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FPSC Classic Product Chat / | The Best | Level Design Competition – March 2011

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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 13:01 Edited at: 16th Apr 2011 12:49




Hi guys. So, this is the first competition that I'll be running here. Hopefully it gets some attention and anyone that's interested in putting their level design skills to the challenge will come forward and give it a shot.

March 18th – April 30th

Modern / Rundown Building

-All entries must be submitted by April 30th in order to make judging.

-Levels must be relevant to the current theme in order to qualify.

-Participants cannot submit a level that was already in progress before the start date of the competition.

-Participants will need to present their level as a compiled game .exe.

-Entries can be no more than 1 level.

-This is a level design competition that will be focusing solely on 3D environment structure. There shouldn’t be any enemy confrontations, weapons the player can equip, game storyline, or cinematic effects incorporated into your work. However, key items, such as those used to unlock specific routes like door keys, or interactive crates that need to be stacked on top of one another in order to progress through the level are acceptable. But, these will be considered elements of gameplay and will only be scored based on the way they fit into your level structure.

Total Points Available: 150 (+15 Bonus)

I. Level Design 100

Your level design should of course, be relevant to this month’s theme. Things to consider when creating your level that will affect your score in this category include (but are not limited to);

1a. Glitches and ‘Hard Spots’

Glitches range from anything to falling through a floor to jumping on a prop and being projected a thousand feet in the air through the ceiling, to flickering textures to a door that should be able to open but for some reason, doesn’t. ‘Hard spots’ pertain to any area where the player seems to get stuck in the floor or against a wall on something invisible or otherwise. Developers need to make sure the areas accessible to the player in their levels are free of these bugs in order to excel in this category.

1b. Realism

This category covers a wide area so it’s really going to be left in the hands of the developer to use their sense of reality to keep their level believable. A few examples to look at when considering realism for your levels would be; proper entity scale and proportion, an appropriate depiction of physics (for example, keeping an eye out for ‘floating’ objects or, entities that are not touching the floor), and making sure lights always have a source.

1c. Entity Placement and Appropriateness

If you’re working on an old apartment building map it wouldn’t be appropriate to add a burning campfire or a battle tank in one of the second floor apartment’s kitchens. On the other hand, a hospital wheelchair, bed, and IV unit situated in one of the apartment’s bedrooms, for example, might suggest to the player the tenant in that particular apartment was ill in his day and age. Maybe he was unable to walk and needed to have a nurse visit him each morning to tend to his IV. Small scenes such as these that make the player stop for a moment to examine his surroundings and think about the story behind them really adds an extra appeal to your level.

1d. Detail and Originality

Both important elements in good level design. Detail is what helps draws the player into the level, and makes him feel like he’s really in an old apartment building, or an empty subway station. Originality is something that keeps the player from getting bored, or pushes him to want to know what lies ahead of him because it’s something he’s never experienced before.

*Custom media assets that are used in such a way they provide originality to your level can score you extra points in this category.

II. Visuals 25

This category addresses the overall visual quality of your level and not the actual level construction. For example, are your level’s textures consistent qualities, or are some of them blurred and stretched? Are your textures clean and seamless in the areas the player can see?

*Use of shaders will be permitted in this competition. When used correctly, shaders can really define certain materials in your environment by adding depth to rough surfaces and specularity to reflective surfaces. Something to keep in mind when creating your shader maps is to consider the material you’re creating the shader maps for. For example, dead and dry logs with bark should not be smooth and reflective like a polished metal cabinet.

2a. Lightmapping

Lightmapping can help draw the player into your game environment by adding another touch of realism to your level’s setting. If done correctly lightmapping can really personify that particular atmosphere or mood that you’re trying to project from your scene to the player. It’s also a nice way to add extra detail to your level without adding extra polygons.

III. Optimization 25

Your level should be able to deliver a consistent, playable framerate to the player. Frame drops or, “lag spots”, in one or more locations due to poor optimization (such as too much invested detail in one area) may count against your score.

IV. Sounds (BONUS) 15

You may add sound effects and ambience music to your level if you like, however ; only sound effects that tie into your level design will be considered for scoring.

For example, a creeking wood floor sound trigger on a section of an old wooden floor can help draw the player into your enviroment by bringing additional realism into your scene. A distant thunderstorm and rain ambience will be considered for scoring if you use elements in your level design to suggest that it's actually storming (lightning flashes, rain falling outside of the windows, etc). Random screams, or horror stingers to startle the player, or any other generic music ambience or sound effects unrelated to your actual level design will not affect your score either way.

All participants that submit a valid entry by the deadline will be offered their choice of any 2 models from my GC Store account.

The winner, with the best level in this month's competition will win;

[b]-Every current model in my GC Store account

-Wolf's Stock Weapons Retexture Pack

-Wolf's Extended Level Design Segment Pack

-Custom Music Composition by Juzi

-Anayar's Massive Overlay Pack

-Anayar's Massive Segment Pack




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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 13:40
sounds intressting i think im in

its not a bug its a feature
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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 14:54
I'd love to enter but my machine is so poor I wouldn't stand a chance! very interesting competition!

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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 16:38
I'm In For sure.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 18:28 Edited at: 18th Mar 2011 18:51
7 Run down Buildings Ideas

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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 21:38
mmmmhhm........I like the idea....I think I will give it a whirl

Just been chatting to my neighbours teenage daughter and it turns out she's big into UFOs and aliens.

Which is cool because tomorrow she's getting abducted.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 22:36
THIS I am entering! The prizes are too good to be ignored...

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Posted: 18th Mar 2011 23:31
Kraven, can you come online on Skype?

The Zoq2
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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 00:20 Edited at: 19th Mar 2011 00:27
Im in

Edit: By modern/rundown building do you mean it is suposed to pe a modern or a rundown building or a modern and rundown buildnig?

BTW i sent you an email...

Srry about my english im from sweeden
The Nerevar
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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 01:33
Wow the winner gets the good stuff, I won't enter though, I'm not that good.

I'd have to say........ The Game Creators can make dreams come true.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 01:59
btw Kravenwolf, i need kinda your help..
in my Level, what should light up my lights exactly? if its abandoned...

The Nerevar
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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 02:08
@DarkJames: The moon shining thru dusty windows, or maybe the player has a flashlight.

I'd have to say........ The Game Creators can make dreams come true.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 02:09 Edited at: 19th Mar 2011 02:10
I'm in. May have a few problems with optimizisation, as my laptop can't run ANY room (even a single square empty one) without reaching over 8fps... Might be able to get to my brothers PC to optimize though.

EDIT: Would this allow a courtyard/car park? Not definately going to do this, just a thought.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 02:53
Quote: "By modern/rundown building do you mean it is suposed to pe a modern or a rundown building or a modern and rundown buildnig?"

A modern and rundown building. Such as an apartment building, a hospital, a warehouse, etc.

Quote: " what should light up my lights exactly? if its abandoned..."

Not necessarily abandoned, but rundown. There can still be electricity and working light fixtures, but the building does need to show obvious signs of wear and neglect.

Quote: "Would this allow a courtyard/car park? Not definately going to do this, just a thought"

You can most definately spice up your building environment by surrounding your building with an outdoor scene, but the main focus-point of your level needs to be the building or buildings, and how well you can "bring them to life".

Anymore questions, let me know. Good to see a few people are thinking about giving this a shot


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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 03:50
That means it can be abandoned?

btw, would be much easier if you got online on Skype.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 08:29
i will enter, I'm needing a challenge.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 10:53
Hey Kraven,
Nice idea for a compo, and great prizes!

I had a good idea - but I was wondering, is it ok if I have multiple (small) buildings that are able to be entered? My idea was like a big parking lot, and then lots of buildings surrounding it, which most of can be entered(so like a run down warehouse, car repair, etc)

Please let me know

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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 11:31
Are we allowed to add sounds to bring the level to life?
Half the games and films out there would be crap without their music and SFX.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 13:05 Edited at: 19th Mar 2011 13:17
@Darkjames, yes, it can be abandoned.

@Jaredxd, Sure! You can have multiple buildings throughout your level as long as they all follow the theme. But keep in mind your level will be judged as a whole, and not each building individually.

@Ikey, I'll update the score sheet in the first post with a bonus category to cover sounds. Thanks for bringing it up.


You may add sound effects and ambience music to your level if you like, however ; only sound effects that compliment your level design will be considered for scoring.

For example, a creeking wood floor sound trigger on a section of an old wooden floor can help draw the player into your enviroment by bringning additional realism into the scene. A distant thunderstorm and rain ambience will be considered for scoring if you use elements in your level design to suggest that it's actually storming (lightning flashes, rain falling outside of the windows, etc). Random screams, horror stingers to startle the player, or any other generic music ambience or sound effects unrelated to the actual level design will not affect your score either way.


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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 16:08 Edited at: 20th Mar 2011 00:47
I'm gonna enter this. I've been tryin to brush up on my level design skills lately.

@FPSCgamerguy2- Just give it a shot dude. If youu dont think ur that good this is a perfect chance to test urself. All the best artists and musicians were not good at one point in their lives, but they still put their creations out there.
Just look at the band Pantera. Their first albums were crappy 80's hairband type rock. But they learned, honed in their skills, and are considered one of the best metal bands in history. If they had given up when people trashed on them early in their career we would have never had gems like Cemetary gates and Floods.
You'll never get better without putting your creations out there and learning from your mistakes.
I say enter and start the long hard road of trial and error

Edit:Kravenwolf- Are we allowed to put dead characters. I'm assuming not but I figured I'd ask.

My name is Shakleford, Rusty Shakleford, I refuse to speak without my attorny present. I am Mr. Shaklefords attorny Rusty Shakleford, my client pleads insanity.
The Zoq2
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Posted: 19th Mar 2011 23:59
Quote: "Edit:Kravenwolf- Are we allowed to put dead characters. I'm assuming not but I figured I'd ask."

Why wouldn't we, it could be a huge part of the leveldesign...

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 00:33
Quote: "Are we allowed to put dead characters. "



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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 00:36
i will go more 'Opacity' kinda style Exploration, about a Photographer wich is sent to tape himself explorating an '80s abandoned apartment building.

Where do i post screens btw? Here? Should i send an email?

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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 00:37
Question: would a modern concrete overpass/underpass whatever with a hole in one of the walls leading to somewhere be considered modern rundown? cause that is my main idea and i really am not sure if it fits it.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 01:07
@DarkJames, you can post your screenshots here, though it would probably be best to start a WIP Thread if you plan on posting more than a few.

@defiler, Sure. You can add an overpass to your map to spice up the outdoor area around your building(s), but the main focus point of your level needs to be some sort of building.


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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 01:10
Ok, then i will have the overpass lead to a wooded area with a run down cabin!

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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 01:28 Edited at: 10th Apr 2011 08:14
Heres a Preview (Ingame is not that dark.)

Edit: Removed.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 10:37
Quote: "Ingame is not that dark"

It looks that dark...

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 15:55
Very interesting competition. I'll give it a try

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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 19:44
Zoq2, then you never took a picture in fpsc i guess

FPSC-Screenshot System Makes the screen 10% more darker.
Ingame(and i dont mean Ironically, i mean when you play) you can see it clearly

Braden 713
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Posted: 20th Mar 2011 23:14
Hey Kravenwolf, this looks like it may shape up to be a great competition, the prizes are well worth it. I was just curious, are we allowed to enter only once, or are we permitted to create mutliple submissions?

Life would be much easier if I had the source code.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2011 02:38 Edited at: 21st Mar 2011 02:39
@Braden, Thanks. And yes, you can submit as many levels as you like, as long as they are all seperate builds.


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Posted: 21st Mar 2011 22:41
Does size matter?

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2011 04:03
Quote: "Does size matter?"

Not necessarily. Your level should obviously be larger than one or two rooms, but it doesn't have to take up the entire grid, either. A bigger enviroment may allow you to add more detail to your level, but everyone's levels will still be judged by the same criteria; performance, realism, visuals, detail, etc


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Posted: 22nd Mar 2011 09:00
Looks good, i may enter (when i get model pack 40 today).
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2011 19:43
Awesome. I'll be making mine kind of small. It's gonna be several rooms, but I'll be placing it into my game, and it would really require it to be quite small to fit with the story. xD

I'll probably do a small courtyard type thing for it, though that won't get me any points it seems.

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Posted: 25th Mar 2011 08:43
Since I just bought FPS Creator I'm in! Can't wait to see how everyone does!

The Zoq2
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Posted: 25th Mar 2011 09:38
Can we add talking characters to the level, because i'm making a camp for some civilian soldiers. And talking characters would realy enchace the feeling of being in a camp with others.

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 25th Mar 2011 12:49
@The Zoq2, you can add them if you like, but it *more than likely isn't going to affect your score either way as I'll be looking at your level design and not the AI interaction/dialog within the level.

I realize that AI presence can add more realism to your environment, but I feel that any character AI presence/dialog falls too far outside of the initial level design category to be considered for scoring.


The Zoq2
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Posted: 25th Mar 2011 13:11

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 25th Mar 2011 13:57
I'm in aswell


God Helps the Beast in Me!
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Posted: 25th Mar 2011 21:45
2 comps and a game?? wow wolf, you gotta have a lot of time free

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Posted: 26th Mar 2011 02:33
Thats a bit of a pointless comment, is it not?

But to answer to it: I'm only in one comp and I don't feel like working on relict right now... I haven't done anything in FPSC this week and I think a small level should be done within a few hours


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Posted: 26th Mar 2011 03:34
wolf you got this

Im in and Im gona make it a chalange for ya Wolf


Me = noob

and i love The TGC : )
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Posted: 27th Mar 2011 03:01

It's going to be interesting how I hold up against you in this battle. I probably won't even make it to the top 5 but oh well .

Good luck everyone!

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Posted: 27th Mar 2011 04:16
@Pain: Bring the noise!

@Juzi: You would have a good chance to win against me with your abandoned offices, dude!

@Kravenwolf: Can one donate prizes or do you prefer to keep it your thing?

All of your Models is already a huge load though


God Helps the Beast in Me!
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Posted: 27th Mar 2011 05:48
@Wolf, sure, you can add to the prize list. Definately couldn't hurt


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Posted: 27th Mar 2011 13:16

Lol. What's with the people thinking I can only do offices


I'm a busy man nowadays, but I could compose some music as a prize. Not a promise but I will do it if I find time

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Posted: 27th Mar 2011 18:32 Edited at: 27th Mar 2011 18:32

I would like to donate the Extended Level Design Segmentpack:


And the stock guns retexture pack:


Have a nice sunday guys!


God Helps the Beast in Me!
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Posted: 27th Mar 2011 18:38
@Wolf, I'll add your prizes to the OP. Thanks!

@Juzi, that would be great! Can never have enough prizes.


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