make a Mp7, am I rigth Errant?
Its a Mp7 in HL2

Yousiesta is back...
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 20:37
i love the arms btw, will the sword have more then one attack animation, that was always my dislike with bonds and there animations executed a little slow, i can honestly say the best fantasy weapons yet.

Seth Black
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 20:59
...most impressive.

You'll get some serious sales, no doubt...

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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 21:12
Awesome as always all I can say is WOW . lol

Best s4real

Errant AI
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 22:40 Edited at: 27th Sep 2008 23:06
Thanks for suggestions, fallen one but I'm trying to keep to the medieval/fantasy genre for this set. If I stray into SciFi, I'd have to go all out and can't afford that kind of distraction. Really though, I'm just waiting for a x9 HUD weapon/multi-texture compatible illumination shader to show itself.

Thanks, GP PrOdUcTiOnS

Thanks, BVG
Yep. Plus I believe there was another SMG I told you I wanted to make some time ago.

Punk13, yes! Airmod currently supports up to three different attack animations. So, there are generally three different attack animations for the primary mode and another three for when dual-wielding in Ply's Mod. However, the dual animations are pretty much the same as the first three but I fudge the angle around so that the animation is contained to one half of the screen to help avoid colliding with the model in the other hand. It definitely has a good feel when the animation is randomized. It feels like a real brawl when there are various sorts of thrusting, slashing and bashing going on. I try to keep the animation speed brisk but have enough frames to convey windup if need be as well as have some arbitrary differences for game play impact. Fastest to slowest are fists>dagger>shield>sword/hammer>2h sword. Yes, the shield is also a weapon. With the stand-alone shield you can really give a good thrashing in addition to being able to block. However, when dual wielding, I think you will only be able to block with it.

Thanks, Seth Black. I hope so

Thanks, S4. These should work well in S4mod

Quote: "Wow,=O, AMAZING work there errant, you're texturing never dissapoints.
Also the hands do remind me of Mp9/10, the layout in some places are simmilar.

(Also, A little offtopic, but lately I've been trying to improve my weapon texturing and wanted to re-texture the model_pack 9/10 guns. but my imports in 3dsmax2008 dont work? ='( .)"

Thanks, Matuka. Sorry I missed your post. You must be on moderation or something. Yes, the layout is very similar because It is somewhat dictated by the UV layout which needed to remain as-is for maximum compatibility. Not shown but included with the general use versions is just the glove with bare arm. You'll see it's very much the same but with bigger, less modern-looking stitching and some extra seams added to give sort of a low-tech look. You can't import .X into 3DS. Use a model converter which can go .X to .3DS. Animation and smoothing groups get wiped but UVs should remain intact although you will need to re-weld the verts in unwrap UVW.
fallen one
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 23:04
Quote: "Thanks for suggestions, fallen one but I'm trying to keep to the medieval/fantasy genre for this set."

Ahh I got confused, I thought it said some where in the thread you was making ski fi and fantasy and alternating between the two to avoid bordom/stagnation, must of mis read it. (ahh just read it, thats for another thread, got it)

Quote: "edit: Oh, before anyone asks... That's not a star of David in Ye ol EAI logo. Kudos to anyone wo knows what the symbol means/comes from."

I could, but Id go on so long id be writting a book, I tend to go on and on about anything like that.

Adriano jones
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Posted: 27th Sep 2008 23:32
good job man. you're the next god in weapons.

I took a look outside, and Nickydude was pointing a pistol at my head.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 01:17 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 14:23
Man, EAI, you never cease to AMAZE me! This is pure gold. I think personally you are THE best modeller on the forums. Keep up the effin' EPIC work!

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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 01:20
it's great to see that you still creating stuff for Fpsc and not for ID software.

Anyway your work is just amazing that's all i can say..


Rise and shine Fpsc x10...rise and shine.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 02:00
Great stuff man! I'm thouroughly impressed.
Errant AI
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 08:44
Thanks, Adriano jones

Thanks, The Toasty and welcome back

Thanks, Oleg Maybe someday when I'm tired of SE Asian wet-heat and ready for Texas dry-heat, I'll beg ID for an internship LOL

Thanks, D13

Can't wait until I can show everything running in Ply's Mod. If you think things look wow now, you'll want to grab some plastic panties before seeing things in action.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 08:50
Hey EAI, would there be a chance for you to allow these weapons to be used in another engine (Torque)?

Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 09:14 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 14:24
Quote: "Thanks, The Toasty and welcome back "


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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 09:18
Quote: "I like cake...... Toasty Cake!!! "

mmmmmmmmmmm............Me too

Errant AI
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 09:19 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 09:21
Punk13, Standard GCS licensing will apply. Use them for whatever engine you can convert the supplied assets to run in. Just don't expect support from me for any platform which I haven't tested on.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 09:22
lol, ok no problem man, they are looking fantastic!

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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 12:05
Ehhh, looks ok I guess.............bastard.

Just kidding of course, looks great, even though I'm working on a few of the same ones myself. But to be fair my warhammer for example looks completely different. That comes with the territory, I know, when you have two people working independently, it would be unfair to postpone making something just because someone else MIGHT be making something similar at some point in time.

As an example of this, I am currently copying every single one of Jon Fletcher's fantasy models, and releasing them as my own before he does.

Seriously, good luck with these. But don't you dare dethrone my domination on the TGC Store. Because if you do, God help me I will make a fantasy sword so gigantic that it will take up the whole freaking screen.

"bond1 - You see this name, you think dirty."
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 12:09
Just a little touch of jealousy from Bond there...

2 of the 3 greatest modellers of this forum, battling it out with each of their models! Will EAI's sword overtake Bond's on the most popular download?

Find out next week! Same bat time, same bat channel!

The Simon Cowell of TGC.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 12:15 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 12:16
Hell yeah, game-freakin-on, homeskillet.

"bond1 - You see this name, you think dirty."
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 12:16
Wow, we just need Jon Fletcher to drop by here and we might get ourselves some

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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:03
Geez... everybody's making medival weapons now. [looks at the screens] ...but damn, I love them...
Probably the best one now. (No offence bond1, but your weaps look "to new" for my taste, but still they're good.)

Make games, not war.

Errant AI
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:12

Bond, I'm thinking of changing the sword a bit because I didn't realize until after it was finished that that it was the same pattern. Except I guess yours has a fuller cross-section and mine is diamond shaped. I suppose that's the pitfall of using google image search I've since looked at your ones in the store so that I'm more aware of what you've released so that I can make alternative choices but the basic categories have only so much leeway seeing how things didn't seem to change much over a few hundred years. I guess that's why they call it the dark ages.

Anyhow, it's not a deliberate attempt to usurp your fantasy weapon monopoly

This all came about after screwing around in AirMod with riot and SWAT shields and at some point, I'm blocking with a ballistic shield in one hand and swinging a halligan bar in the other and I thought to myself, "who am I kidding... this ought to be an actual sword and shield." I had to come to terms with the fact that there is an awesome amount of non-weapon fantasy resources for FPSC (about 3/4 of them yours which are brilliant BTW, I just licensed one of the crusader guys the other night) and figured I might as well try to get a piece of the pie in addition to offering some same-hand HUD weapon options for my customers who want to have time travel games or whatever (I've licensed my hands to Strelok, so I can ignore sci-fi for now). I wasn't sure if you were planning to adopt any of the AirMod/Plymod features into your weapons so I figured I might as well do it before someone else did.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:21 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 13:22
Hey it's cool, I meant EVERYTHING in a tongue-in-cheek way.

And the fantasy stuff is surprisingly popular, considering it's not really a traditional FPS theme, so I'm sure you do well. And it you do TOO well, I'll hunt you down and chop off your modelling hand. With a sword. For irony.

"bond1 - You see this name, you think dirty."
Life Tap
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:26
Idk i still think it would benefit everyone on the forums if you guys did have a brutal modelling battle. in the most friendly way of course. lol

The Unspoken
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:29 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 14:24
Yeah... Like the most brutal, violent, limb-lopping, skull-crushing modelling battle ever! But still friendly.

Life Tap
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:34 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 13:34
Quote: "can make alternative choices but the basic categories have only so much leeway seeing how things didn't seem to change much over a few hundred years. I guess that's why they call it the dark ages."

Just saying, for some reason this bit made me really want to see you do a remake (not really a remake, but a similiar weapon) to Clouds Buster. (from Final Fantasy)

Just saying. . .

The Unspoken
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:38
Quote: "Idk i still think it would benefit everyone on the forums if you guys did have a brutal modelling battle. in the most friendly way of course. lol"

Lol, you're hoping that they'd try to undercut each other's prices, aren't you?

Errant AI
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 13:44 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 13:59
Bond, It's all good. I think I've gotten used to your sense of humor. Ironically, I'm a smartace IRL but tend to be more sincere online. I think that must be some kind of Internet disorder LOL

I think games like Oblivion/Morrowind have a lot to do with the popularity of FPS fantasy. At any point, I'm trying to stay more medieval with this and less so fantasy though I am planning some magic/psychic spells if I can get the effects to look good. I largely term this lineup fantasy because I'm not shooting for period authenticity and I'll be incorporating things from as late as the 1700s. To me, it's always interesting to explore the end of eras when old technology is surpassed by the new. Plate-clad knights getting gunned down by early firearms and that sort of thing.

If you decide you want to give mod compatibility a look, I can email you some gunspecs to peep at.

Anyhow, I really hope that someday you'll release some of your melee characters with firespots bones so they can melee with vweap raycast weapons. If you did I'd be more than happy to use them for registering weapon placement and in GCS vweap screenshots. I don't know if it's possible but I'd love to see FPSC users able to make melee MP maps but I don't think there are any suitable characters.

Dang I type slow...

Quote: "Lol, you're hoping that they'd try to undercut each other's prices, aren't you? "

My prices will probably be a little higher than Bond1's simply because I think there is more content animation-wise which is usable outside of standard FPSC. I will put one thing or two very cheap so that users can sample the extra functionality easily but profit is so low already that I think none of us (artists) want price gouging going on. If there isn't a user base for enhanced media, I'm basically wasting my time.

Quote: "Just saying, for some reason this bit made me really want to see you do a remake (not really a remake, but a similar weapon) to Clouds Buster. (from Final Fantasy)"

Well, you're more than welcome to fragmotion hack the .X files to insert anything your heart desires. I am considering some kind of user design contest to determine one or two fantasy designs as I really have minimal background with the fantasy genre and don't know hot from not. Sephiroth was my FF7 hero
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 14:05
Yeah, I realize that at some point, I'm going to have to re-export each and every one of those characters. Here's the thing, they DO contains a firespot of sorts, except it's called MELEE-WEAPON-LEFTBONE, and MELEE-WEAPON-RIGHTBONE, respectively. Lee had suggested this naming scheme somewhere along the line when official swappable melee support was being considered. For now, I'm going to ride out this whole "migration" uncertainty and see what new features end up in the migration version. I'm guessing there will be quite a few mod features in there. Thanks for the heads up.

And awesome looking stuff, seriously.

"bond1 - You see this name, you think dirty."
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 14:19
Looks great EAI, Soon will be the time when the whole of FPSC Becomes fantasy xD

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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 16:38 Edited at: 28th Sep 2008 20:33
Quote: "Thanks, Matuka. Sorry I missed your post. You must be on moderation or something. Yes, the layout is very similar because It is somewhat dictated by the UV layout which needed to remain as-is for maximum compatibility. Not shown but included with the general use versions is just the glove with bare arm. You'll see it's very much the same but with bigger, less modern-looking stitching and some extra seams added to give sort of a low-tech look. You can't import .X into 3DS. Use a model converter which can go .X to .3DS. Animation and smoothing groups get wiped but UVs should remain intact although you will need to re-weld the verts in unwrap UVW."

Thank you for that information...
Also I used XSI to import the X then export a OBJ...=)
I'll re-configure XSI's importing X file prefrence's and try it again
oh and yes I am on moderation... >=|


Yes, I got them working now
thanks errant =D

[B]"Your greatest teacher is your harshest critic"-Butterfingers[/b]
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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 19:37
Don't worry Bond, I doubt anyone will pass you in profits and popularity until Errant starts making characters

And when that day comes, make sure you sneak up on him with that sword, cause if his M4 has an IR laser...well...

Now I'm off to play Oblivion

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Posted: 28th Sep 2008 21:29
I don't care what these will cost. I WANT 'EM! These are ace bro! Fantastic work as always AI.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 05:57
Quote: "Now I'm off to play Oblivion"

Yay! Toasty isn't the only one playing that old, old game.

Stuff 89 rus
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 06:52
Looks Good!

Sorry my English.I'm from Russia
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 07:10
That game's not old, is it? But then again I play Duke Nukem 3D and Doom like they're brand new

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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 07:40
Yeah it's funny how your perception of time changes as you get older. I still think of Half Life 2, or even some N64 games as "new". But as a kid, any game older than a year would be ancient history.

"bond1 - You see this name, you think dirty."
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 07:50
Well the way I see it, if it's a good game it never gets old, and if it's a bad game it gets bad within a few minutes.
Anyways this looks incredible Errant.

Alucard94, the member of the future of the past.

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