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Work in Progress / World Off Road

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 05:43 Edited at: 1st Feb 2011 05:44
And here is another one i made simply by moving around the layers a bit, the layout is much more like the current one


I think it looks a bit nicer than the other one i made

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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 11:32 Edited at: 1st Feb 2011 11:32
Ok, yeah that looks better. (The logo didn't seem right on the left.)

But I think before I can use that I need World aligned horizontally in the centre of Off Road and brought further down so the letters don't extent past the regions of the circley logo.

On top of that I think the blue circle needs redone and a better picture chosen. (The original one was sorta mystical and had some character, whereas this one is just a screenshot of the back end of Crunch on Dunes2 - there's no mystery about it. )

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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 15:13
Heres my attempt

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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 15:20
!!! That's awesome, more what I had in mind.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 18:15 Edited at: 1st Feb 2011 18:25
!!!!!!!!! He bumped me outa the way! Lol ill try and get the big one right for ya Well i dont know what you mean by the circle itself, i will try and get the picture to be more mysterious Haha your new sig is AWESOME!

Also it seems i cant really find a mysterious image that is new. I could use some older ones that have no longer used cars, but if not then if you'd be willing to send me a good screen shot that would be cool! I would myself but my comp cant run it... Well if you use the same method you did with the little demo it will work

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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 22:14 Edited at: 1st Feb 2011 22:22

We've done it!!!

Matty Hoban is a legend! !!!

World Off Road is now fully back on track.

Thanks to the alpha PhysX plugin DarkDynamiX we've managed to release internal version v0.184 with fully working cars in the new physics wrapper.

Everyone following WOR and all of Soharix owe a great deal of thanks to Matty for saving 6 months+ of work.

So it's goodbye to DarkPhysics and its horrible buggy nature and having to update drivers to get it to work and it's hello to the real PhysX engine with some DLLs next to the .exe to ensure everyone can play.

As well as this, we now have bitmap fonts working so in comparison to v0.18:
v0.19 will have:
* Dirt
* Ground detail
* New physics
* Bitmap fonts
* FTP highscore uploading (with an option in Options.cfg to turn it off for people like me who can't use FTP at their university campus )
* New menus

Pics of v0.184:

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 22:31
Indeed thanks to Matty Hoban! Very nice job, cant wait for .19 to come out, should finally be able to run it on my computer!!!! Your version numbering system is inspiring for some reason, lol!
Quote: " internal version v0.184"
Either way what did you want me to do with the circle in the logo? I need a mysterious picture to make it, and how do you want the circle to look it self?

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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 22:59 Edited at: 1st Feb 2011 23:01
v0.18 released here
v0.181 .exe patch for v0.18
v0.182 .exe patch for v0.18
v0.183 last DarkPhysics version with some features of v0.184 coded back into it
v0.184 first stable version with DarkDynamiX
v0.1841 forgot the PhysX DLLs to go in v0.184 and didn't wanna upload it all over again
v0.185 .exe patch for v0.184

v0.183 to v0.185 have been internal versions.

Quote: "what did you want me to do with the circle in the logo"

Nothing now, Joeeigel found the perfect logo. !

I just loved his little Blade on a white circle design so I've been using it since he gave it to me.

The banner and .exe icon are now sorted, we just need the main title (for the main menu ingame) redone. !

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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 23:08
Never heard of it. Anyways, you had better post a demo soon, I don't think the "forumers" will be to happy without one. (me included)
external v0.1851?

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 23:19 Edited at: 1st Feb 2011 23:21
Ill include it, tis a bit small though... Here tis:

I had to make the circle bigger and sharpen it--looks pretty bad! If i could figure out how to get a better resolution of just that, id slap it right on in!

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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 23:49
Here's my attempt at it:

And here it is in the latest build:

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 00:00
That's awesome!!!

Fits with the banner now!

Will be using it in v0.19.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 03:02
Awww man! There goes bout two hours effort on my end!!!!!! Well i suppose it's only fair, it does look awesome! It does match the sig very well!

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 11:00
Looking great here! Glad to hear Matty finally finished his PhysX wrapper!!

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 12:01
@ Dark basic dude79
Yeah sorry, Joeeigel had the right idea from the start. There can only be one winner (even if there are only 2 entrants to a competition )

@ baxslash
Oh no, don't get me wrong, the wrapper's not finished yet. - From what I've heard it'll be another 6 months or so before you can purchase it, but I'm using an alpha version and he's been tailoring the commands to suit WOR's needs so we can both improve our projects. (He's been making the wrapper more complete and I've been recovering from DarkPhysics's . )

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 12:52
Quote: "Oh no, don't get me wrong, the wrapper's not finished yet. - From what I've heard it'll be another 6 months or so before you can purchase it, but I'm using an alpha version and he's been tailoring the commands to suit WOR's needs so we can both improve our projects. (He's been making the wrapper more complete and I've been recovering from DarkPhysics's . )"

Yeah, DP is great when it works... I'll certainly be a taker when the wrapper's finished (seems like xarshi's Havok wrapper died a death). Can't wait to see how it performs in WOR!

It's turned into quite an epic project. Are you considering using the new Blitz Terrain plugin or will you stick with TEd?

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 13:07
Wait, I thought that plugin was for DGDK, or is that what you're using. I'm lost . The project still looks good though.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 17:38
@ baxslash
We were originally looking at other physics engines (I would have gone with Xenophysics if it was actually active anymore) but I decided on ODE. - Then suddenly Matty came and saved the day with DarkDynamiX.

I'm currently in the process of getting it to behave more like the original WOR engine - it's just got some friction and angular damping tweaks to go in. But once that's all done you shouldn't be able to notice too much difference between DP&WOR and DD&WOR.

WOR was never meant to be this epic; I wanted it finished by the end of last summer but well, things got ontop of me and we had some setbacks.

I've also never been very interested in BlitzTerrain because I don't make my terrains from heightmaps, I prefer to edit them visually. It would also again mean changing the engine. - I just wanna get this all finished because I've got better things to be worrying about these days. xD

@ swissolo
DarkDynamiX works with DGDK and DBP.

WOR is being built using DBP.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 17:51
@ C0wbox That's alright, mine looks overly modern compared to his, his is more the style, agreed

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 17:55 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 13:31
Just in case anyone feels like being really stoopid, here are like the oldest versions we have of WOR, I uploaded them for prosperity and so we can compare the progress between v0.01/0.02 and v0.19.



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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 18:07 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2011 18:38
the history of WOR.... i think you've a big archive with lot of backups.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 19:13
The game is looking good,it is fun to play BUT I would change one thing: more realistic textures.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 00:37
@ Ermes
Actually that archive you mentioned is something I've always wanted to do but really all I have is the latest version. I got those 2 back from people I'd sent it to back at the start.

@ charger bandit
The game's not supposed to be crysis, we're somewhat deliberately making everything slightly unrealistic as a style.

Nevertheless, the terrain textures will be upgraded when I redo the maps as I learnt how to use T.ED properly when I was making Happy1 (the 7th map I made for v0.17)

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 01:03
Again? I thought the terrains looked pretty good.

Can't wait, and I mean that.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 01:18
Im exCited to run WOR on my comp if the new wrapper works. PhysX looks like a total FAIL. You need certain drivers, doesnt work very good, etc... It was a good idea to switch over, id say Was that mini demo you uploaded made with DD?

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 01:30
@ swissolo
Yeah the terrains are going to be remade bigger because the races are far too short at the moment. And ontop of making them bigger I'll be taking more care when texturing them to add detail to the right places rather than dulling down the images to prevent looping.

@ Dark basic dude79
DarkDynamiX and DarkPhysics both use PhysX it's just DarkDynamiX is currently supported and hasn't been sat around for 3 years stagnating like DarkPhysics.

You'll all get the chance to experience WOR come v0.19. We're currently at internal version 0.186 and still ironing out some memory leaks and bugs while modelling the remaining cars (3 more to go)

The mini demos you're referring to are just older versions of WOR - very old versions of WOR. - They were demonstrations back then but are of no relevance these days (I don't even have the code anymore ) they're just for fun so people can compare how much it's changed in 8 months.

Where we are looking at v0.18 and v0.19, they are v0.01 and v0.02. - I gave them to some people through MSN back when I started the project and was still getting the hang of vehicle physics.

v0.01 uses ODE physics and is literally just a box sliding over the terrain.
v0.02 uses DarkPhysics in much the same way it did up until v0.18 (with capsules attached with joints for wheels)

The only thing that remains from those versions though in v0.186 is the water, everything else has been improved upon or changed heavily.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 02:00 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 02:02
Oh, i meant the little box demo thing, the one where you press the spacebar to randomize the cubes!:-

Oh i see about the wrapper things, i meant to say DarkPhysics

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 02:01
Oh, yeah that was using DarkDynamiX - twas just a test to see if everyone could run it properly.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 02:02
Sweet! Quick reply

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 03:02
Maybe it's just me but if i were you i would remove this line
Quote: "Hai everyone who likes us and who doesn't"
from the first post. It just kinda starts off your WIP in a weird way with the 'and who doesnt' part... Just my opinion

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 03:05 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 03:06
How does it sound weird? - I'm not going to deny that I have enemies...

I know I'm not everyone's favourite game developer.

Might as well welcome everyone to the WIP in one fell swoop.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 06:24
Hmmm... Well, good points i must say! To me it just looked like you were putting yourself down, but no one can tell tone from text, so maybe you are saying it in a jokingly way, kinda like i am now, i dunno. Weeell if that's your style go with it! It just didnt look quite right when i first saw it

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 10:27
Quote: "Maybe it's just me but if i were you i would remove this line
Quote: "Hai everyone who likes us and who doesn't"
from the first post. It just kinda starts off your WIP in a weird way with the 'and who doesnt' part... Just my opinion"

I agree with @Dark basic dude79 on this.

It detracts from a great game and might be taken the wrong way by people. Maybe you don't care but if you don't care then why comment on it. Just ignore any comments you disagree with (maybe I should do this more often) and report anything that's malicious.

I don't see any reason why someone would want to be your enemy anyway. You're a great programmer, a helpful, productive forum member and generally I would say your attitude was jovial. I know we've had one or two slight disagreements in the past but I hope you aren't including me in your list of 'enemies'... if so then I'm sorry to hear it because I have nothing but respect for you and your work!

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 13:09

I was merely starting the thread off with some sort of pun or an interesting sentence.

I just hate starting large pieces of text with a boring introduction like:
"I am making a game." "It will have." "Bla bla bla"

Regardless of my reputation (good or bad) here, I do know that some people out there don't like us (Soharix) so I figured I'd scrub all that and talk about the WIP instead.

(That was the whole point of that initial sentence, so I can steer people from judging WOR by who we are (a meagre game dev team at best) and direct them to pay attention to the work in the WIP.)

(Perhaps enemies was too strong a word, I don't really think anyone wishes to kill us xD - Just couldn't think of a better way of putting it. )

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 13:38
Quote: "I was merely starting the thread off with some sort of pun or an interesting sentence."

It's hard to come up with an interesting start to a WIP thread for sure.

If it helps I haven't heard anyone saying anything bad about Soharix or had the impression anyone didn't like you. Just thought maybe you needed to hear that.

Sorry for the off topic talk, just wanted you to know I (at least) don't know anyone with anything bad to say about anyone from Soharix. Maybe all that's in the past?

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 14:12 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 14:12

That may be the case but I don't take anything for granted - a pessimist is never disappointed.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 19:14 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 19:17
All were trying to say is put something like
Quote: "Hai, forum dwellers!"
Something along the lines of that.

Quote: "Might as well welcome everyone to the WIP in one fell swoop"
That made me LOL!

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 19:27
I have no intentions of changing my first post - it's written how I speak.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 20:15
Then keep it the same Just some suggestions

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 20:25
You seem to just fight for first place in the top.
So that you could see the front page of the forum.

I am ashamed of government my country, but proud that I find the strength to survive in this God-forsaken hole.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 20:29

I am ashamed of government my country, but proud that I find the strength to survive in this God-forsaken hole.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 20:55 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 20:55
Makes a change to have my WIP back near the top again, it kinda died a death around page 9. When Time Front took over the board. xD

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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 23:35 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 23:58
Yeah, WOR definitely deserves a high position in the WIP board, seems like tons of effort has gone into it xD

Heard you were moving to Java! Interesting, is Minecraft what inspired you to do so, as it is in Java?

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 01:31 Edited at: 5th Feb 2011 01:36

We're only moving to Java because both I and the other manager of Soharix are being taught it at uni. - So what better time to switch our main coding language.

Minecraft didn't inspire me as such (which is unusual for me and the amount of time I played it) but what Minecraft can do with the LWJGL inspired me.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 02:23
Very interesting! So as of now, when do ya think you'll be done with WOR? And what language will you dev Souquel in?

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 03:39
I don't know when WOR will be done and I don't like to estimate things as a matter of principle.

Souquel may still be done in DBP as a side task while we do Java, or in C++ after Java. - I really don't know, but Souquel isn't being announced; it's just what our next major release would be after WOR. - No promises as to when that release comes though.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 03:48 Edited at: 5th Feb 2011 05:43
Cool! Yah i learned my lesson when i got a release date for Marbsticle Course, i think it just sounded cool to me to have a release date... Man i wonder when i will actually complete a project!!

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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 01:48 Edited at: 7th Feb 2011 01:56
@ Dark basic dude79
Well it took me until Soup to complete something I was actually proud of.

I had to literally separate myself from the rest of Soharix and work alone solid to get it finished.

And even then, the finished project is still quite a small game so it's true what they say when you join these forums "start small" - my official start was small.

Still, WOR is progressing, maybe Soharix can redeem our reputation for cancelling MTM and Vision with an awesome release.

@ Everyone
We're just finishing up Trent at the moment.

Things that need to be done before v0.19 can be released:
* Remodelled Tense
* Remodelled Monster
* Resize the buttons for the menus
* Fix the current memory/pointer/garbagecollection bug we're having with DarkDynamiX

Literally 4 things and you guys can play.
v0.187 internal being released in a moment when I receive Trent

In the grand scheme of things after v0.19 we still have to:
* Tweak some of the menus
* Add an ingame menu/pausing functionality
* Remodel the trees and checkpoints (and other map props)
* Split the props back into individual entities so I can re-use LOD and sort a load of stoopid shadow problems
* Tweak multiplayer functionality
* Remodel all the tracks to be bigger (may leave the current 8 in for extra content - why have 2 big tracks when you can have 2 big and 2 small tracks for each area )
* Add in a death zone (black floor, red water, dead trees, blood coming from the tires)
* Add in 1 more car

Sounds like a lot but I've been known to literally race through modelling the tracks, so the bulk of the work shouldn't take too long.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 03:26 Edited at: 7th Feb 2011 03:27
Ok I know I said I'd do the death zone after v0.19 but I've been wanting to try it out for so long and I'd already begun colouring the water for the other maps so I thought I'd make Death1 and take some screenies.

Pics of Trent on Death1 and a picture of the new Happy water

Yeah the clouds make the Death zone look really retarded, we'll change them at some point. (Was still kinda half waiting for baxslash to release his skysphere maker )

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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 03:39 Edited at: 7th Feb 2011 03:51
Yes, tis good to start small... The Deadzone looks pretty dead! The water looks kinda monochrome but i like how the ground looks shiny Nice work!

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