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3 Dimensional Chat / DirectX Exporter for Blender 2.49/2.5

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2010 23:24
Small update!

I've gone ahead and fixed the formatting errors that Latch pointed out. Sorry it took so long. My schedule's been rather full.

Quote: "But if you write any custom viewers or use an already written custom viewer that adheres to the strict comma, semi-colon syntax, you might run into problems. Also, running any conversion scripts/programs (like Ascii to Binary or X to 3ds etc.) might hiccup if the delimiters aren't exact."

It wasn't more than a week after you pointed that out that I got an email from someone who was having issues importing only models with animation into XNA. We'll see how it works now. Thanks again.

I hope your python endeavors were fruitful!

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2010 22:33
Quote: "I hope your python endeavors were fruitful!"

As part of the process, I wrote up a script in DarkBASIC that converts key type 4 matrix animation in a directx file to type 0,1 and 2. The script works and creates an animation file, but I haven't tested the accuracy of the conversion.

Part of the goal is to be able to take any direct x file and glean the animation from that into custom animation routines.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 02:43
Hello everyone,

I am still having trouble exporting my animated mesh using the .x exporters listed in this thread using Blender 2.49b.

No matter which setting i use the model gets loaded and does not animate

I have tried with multiple models and even went as simple as using a cube with 1 face extruded a few times and applied the armature (using Bone Heatmap) but to no luck.

Can someone shine some light on this? I've used the default exporter settings and dang near every option in the exporter windows.

Thank you very much for your time!
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 00:42
Are you using an armature modifier? Or are you parenting the mesh to the armature. In blender 2.54 when you parent the mesh to the armature blender automatically creates a modifier. In blender 2.49 it doesnt. Here are some things to try. Use armature deform modifier and set up your rig. When you export make sure the "make real" button is on in the modifier toolbox (Not the apply modifier mind you....) and make sure the export animations button etc. (all the buttons that apply) are set in the exporter. Ive said this before in other threads, but give 2.54 a try. As far as i know i dont think kira has worked with 2.49 in a long time. They 2.5x series is pretty stable, and i can say as a skeptic myself, that i was glad when i made the transition. Its not very difficult to pic up the new interface and the tools are much better. Anyway see if any of this helps.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 00:52
Lol, wow, I was juuuusssstt about to say the same thing. Thanks though, hahaha.

Yes, I'm pretty sure you haven't made your armature modifier "real". The exporter only looks for real armature modifiers to determine whether or not it needs to export skin data, so without one, everything else will export (including bone animation), but without the skin data, there will be nothing to connect the bones to the skin. Anyhoo, lemme know if that solves it and if not I'll take another look.

Hmm, that 2.49 exporter is due for an update. There are a bunch of features I've included in 2.5 that aren't in 2.49.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 01:01
I havent used it in forever... (I still have 2.49 backed up.) Did you ever do something for export animation speed?? IDK... lol instead of updating you could just tell them all to get 2.54... like me! lol. Actaully there are some things that i was having trouble with in 2.54 but there not related to .x... or even modeling for that matter. It had to do with some different render formats... nothing too big. It might not even be blenders fault.... lol. Maybe im just missing some codecs or something. Anywhoo... yep.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 01:08
Gah, I haven't gotten around to that yet. In fact, why don't I work on getting the 2.49 exporter up to speed tonight. I don't think I've got much else going on. We'll see.

Render formats? When does that problem come up?

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 01:15
I really believe its something on my end... I dont have a dvd codec on my computer because hp is a crock... lol... Its been a while since ive had a problem and i cant remember the details... so im not sure. I have to get back to my work though... lol lunch is over haha ttyl.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 04:14
@ rimalbeans
i dl 2.5x, still not comfortable wtih it. i still perfer 2.49 as i got a book for it.

@ kira

cool hope you can make an update for 2.49 export.

off topic and if you got time can you check out my link

can you give insides about what i can do in blender only.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 16:59
awsome! thank a bunch!

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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 22:06
Erm... I tried using this script with blender 2.49 (it atleast showed up in the export options) 2.54 & 2.56 (it showed up in 2.54 momentarirly then vanished?) and it never showed up as an export option for 2.65.

I've done 2 fresh installs of blender 2.54 AND 3.56 to no avail. I am placing the script inside the "\Application Data\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.54\scripts\addons" folder, this is the right sport corect?

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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 23:25

I have figured out how to get the model exported in blender 2.56.

however I'm at a loss when it comes to getting the animation to export(not sure if I'm using the right options to export) and getting animation to play in DBPro.

The model loads but no animation can be seen, just my static animated object.

Maybe some tips on which options should be selected while in the blender export to x screen please?

Thank you!
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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 23:26
Also I can't find the "make real" option in Blender 2.56?

Sorry if I'm double posting but my posts need to be moderated before they're posted since I have a very low post count
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Posted: 8th Feb 2011 23:03
Do you have a armature deform modifier? It would be in the modifiers toolbar, (the one in mesh properties that looks like a wrench) in your modifier stack. It should be called armature deform. the button is right at the top next to the apply button. I use 2.54 but i wouldnt assume it to be that different. (Ill have to check it out later... as far as animation goes you need:
to have the armature selected, check off the export armature, export animation, and then you have the option to export keyframes or full frames, and export animation speed. Let me know if your still having trouble.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 08:27
Alright, update!

Just a minor update for 2.5:

The exporter will now write the AnimTicksPerSecond template at the beginning of the file whenever Include Frame Rate is selected. This was added by a request from someone using the Wintermute Engine, which apparently doesn't recognize that template natively.

Huge update for 2.49:

I've finished bringing this exporter up to speed with the 2.5 exporter. I recommend downloading it if you have been having some trouble with the 2.49 exporter, as a lot had been fixed in 2.5 that didn't make into 2.49... until now!

The features that have been added to 2.49 are (I believe, unless I forgot some):
- Include Frame Rate option (and now it writes the template like 2.5 does)
- Full Animation option
- Fixed formatting issues as pointed out by Latch (had already fixed them in 2.5)
- Fixed Keyframe Animation export.

God, that was a lot of work. If I never had to touch Blender 2.49's API again, it would be too soon. It's much sloppier than 2.5's. I know that 2.5's API is still changing all over the place, but as an official Blender Extensions developer with privy to all of the changes, I'd take it any day.

Something I noticed with both of the exporters, however, (and something I'm going to have to fix) is that certain IK chains do not export properly. This has to do with the fact that the IK constraint is not fully taken into account with the method I use to read each bone's transformation. I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out.

Anyhoo, enjoy, and I hope this solves some issues.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2011 17:05
how do i install this into Blender 2.56
The webpages says:
Quote: "To install the most recent version of the script:

* Drop into the 2.55/scripts/addons folder
* Enable the Add-On from the Add-Ons tab in the User Preferences window "

I do not have any folder called 2.55/scripts/addons

The closest I have is a folder inside the blender folder called 2.56 but there is no folder within called scripts

Where does the file go ?

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 24th Feb 2011 17:42
Hi there,

Sorry, I should really update the wiki. There are probably two folders named 2.56. One of them is in the Blender program files folder, and the other is probably buried in your user's AppData folder (this one has the scripts folder).

However, Blender now comes with a version of the script, so you can just enable it from the Addons list. If you're trying to update the script to a newer version, I recommend just downloading the newest build of Blender from instead of replacing the script file. This is because Blender's Python API has probably changed since your version of 2.56 was released, and so a newer version of the script probably won't work on it. A new build ensures that all scripts accompanying it work for that build.

I hope that helps.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2011 12:55
That explains it then.
So what you are saying is that for the latest version of Blender you do not need to download and install the script as Blender now comes with the script pre installed.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2011 01:34
yep.... they all have it you just need to enabled it in the addons menu... i have a link that shows were:

I have a nifty little screeny that will show you were its hidden at...

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Posted: 21st Mar 2011 00:29
Hi Kira,
When I clicked on 2.5x link to download the .py file the firefox and IE prevented me to open that page. So, I tought to ask it here, where can I download the exporter?


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Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 21st Mar 2011 11:55
That's the only download location there is, really. That's where all of the other Blender developers get it from. Try the link in a different browser. I have no problems with it here in Firefox. It's always good to have a couple different browsers in case one of them throughs a fit.

However, I strongly recommend just downloading a more recent version of Blender from All 2.5 builds will come with the version of the script that is guaranteed to work with that build, so you can avoid any compatibility issues that might arise from the constantly changing API inside Blender. If all else fails and for some reason there are absolutely no available builds for your system, I can compile you a 64-bit Windows build and upload that (assuming that's what you're running).

I hope something I've said is helpful

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Posted: 21st Mar 2011 19:58 Edited at: 21st Mar 2011 20:04
Hi Kira,
Just ignored the error warning and downloaded the .py file. And when I pasted the file on addons folder I found that the file is already there. I just had to open the user preference and load the x file. And it is working perfectly .
I should have checked the addons folder before I posted here. Thanks for your reply.


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Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 26th Apr 2011 05:32
This is a killer exporter man, thanks!, you have my official vote for the next Blender Direct X Exporter, should really replace the old one with this one.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 26th Apr 2011 10:00
Hey, thanks a lot!

Actually, this exporter is now already the official DirectX Exporter for Blender 2.5x. lol

Also, on a different note,

I just discovered that you can use a very handy Bake Action operator to create a separate action for an armature that contains all of the necessary keyframed data for the exporter to export it properly!! Just thought I'd share.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 27th Apr 2011 15:19
Quote: "now already the official DirectX Exporter for Blender 2.5x. lol"

Didn't see that! lol but i don't even use 2.5 anyway, i know it's better, but i really dont like the new interface but now everyone's making things for 2.5 so i'm gonna have to use it now... i love 2.49...

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 01:08 Edited at: 18th Aug 2011 01:09
Quote: "i know it's better, but i really dont like the new interface but now everyone's making things for 2.5 so i'm gonna have to use it now... i love 2.49..."

EXACTLY! I also love 2.49. I know exactly how to do absolutely anything in 2.49. Plus I don't like the way you can't press space to open the Add menu anymore. You can enable the Dynamic Spacebar Menu and that allows you to open the Add menu, but it's not the first menu on the list. And the sometimes the plugin scripts don't re-run when starting a new project or when opening old ones and you have to go into Preferences to turn it off and on again. Really annoying.

In addition to all that, the new import/export plugins (not scripts anymore) don't give you any options. I find that extremely annoying.

Ok, once again, my frustration has been vented on the TGC forums....

Oh, not quite! I just remembered another annoying thing. When you open 2.5 it ALWAYS opens in a non-maximised window! I want my programs to open fully maximised! 2.49 did, so why can't 2.5???

@Kira Vakaan:
I will be downloading the latest version of your DirectX Exporter, because while I don't like 2.5, I really should be learning how to use it


P.S. That flying bullet gets very annoying after a while

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Posted: 16th Oct 2011 13:46
Sorry if it has been asked but what about importing .x files into blender. Will this plugin ever suport that?


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Posted: 10th Dec 2011 17:52
Goood exporter.

Does it export bone constraints ? i couldnt.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2011 17:59
Nice exporter!

Is it possible to export bone contraints as well ?
Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 12th Dec 2011 06:52
Hi there,

Thanks! No, unfortunately, the .x format is a very simple format designed to describe only basic skinned meshes with minimal shading. Blender's bone constraint system is way too complex for this. If you want to do constraints on bones, you'll have to do it programmatically in your application.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2012 19:26
Hi, am having a few problems using the export from blender to .x....when I export my mesh with no animations it is fine, the collision object can be walked on, but when I use the export to animations there are two things wrong. Firstly the collision object is not in the same place as the textured object and secondly the animation as is viewed in blender or in the directx viewer that you see when you double click on the object is not the same when it arrives in darkBasic. The door I have opened is scaling the moved vertices to double in the middle keyframe ( there are 3, closed door, open door back to closed door), but strangely only vertically so...

I have included a program that illustrates these problems....the character starts by falling into the object that has been exported just as a mesh, with no`ll see the character can climb the stairs fine in this first room....outside one doorway is a platform that leads the player into the second version of the object which has been exported with its animation and if you`re carefull will see the door opening and scaling to twice its height. Then you`ll notice that the player falls through when he attempts to walk on this object although it has it`s sparky`s collision routine updated just like the first object has....there is a walkway that you can get back into the first room....

The first object seems to have a different respondance to light in the scene and is dull whereas the second is responding to the light 0 and is brighter.

up/down/left/right arrow to move
mouse to look around

This led me to wonder if the problem is with darkbasic pro or the exporter to .x or even blender itself...

Any suggestions welcome



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Posted: 6th Mar 2012 04:27
Ok, found half a solution in that just exporting only the keyframes in blender makes the object animate just as in blender when in my darkBasicPro level...

But it`s collision object is still not in the right place as regards the visible faces, so can`t detect collision against it...

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 9th Mar 2012 22:27
Huh, it's very strange to me that there is a difference in correctness between "full animation" and "keyframes only" here. I'll look into that, or if you could post a .x file for each of them, that would be wonderful. In any case, the fact that the object renders correctly (and only under some conditions) suggests a number of problems here.
First, the DirectX viewer seems to show your animated object correctly. Using this as some kind of de facto standard for .x files, it appears DBPro has some issues with loading/rendering some types of .x files.
Secondly, Sparky's plugin seems to have issues with some types of .x files as well. I suspect this has to do with the frame transformation inserted at the beginning of the .x file that converts the contents from Blender's right-handed, Z-up system to DirectX's left-handed Y-up system.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure about how much of this is fixable from the DBPro side of things. It seems that one would need to inspect/correct the insides of DBPro and Sparky's DLL. I will, however, look into the discrepancy between the full animation and the keyframed animation.

Sorry I can't be of more help!

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Posted: 12th Mar 2012 03:12
Weave and Kira Vakaan

The answer to the scaling during animation is simple. See this post.


WindowsXP SP3,Vista,Windows 7 SP1, DBpro v7.7RC7
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Stab in the Dark software
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Posted: 13th Mar 2012 17:31
Kira Vakaan,

Are you creating a Matrix Key Frame using the positions and rotations of the joints in blender?
The link in the post above explains why DBpro does not use Matrix Key Frames correctly to prevent scaling.
If you create a Position Key Frame and Rotation Key Frame instead of the Matrix Key Frame DBpro
will correctly calculate the animations and there will not be a scaling problem. This is a quirk of the
DBpro engine. The link in the post above has a more in depth explanation and example.


WindowsXP SP3,Vista,Windows 7 SP1, DBpro v7.7RC7
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Posted: 13th Mar 2012 21:22
Well as far as I know I added a LocalRotScale key to move my armature. The distinction between these and so called Matrix Key Frames, is one I have yet to make on the blender side there being no mention of it I`ve seen in blender or the exporter therein.

Having got one door to open correctly (via UUnwrap3d), I then added the second, animated it so it will render in blender. Yet when I get it to dbpro it only has the anim data on one of its limbs instead of two as seen in blender, plus the vertices dont assign as seen in blender. So I was wondering if the exporter can handle multiple armatures?

It may be an error in rigging, but it`s hard to be sure...
Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 13th Mar 2012 22:00
Stab: The exporter uses Position, Rotation, Scale keys for exactly that reason. It's not actually a DBPro thing; it's just how linear matrix interpolation works out. Thankfully DBPro (I'm sure DBPro is using DirectX's built in animation handling, so really it's DirectX in this case) doesn't create matrices for each frame and instead uses whatever it's given.

Weave: This sounds weird. I'll take a look at that file you emailed me.

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Posted: 13th Mar 2012 23:36
Kira do yo know much about blender 2.6? and direct x exporting on that? Not that i want to change subject or anything.

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Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 14th Mar 2012 02:44
Yes, actually, the exporter is working with the latest version of 2.6.

Perhaps a mod could change the title of this thread to something more inclusive. Something like: DirectX Exporter for Blender

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Posted: 25th Mar 2012 19:41 Edited at: 26th Mar 2012 10:20
Awesome plugin thanks a million! theres some kinda problem with skin weights in 2.5 and up blender though.
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Posted: 25th Mar 2012 19:47 Edited at: 26th Mar 2012 10:40

in the newer than 255 versions of blender the models look all funny and wont export if theres weights or something strange.

Space Baybe IV
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Posted: 20th May 2012 21:09
I have an animated model that I made with Blender 2.62 that I’m trying to use with DBPro. But I’m having a problem with the object bounds. When I include the Armatures in the exported .x model, the bounding box lies along the z axis at a 90 degree angle to the object.

No matter how I rotate my object in Blender the bounds are still at a 90 degree angle from the object.
However, when “Rotate X 90 Degrees” is not checked the object aligns with the bounds, but it’s lying on its back.
The problem with that is I can’t get her to stand straight up without misaligning the bounds (by rotating her in Blender) or rotating her in DBPro, which causes problems when I try to make her move forward or backward.

When I export the object without the Armatures & animations, she’s still on her back. But if I put her on her back in Blender she’ll come out upright in DBPro. But this obviously won’t work for animated objects.

This seems to be an issue with Blender or the DirectX exporter, but I’m not sure.

I've include a picture if needed.


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Posted: 22nd May 2012 05:14
In DBPro, after you've loaded the object try using:

That usually works to fix object bounds.


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Posted: 22nd May 2012 19:53
Thanks, Clonkex, but that doesn't work either.
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Posted: 23rd May 2012 06:22 Edited at: 23rd May 2012 06:24
I havent read all the post on this topic but can you import a .x with this because if i right click a .x object then click open with blender it just opens a brand new project with that square in the middle .

If this can import a .x model how do i do that?

If not is there one?

EDIT i just saw your banner it say exporter...well is there one that i can use that will import?

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Posted: 24th May 2012 03:06
Older 2.4x versions had an x importer you could use that to save a blend and take that in to 2.6

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Posted: 26th May 2012 01:41
You never import anything into Blender by opening it with Blender.

In pre-2.5 editions (because 2.5+ removes the .x importer - I use 2.49b), open Blender, go File > Import > DirectX and select the file to import. It's pretty unreliable because there's so many variations on the .x format, which is why they removed the importer from the later versions of Blender, but if you're lucky and it imports successfully you can then save the project as .blend and open in a later version if you wish. Or you could simply export to whatever format direct from 2.49b.


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Posted: 9th Sep 2012 12:09 Edited at: 9th Sep 2012 12:11
Hey guys! Sorry for essentially double-posting (have a thread going on in the DBPro section), but I figured this would be the place to go.

I'm having problems with .x models exported from blender and animating them in DBPro with Enhanced Animations.. The model causes the program to crash on a specific EnAn command. (It animates flawlessly using the internal DBPro animation commands).

original thread:

I'm using Blender 2.63 -- has anyone been able to export .x models from blender and use them with Enhanced Animations?

Finally let me just shout out a huge Thank You! to Kira.. this exporter is so awesome and makes life so much easier
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Posted: 10th Sep 2012 22:58
Heh, now for a REAL double post^^

I think I got it! Turns out that when exporting the animated .x model from blender, you need to choose "Full Animation" instead of "Keyframes Only", otherwise the EnAn_objExtractAnimation command from Enhanced Animations will fail and crash the program.
I'm a bit concerned right now that the filesize of the animation files might become so huge through exporting the full animation (if I understand that correctly?) that it will severely impact performance.. Will have to see how that will work...
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Posted: 12th Sep 2012 16:31

Sorry for any confusion I might but I would like some verification on the exporter. The template mesh contains meshfaces - some have a count of 4 and some have a count of 3. Does this mean that the faces are for polygins and not triangles?

I am writing an importer for my own GFX engine, and I slowly coming to the conclusion that I will have to explode the polygon to a pair of triangles to enable this format to be compatible with other importers, which only handle triangles. I guess the same will apply to the normals too...


Is there any way for the exporter to handle this itself?

I am new to Blender having come from gmax. I thought it was time I dragged myself into the present.


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