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Program Announcements / Dego - Co-op Action RPG

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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 06:41 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2011 09:07
The Tale of the Malice King
When all was dark, he came in the night
And with him came gloom and fright
Atop his throne he proclaimed himself King
"It's the end of our days!" the bards would sing
With cries of pain, the world fell in his hand
For he was the king, and all was his land
No hero dared come to the world's aid
For he was the King of Malice and Shade

Download now and stop the Malice King!
Watch the trailer!
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14 unique dungeons
Over 400 items
Full length game, 30-40 hours
Play with 3 friends - difficulty and treasure chests scale with player count
Explore dungeons to find bonus quests and secret rooms
Face off against challenging bosses
Customize controls using input from keyboard and up to 4 gamepads
Strive to reach level 200

Default controls for player 1 are: arrow keys, z, x
Pressing "Escape" will forfeit the current dungeon

What is the most recent version?
The newest patch is 1.04. If the readme file included with the game doesn't say version 1.04 on the second line, you need to download the patch.
Download Patch 1.04

Can I use my old character?
Yes! In the old demo "Saves" folder you will find a file for each character and a save of your control config. Just copy and paste these files into the new Dego "Saves" folder. When you first load your character, the save file will be auto-updated to work with the new saved data.

How many items can I hold in my inventory?
You can hold 50 items.

Will you release an update or new content?
There was a lot planned for the game, but in order to make the release date, some things had to be cut out. That means there is extra content halfway made that is already in the game, just no way to access it. I would like to someday release this content, but there are currently no plans.

The game is too hard!
Try going back to previous dungeons. They are random and you never know what you may find. Quests and bosses are especially useful for gaining experience and gold.

How do I control the game?
If you're having trouble setting up multiplayer, you can use a program like GlovePIE, which lets you map wiimote buttons to keyboard keys. If you use the GlovePIE program, connect your wiimotes to your computer using bluetooth, load the controlscript.pie file included with the game, and hit run.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 06:49
First post!


charger bandit
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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 10:07
Awesome,something uber fun to play.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 20:53
Someone pointed out to me two critical errors with where players spawn on certain dungeons. I was doing some testing and forgot to move the spawns back. If you downloaded before this post, please download the latest patch. I'm also going to update the original download so people wont have to patch.

Download Patch 1.01

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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 21:40
Wow! I'm impressed! This is really very good. I've been playing Dragon Quest IX recently and this really does stand against it from the small amount I've played it so far.

The graphics especially are very good.

I'm going to spend some time running through your Dego WIP posts.

Nice one!

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Posted: 15th Aug 2010 00:04
Okay, here's an even newer patch. It adds a missing item file to the exe.

Download Patch 1.02

A tip for you developers: don't make a game requiring hundreds of data files being included into the exe. You can't attach all your media at once, and you're bound to miss one or two

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Posted: 15th Aug 2010 02:56
Great work, really professional. I'm still humming the music.
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Posted: 15th Aug 2010 04:13
Great work Jimbo.. love the game
Happy Cheesecake
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Posted: 15th Aug 2010 04:40
Fantastic Jimpo, I'm so happy for you that this is finally finished. I've been following this ever since you started the first WIP thread, and you've certainly come far since then.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a new game to play.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2010 05:07
(post on WIP) oops

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Posted: 15th Aug 2010 21:00 Edited at: 15th Aug 2010 21:02
Nice work! Here's a few things I've found so far, though:

1) It seems like the frame rate is not capped on the setup screen? It makes my graphics card humm. (The one with equipment, shop, etc.)
2) It seems like the camera would be centered if there was no HUD; you can't see as far up as in other directions. That leads me to:
3) It would be nicer if the HUD took up a bit less of the screen? Not sure if that is possible though.
4) One time when fighting the first boss, the effect used for his close range fire attack started appearing in random places (like coming out of rocks). I don't think it did any damage though. Shortly after the boss died, the game crashed.
5) Once when I switched my weapon, the one I had been wearing disappeared . Is this because I was holding ~49 items or something? It was the electric mage one that costs ~900 and has a secondary that shoots like this:

I haven't made it past the 3rd boss yet

Dark Dragon
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Posted: 16th Aug 2010 20:38 Edited at: 16th Aug 2010 20:40

it's beautiful............Jimpo............This is so,sooo cool. I never expected Dego to come this far when I played that first little combat demo. Now that its finished, I.....I......*sniff* I dont know what to say......Guess I'll grab my other friend, and Me, him, and Taku-kun and Synn Will get back to Boss battling. Dude, Again, this is beautiful, And its inspiring! I actually feel like Darkbasic Pro can actually be used to Make a work of art, such as this, now..........Jimpo, Thank you. Now, to play Dego.....

Oh and Dude, I found something yesterday. This:

Wow......!? I had just leveled up to level 36 too........


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Posted: 16th Aug 2010 21:04
Thanks for all the comments! Glad people are enjoying the final product!

Quote: "1) It seems like the frame rate is not capped on the setup screen? It makes my graphics card humm. (The one with equipment, shop, etc.)"

Yeah, I never cap the framerate in my games. After hearing about StarCraft 2, I'm going to start setting caps.

Quote: "2) It seems like the camera would be centered if there was no HUD; you can't see as far up as in other directions. That leads me to:
3) It would be nicer if the HUD took up a bit less of the screen? Not sure if that is possible though."

This has been mentioned before and it's just too late to change the hud. There's nothing actually rendered under there, so it would take a little more work than adjusting the image size.

Quote: "4) One time when fighting the first boss, the effect used for his close range fire attack started appearing in random places (like coming out of rocks). I don't think it did any damage though. Shortly after the boss died, the game crashed."

This one is very bizarre. I've seen this maybe once myself, and a couple people have reported this one. Basically, the graphic of one objects becomes mixed with another, and the game crashes the next dungeon. I'll do my best to find a fix.

Quote: "5) Once when I switched my weapon, the one I had been wearing disappeared . Is this because I was holding ~49 items or something? It was the electric mage one that costs ~900 and has a secondary that shoots like this:"

You can only have 50 items in your inventory. I'll edit the first post to make this more clear and try to fix the code to make sure your items don't disappear.

Quote: "Oh and Dude, I found something yesterday. This:"

Yeah, I've seen that happen now and then. I'll look at the collision priorities to try and fix it. And if you press Escape to quit a dungeon, it will still save all your progress.

Dark Dragon
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Posted: 16th Aug 2010 23:07
Quote: "Yeah, I've seen that happen now and then. I'll look at the collision priorities to try and fix it. And if you press Escape to quit a dungeon, it will still save all your progress."

Really? Damn, I alt-f4ed it......................

Super Nova
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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 03:46
Just wanted to say this game is awesome, great work.

"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion."
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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 05:41
A new patch is out. It fixes some crash issues and broken items.

Download Patch 1.03

Has anyone managed to beat the game?

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 05:43
Are you kidding? I've only gotten like an hour of play time!

Maybe that's just me, though .

Dark Dragon
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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 19:04
Gotta get that new patch......

Naw, im no where near the end man.......

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Posted: 20th Aug 2010 07:48
Just asking cause someone on the blog was posting a bug relating to a quest designed for level 140+ only two days after I put the upload up. It's good to hear your taking your time with the game. There's a lot of dungeon variations, secrets, and NPCs to talk to that you might not see if you only play a dungeon two or three times.

Dark Dragon
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Posted: 20th Aug 2010 16:34
This game has a commercial feel, and i waited so long for the release that i'm playing it like i bought it(you know, taking your time to savor it, play it not just beat it,etc.) from the store.....It's great!

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2010 06:54
BEAST! First time on TGC in weeks and I see Dego is finished. Awesome job Jimpo, downloading now.

Check out this WIP flash game from the Global Game Jam!
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2010 11:29
Installed it on my brother's computer (mine's not hooked up at the moment, and I don't have web access besides my 3G phone) yesterday and played for about an hour. So far I haven't encountered any bugs.
I must say, this game is great! It feels like a mix between Diablo and Final Fantasy. Like Dark Dragon said, it's definitely got a commercial feel to it. Cheers to Jimpo!
Van B
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2010 10:14
This is really great! One of the most polished DBPro games I've ever seen - graphics are outstanding, and the 4-player co-op mode just illustrates how well it's been coded.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2010 15:24 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2010 15:27
Quote: "graphics are outstanding"

You know the graphics were just ripped from RPG Maker.

Van B
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2010 15:53
Yeah, but they have been put to good use .

To be honest, I'm not sure that there's many people left out there that can do pixel work like that, not with that consistancy and volume of work. Would be very interesting to see a fully custom tile set used instead though - it's the sort of thing that could do well commercially on the intel app store, I mean look at Zenonia on the iPhone.

Health, Ammo, and bacon and eggs!
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2010 21:15
I I can breathe, its aswomeness is just too much to handle. Its crazy this game is epic!!!! EPIC!!!!
Dark Dragon
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Posted: 31st Aug 2010 00:47
Im Almost LvL 40!

Dr Tank
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Posted: 1st Sep 2010 17:09
This is really addictive. I'm not that into RPGs. I prefer action games. Not a fan of grinding. Didn't stop me playing this all last night! Still stuck in the goblin mines.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2010 21:07
Interested in playing this, but the download size is a bit much (mobile broadband pay per so much thingy, and I've often had larger downloads cut out partway through). Any chance of a smaller version, with heavily-compressed/no music and other such cuts?
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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 20:39
I haven't had internet for two weeks, so it's great to come back to all these positive comments!

Quote: "To be honest, I'm not sure that there's many people left out there that can do pixel work like that, not with that consistancy and volume of work. Would be very interesting to see a fully custom tile set used instead though - it's the sort of thing that could do well commercially on the intel app store, I mean look at Zenonia on the iPhone."

My friends really want me to redo all the non-custom graphics and sell it, but it's way too much work and I'd rather just let people download for free.

Quote: "Im Almost LvL 40!"

I assume you at or past dungeon 10? The difficulty really kicks up for the last couple of dungeons, especially the boss battles.

Quote: "Still stuck in the goblin mines."

If you ever feel stuck in a dungeon, there are two things you can do to speed up your progress. Replay the previous dungeon for the quests and boss to quickly boost your xp, or search for rare rooms and monsters in the dungeon you are on to find items from the next tier up.

Quote: "Interested in playing this, but the download size is a bit much (mobile broadband pay per so much thingy, and I've often had larger downloads cut out partway through). Any chance of a smaller version, with heavily-compressed/no music and other such cuts?"

Removing music and sound effects cuts out about 18 MB of data. I don't know if this is enough.

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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 01:00
Actually we've just got broadband in the house so I've now downloaded it full size Thanks though; most releases people make should include a downsized version of some sort.

Anyway, the game, I'm not actually able to play, the exe crashes instantly with a "Dego has stopped working" message :/
It seems to be a thing with most every DBPro game I download (with the exception of Push, oddly). I've done the rounds and have the latest DX9 (June) and a computer that can do UT3 at high quality no problem. Interestingly someone had uploaded a program with both an executable and the source: the exe failed, but when I compiled the code myself, it worked!

is it just me having this particular problem or something :/
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Posted: 10th Sep 2010 02:59
Does it give a particular error or does it just stop working? I'm not really sure what could be the cause.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2010 04:59 Edited at: 10th Sep 2010 05:04
It's pretty much the instant I've dbl-clicked the exe that the error (see pic) pops up, and I can't find any auto-dump/log things about. I took a short while to crawl through my downloads and found Dego, Baxslash's Backlash and Mad Nightmare's Project Atomic all do this same thing. Only thing I know is they're all very recent; there's a lot of older DBP downloads that work fine :/

Shot in the dark - is it compiled on windows 7?


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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 10th Sep 2010 06:03
@jimpo - a somewhat belated congrats on completing this! i've taken some addition responsibilities on for work that hasn't left much room for digging into Degoâ„¢ for any length of time, but i'm looking forward to doing so sometime, hopefully sooner than later. i'm sure you're relieved and hopefully feel a deep sense of accomplishment here in this final version. it was a pleasure to follow the progress of Degoâ„¢ from inception to completion over the past year and a 1/2 and i hope the many hours of adventure that lay ahead for the lot of us, and our appreciation for it, serve as additional satisfaction.

now, the big question is, after you take a well-deserved break of atleast another week or 2, what can we expect from Dego II?

@Mono -

what OS are you under?

which version of dx9.0c did you install? was it the web installer version? if so, lots of folks have had problems with that version and tend to dl the runtimes (or even the sdk) instead. looking at the june release, the sdk states some dll's were replaced which might be a problem (i think i'm using the nov 08 version of 9.0c on my vista machine without problems. running dxdiag shows only v11 and i dunno how to check which v of 9.0c i haveso i'm basing this on damaged memory).

as for PUSH working, you might ask the author if he excluded some dbpro DLL's in the final exe or anything "out of the ordinary" that might allow you to run it vs the other dbpro apps you're having trouble with.

have you tried compatability mode(s)?

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA . DBPro V7.5
AMD Phenomâ„¢ X4 9750 Quad-Core @ 2.4 GHz . 8 GB PC2-6400 RAM
ATI Radeon HD 3650 @ 512 MB . Vista Home Premium 64 Bit
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Posted: 10th Sep 2010 15:34 Edited at: 10th Sep 2010 15:34
- OS is Vista.
- Installs: Many. I've recently run the web installers and such and that comes back saying the latest dx9 is already installed. I also downloaded the redists (? I think, I dunno >_> ) so there's a bunch of .cab files swimming around the Dego folder, no clue what to do with them, if anything.
Looked at dxdiag for the first time in ages, and next to DirectX version it'll only say DirectX 10, so that's not too handy
I think it was the SDK download page I was looking at a little earlier that said it's several hundred megabytes big; giving that a miss for now.
- As for compatibility modes, I've run Dego under them all with the same result.

Regarding the many versions of DirectX and the dlls messing about replacing each other and what not, I honestly don't know. It's a big web of mess beyond my immediate grasp (and the problem might even have a few implications for the average user trying to play a DBP game, but I am degressing).

ps. sorry for these hijack hijinks
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Posted: 11th Sep 2010 07:10
Quote: "
Shot in the dark - is it compiled on windows 7? "

Nope, windows vista. It could be something to do with what plugins where used, but this game only uses Advanced Sprites, which I don't think is very popular.

And thanks for the congrats VN, you've been a big help. I hope you can find some time to play through Dego, as you always give a thorough review.

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Posted: 12th Sep 2010 18:38
Sorry to keep bringing this up but done some more looking at the problem and found Dego and the others all have "Fault Module Name: StackHash_9cfd", and googling that returned this page on the forum as the third result. So I'm gathering that if you're compiling it with dbp 1.075 or using a new editor (I dunno, I'm still at 1.071 with codesurge), that might be causing the problem. Though that it works on your Vista and not here remains perplexing.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2010 02:21 Edited at: 13th Sep 2010 02:22
mono, i did a little searching on StackHash_9cfd and found one more thread here with the same issue, tho no resolution. but, there they're talking about editor/compiling issues, not running final exes. then, googling outside TGC forums i found little beyond "missing modules", suggestions to re-install directx, and then this last thread which is slightly different (StackHash_9acc VS StackHash_9cfd... which is what i searched for) discussing vista's Data Execution Prevention (DEP) that might be helpful. i personally know nothing more than what is in the thread on the topic but thought it was worth looking into.

beyond this, i'd really suggest moving your issue to another part of the forum here where more readers will see it and hopefully be able to assist you as it's more than just an issue with you vs Dego, specifically.

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA . DBPro V7.5
AMD Phenomâ„¢ X4 9750 Quad-Core @ 2.4 GHz . 8 GB PC2-6400 RAM
ATI Radeon HD 3650 @ 512 MB . Vista Home Premium 64 Bit
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Posted: 14th Sep 2010 15:45
woah you finished dego at last! gz! this is probably (one of) the most awesome game on program announcements!

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Posted: 1st Nov 2010 17:30
Very fun little game. Nice job!
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Posted: 1st Nov 2010 18:56
Looks really cool! Are you going to release the source with it? That would be truly awesome if you did.
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2010 17:39
I'm not planning on releasing the source code right now, sorry.

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2010 21:51
You shouldn't, You could totally sell this on Appup...

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2010 22:12
I must admit I've never been a fan of giving source code away either. - It seems almost counter productive.

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2010 02:49
Quote: "You shouldn't, You could totally sell this on Appup..."

No he couldn't. Unless the RPG Maker images aren't copyrighted.


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Posted: 3rd Nov 2010 04:41
^ I'd be surprised if they were actually. - The number of people using them probably exceeds the number of people using RPG maker. xD

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2010 20:36
Quote: "
No he couldn't. Unless the RPG Maker images aren't copyrighted.

True, but it wouldn't be that hard to make custom ones...

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2010 20:47
You might be surprised on that point.

Latest progress: Fog of War implemented; frustrated by pathfinding >.>
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 00:34
I take it some of the tiles were taken from RPG maker
games good fun though and the custom tiles were top notch

i am conzan live with it
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 01:10
Yeah if I were you Jimpo, I'd get myself a 2D artist and really go to town on redoing all the sprites for Dego. - It's a good little game and it could really go places if it was all home-made.

Commercial versions, mini versions, demonstrations, upgrades and sequels would all seem much cooler then. - It'd be like a known brand on TGC forums.

Sorry, just fantasizing, I never seem to be able to get there with my projects in that sense - our best bet is John which is exceedingly outdated now

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