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FPSC Classic Product Chat / RPG Mod Official Thread

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Posted: 18th Jan 2012 01:32
That's pretty much what I've been doing.

Load a map, work on it, save it, then load another map. Maybe that's it, maybe it's working on the map/editing it in some way, between loading and saving, that's the difference?

Also, sometimes it crashes, after saving, without loading a new map. It also crashes if I shut FPSC down and get the 'Do You Wish to Save First' message. Although, like I said, each time, I've edited the map in some way before saving/shutting down.

Maybe, just maybe, it might actually be my old dinosaur of a PC that's causing it this time. It would be interesting to learn what Sting's PC specs are, he gets the same crash/error as I do...

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Posted: 18th Jan 2012 06:20
Hi bruce, sorry to see you're having trouble I hope you find a solution soon.

This is just a short update to say that v5.47 will be available this weekend together with an updated User Manual. I'm hoping for a Saturday release, but we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for supporting this in my absence T!

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Posted: 18th Jan 2012 16:57 Edited at: 18th Jan 2012 16:58
Quote: "Hi bruce, sorry to see you're having trouble I hope you find a solution soon."

Not problems with RPG Mod, but with vanilla 1.19. I've been asking questions about testing/using RPG Mod alongside 1.19. Flatlander has been very helpfull

Welcome back BTW Ched!

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Posted: 20th Jan 2012 22:55
Just to annouce that v5.47 of RPGmod is now available via this link and the link in the first post.

v5.47 incorporates r561 adding various things, see the v119 public beta thread and readme.txt for details.

Fixed rank and experience code - credit to F l a t l a n d e r for this.
Added "rpg_ranktimer=X" - credit to F l a t l a n d e r for this also.
If you wish to use the timer based prompt for displaying player's rank then you will need to provide a value for rpg_ranktimer.
The value must be in milli-seconds (value of 1,000 is one second).
So, if you set the prompt type to two and rpg_ranktimer to 2000, then the rank will be displayed for two seconds.

Also expanded the stock HUD system to display player XP as a numerical HUD. Use "hudtype=12" when seting up a numerical HUD so that it displays the player's XP in the format CurrentXP/XP_ToNextRank.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2012 03:49
Tutorial for Inventory System. Images are not very clear. I sent Ched the Word version.

Ched, would you like the original images? Maybe you can do something about the quality.


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Posted: 22nd Jan 2012 16:23
Just a bump to say an updated UM (v5.01) is available in the OP.

It includes all the updated tutorials created by Flatlander.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2012 19:37
Thanks guys. Much appreciated.
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2012 17:27
ok really stupid newbie question
I don't quite understand how to install the mod, just the file structure layout would help
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2012 20:11
Ah, sorry, I found the manual and now have it working
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2012 23:01 Edited at: 23rd Jan 2012 23:24
Glad to hear it. Be sure and get the latest UM update and Ched80's unofficial UM for FPSC. It includes all the commands through v119 r561. Beta 6 I believe.

Combining these two can make one awesome game but will require scripting knowledge and imagination. BTW be sure and get FPI EditPad here.


I'm not trying to scare you off; but, you have to learn how to script, even if you weren't using RPGmod. Also, be sure and check what post one of the FPI EditPad thread is saying. It tells you where to get the app if you have not yet installed it for the first time.

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2012 23:30
In the manual I get the impression the setup.ini is created when you compile the game but it just looks like the original, when I run the game I get the fps Mod screen, in Files it has the to RPG folders, I edited the “titlepage.fpi” and the “setuplevel.fpi”

Is there a editable demo anywhere? there's nothing like learning from example
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2012 23:48
I know what your saying, I have done a far bit with AS2, XML and LUA mainly 2D engines, but for a living I'm a beta tester for rendering software so I'd like to turn my modeling skills beyond 3D images and FPSC seems perfect
But yes I already have Editpad
The main reason I asked was because I was unsure if I'd installed it right and what to expect
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Posted: 24th Jan 2012 03:03
I'm not sure what you're asking. For now, I'll say that go to the folder files\english\gamebank\mygame. These are the default fpi files for your game.

However, you can change the folder and files you will be using in your stand-alone game by first clicking on "Build Game" then "New" under projects and create a game project filename. From then on you can call it up by clicking on the three dots button (...) and clicking on the "fpg" file name.

There is a way to actually change several features of your game but I won't go into that. This would be describe in the FPSC manual. Myself, I like to do everything manually which also can be done. What I'm talking about are the menu huds, sound, etc.

The setup.ini would be also described in the FPSC manual. If you have any specific questions about the setup.ini you can do a search because there has been quite a few discussions about that file. Also, you can ask about it either here or in the general chat under a new subject.

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Posted: 24th Jan 2012 11:29
Thanks for your help Flatlander, I think I just need to hit the books a bit more, I'm sure it'll sink in eventually
dbain21 Tuatara Software
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Posted: 5th Feb 2012 14:35
@Flatlander - thanks for the Inventory tutorial. I've been able to resolve most of my issues now.

I have encountered the following problems.

When using RPG MOD > 5.3, I do not get to the "inventory" screen when I press the "I" key. (I've tried 5.31, 5.45, and 5.46 with FPSC 1.19b4) Using 5.22, this action works properly.

I attempted to create a "drop item" sequence. I'm able to pick up a shield and I'm prompted to drop it next to the table. I have a trigger zone next to the table. "If Used" = shield, and the main script = playerinzoneactivatedused. When I enter the trigger zone, nothing happens. I check my inventory and still have 1 shield. Pickup-shield code is posted below.

Please advise. Also, please confirm if I understand correctly that this is the only way to drop an item (i.e. I cannot configure a key to drop an item anywhere, correct?)

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Posted: 6th Feb 2012 07:29
Hi dbain,
I'll take a look at your problem. I'm updating the source this week so if I, or Terry, spot a problem the fix will go into that.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2012 09:01 Edited at: 9th Feb 2012 08:15
Hi dbain, I can confirm your bug and I'm working on resolving it. Hope to have a solution soon.

EDIT: I've found the problem in the source code. Just need to remove my debugging code and build the final exe. Should have a fixed version for you to download this evening.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 21:42
Hello RPGmod fans!

First up I've just finished compiling r570 of v119 into RPGmod and this new version v5.48 is available for download here.

This new version also fixes the rpg_noanswer condition (credit to Flatlander for this) and the rpg_dispcatinv and rpg_dispcaticons actions.

This version also expands the stock HUD system to display two user variables separacted by a backslash as a numerical HUD. Use huduservar=VarName1 VarName2 when seting up a numerical HUD so that it displays the user variables in the format VarName1\VarName2.

The command will also work in its original form if the second variable is ommitted. This enables features such as collectables and achievement progress to be scripted more easily.

Since I'm here I thought I would share my ideas for the next version of RPGmod with you. I'm currently building v6.00 of RPGmod. v5 will continue to be updated while v119 exists in beta, but once v119 goes alpha we shall move to v6.00. This new version will add some new features and expand some existing ones, but one feature I'm very excited about is the inclusion of Dark Occlusion. It's pretty exciting since it should give a performance boost by automatically culling objects that cannot be seen. Check out the thread here.

RPGmod will continue to be free, but I thought I would share my plans with you all.


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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 22:24
Thanks for the upload Ched, just downloaded.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 22:41 Edited at: 9th Feb 2012 23:52
I'm very confused. I was using 1.19 originally. Decided to test out RPGMod. When I run the exe all i get is a splash screen then blue screen the it starts testing the last game i ran through test. How do i get to the map editor?

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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 22:56
There are some RPGmod splash screens, but you can always delete them.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 22:58
You're not meant to run the exe, the normal FPSC editor runs the exe. The RPGmod exe just replaces the v119 exe.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 23:04 Edited at: 9th Feb 2012 23:51
What do i need to run the map editor? I clicked this file (in attachment) which is forcing me to go into an old test game. Went through the PDF about how to install RPGMod so i think i did that part okay. Not sure this is happening i can't even go back to normal 1.19.

The FPSC-Game.exe is the newly replaced file.


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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 23:48
Like Ched said, you don't run the 'FPSC-Game.exe', you run the 'FPSCreator.exe' as normal, using the shortcut that was installed with stock FPSC.

'FPSC-Game.exe' is called up by the Editor itself when you test or build a map.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2012 23:50 Edited at: 9th Feb 2012 23:52
I totally must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed lol been clicking the wrong file the entire time. Thanks guys! Can't wait to start testing out all these scripts they seem like everything i've asking for many years ago!

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Posted: 10th Feb 2012 00:13
I'm hoping to someday (soon rather than later) do a tutorial for using all the text features; e.g. having conversations with characters, using passwords, etc. This is an absolutely necessary thing when doing RPG.

Teabone, you know I had done the same thing not too long ago. Couldn't understand why I couldn't get the map editor either. :LOL:

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Posted: 10th Feb 2012 01:20
Quote: "I'm hoping to someday (soon rather than later) do a tutorial for using all the text features; e.g. having conversations with characters, using passwords, etc. This is an absolutely necessary thing when doing RPG."

Looking forward to seeing that tutorial, when you manage to get round to it

crostha 2011
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Posted: 10th Feb 2012 15:31
I do everthing what I must to do to this to work but 5 times I see this message;

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: fpsc-game.exe.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4d460aea
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00000000
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1050
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!

crostha 2011
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Posted: 10th Feb 2012 18:31
Dark Occlusion ? In which version are you planing to implement this great feature and when ?
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Posted: 10th Feb 2012 20:20
Crostha, what are your system specs?
Have you updated to v119?
Have you followed the RPGmod setup instructions in the User Manual?
Have you made any changes to the setup scripts?
Have you encrypted the setup files?

crostha 2011
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Posted: 11th Feb 2012 13:33
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+
4.00 GB memory
ATI Radeon HD 5670
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1


crostha 2011
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Posted: 12th Feb 2012 08:07
Morning guys

I'm no clever programmer but line 3:
"Application Name: fpsc-game.exe.exe" seems fishy - 2 exe's?
Could this be it?

Still love RPG Mod

crostha 2011
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Posted: 16th Feb 2012 00:33
I fix this and I try again "Application Name: fpsc-game.exe.exe"
but now see what I see last time only now Application Name: fpsc-game.exe.exe is not here ! HELP !!!!!!

crostha 2011
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Posted: 16th Feb 2012 06:40
This is a very strange problem - you definitely don't get this when you run stock FPSC?

Just to check, this happens when you run a test game?

crostha 2011
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Posted: 16th Feb 2012 14:25
When I run stock FPSC everything is ok !

When I run a test game everything is ok too !

And I really do not know what the problem is !

And what else to do to make it to work !

crostha 2011
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Posted: 16th Feb 2012 15:02
Before I wrote the wrong answer;

Just to check, this happens when you run a test game ?

Yes when I run a test game !

I tried with version FPS_Creator_V118 and V119 a few times but it will not start !

I see this;


and then I see the fpsc game stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH etc

crostha 2011
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Posted: 17th Feb 2012 18:02
This is very strange. It could be one of your models. Can build a very simple level using stock media and test that? If that crashes, please post the .fpm file here.
Hopefully we can sort this out.

crostha 2011
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Posted: 19th Feb 2012 00:54
This is the sample level I made using stock media
and when I try test it crash.
So please help !

crostha 2011


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crostha 2011
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Posted: 19th Feb 2012 00:56
Please download it and see what the problem is !
Thank you very much !

crostha 2011
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Posted: 19th Feb 2012 11:45
Today I remove FPS creator and all install files from the pc
and then I try to run a rpg mod , now I don't see a message
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: fpsc-game.exe
Application Version: etc
but now I'm waiting for some time and only I see is
enter I see this; runtime error 8003 - Could not find path at line 26474

crostha 2011
dbain21 Tuatara Software
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Posted: 19th Feb 2012 14:49
I encountered an issue with the Experience option.

I added the following command to my "initlevel" script.

<code>:state=0:hudreset,hudx=50,hudy=8,hudsizex=16,hudsizey=16 hudimage=gamecore\huds\numeric1.tga, hudname=PlayerXP,hudtype=12,hudmake=numeric</code>

The experience counter displays on the screen in the proper location, as "0/0". I pick up an item, which runs the following command in the pickup script:


However, the experience hud now reads "1/0".

1. How can I display the accurate experience value (100, not 1)?
2. What is the second value, and how can it be set or incremented?

Thanks in advance.
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Posted: 19th Feb 2012 14:53
Hi crostha,

I tried your map and it works on my system, although I did get an error message when loading your map into the editor.

So i can track the run-time error, could you tell me which version of RPGmod you are running?


crostha 2011
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Posted: 19th Feb 2012 15:34
I use The last v118 based version (v5.22)

Today I remove FPS creator and all install files from the pc
and then I try to run a rpg mod , now I don't see a message
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: fpsc-game.exe
Application Version: etc
but now I'm waiting for some time and only I see is
enter I see this; runtime error 8003 - Could not find path at line 26474

crostha 2011
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Posted: 19th Feb 2012 18:34
Thanks Ched80,

I'll tried these out with the problem I'm having and review the others on this forum that just might help.

Live Long -N- Rock'n Space Cowboys
dbain21 Tuatara Software
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Posted: 21st Feb 2012 22:14
Using the Question-Talkbox feature, is it possible to assign the player's response to a variable? (example, "What is your name?" - assign the player's reply (his or her name) to the variable 'myName')

Thanks in advance.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2012 21:52
Hi guys, I'm snowed under at the moment, but I'll look into your problems in march. Sorry for the delay.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2012 15:54
brits and weather .... tststs....^^

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Posted: 24th Feb 2012 04:57
Maho LOL
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2012 00:50
I'm having issues with getting blood to show up. I've tried putting rpg_showblood=1 and 0 in multiple scripts, including the setuplevel or whatever it's called... too lazy to look again at the moment. But yeah it's ... not working.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2012 07:03 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2012 07:06

I don't believe I coded it to work within any script. It has to go into the rpg_setup.fpi file as follows:

;RPG Setup Script


desc = RPG Setup


;define initial setup control first

The default is to NOT show blood, so you have to make sure that rpg_showblood equals 1. After setting this to one then you need to make sure it is encrypted if you have the flag set for encrypted setup files.

It works fine for me so I don't know what else to say. I'm not sure when Ched80 will return but he will eventually.


I probably should ask what you mean exactly by blood to show up? Do you mean that blood is spurting from the character when hit or do you mean a blood splat on the floor and/or walls?

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