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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2013 14:33
^I love that guy, especially his "Mentally Advanced Series".

Quote: "I always thought the 'official' sound effect for that was 'pomf'. "

I'm guessing that's a reference to something.

"You're all wrong. You're all idiots." - Fluffy Rabbit
"Bottom line, people are retarded." - Fluffy Rabbit
mr Handy
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Posted: 24th Feb 2013 17:08 Edited at: 24th Feb 2013 17:09
Just watched last episode. It was epic concentration of jokes, references, wtf's and songs. 9/10 (-1 for too many songs)

edit: btw, they say it's three parter, the other tow parts will be the first eps of season 4.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2013 17:33
Quote: "edit: btw, they say it's three parter, the other tow parts will be the first eps of season 4."

really... this episode alone felt like 3-4 episodes squished into one..

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Posted: 24th Feb 2013 19:51
I think they made that rush just because they need twi's already be an alicorn right at the beginning of the s4.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2013 22:49
how long till season 4?

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Posted: 25th Feb 2013 07:06
NY, imho. Also it already has been particulary paid, what means it was started production already.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2013 20:59
So... Let's talk about something interesting!

In what ways has being a Brony changed your life? I think we've all been a Brony for long enough to say something about it.

I for one am still surprised that I would find something this colourful and cute acceptable to enjoy. I don't know what it is, but from the first moment I gazed upon the ponies - and rejected them at the time - something about them just seeped deep into my core and stuck there. At first I was ashamed to be watching them, and would alt-tab away whenever someone entered my room. These days though I'll just shrug and say: "I'm watching ponies, deal with it."

I feel that I've become a lot more tolerant with people's opinions, ideas and decisions, but most importantly, I've become more tolerant and open with myself. Walking around with ponies plastered all over you in public takes some guts, and doing it has given me a lot more confidence.

The fandom has opened my eyes to literature (not just fan fics, I'm reading books now too) and art, and has been a very enjoyable experience to participate in. I even went to some meetups expecting to meet some weird, abnormal freaks, but it turns out they're more normal than most.


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Posted: 26th Feb 2013 07:08 Edited at: 26th Feb 2013 08:14
Quote: "I'm reading books now too"


Consider this as last ep of s3

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Posted: 26th Feb 2013 19:28 Edited at: 26th Feb 2013 21:38
Ponies gave me a whole new field of stгuff to be entertained with like games art and there are some very good fanfics out there. As for how being a brony changed me? It didnt really. i am the same person i was 2 years ago.

Perhaps in the future ponies will help me cope with the real world because capitalism is turning people into paranoid angry jerks

[EDIT] Actually there is something that changed since i became a brony. My religions beliefs went from atheism to believing that there is a blue winged unicorn pony living on the moon that forces me to stay up at night and not sleep.
like right now for example.

Curse you Luna i have to get up early for work tomorrow!

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Posted: 26th Feb 2013 22:37 Edited at: 26th Feb 2013 22:59
Quote: "and there are some very good fanfics out there."

Any you can recommend?


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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 00:29
Quote: "Any you can recommend?"

among the ones i have read, if you are looking for something long and epic:

1-Stories in Stone Lunas Royal guard (finished but sequel in progress A mindblowingly-epic and tragic and dark tale about 5 individuals- from a time of war when equestria was weak and prayed upon every neighboring nation. The 5 individuals were Luna's personal guards and generals who supported Luna and later Nightmare Moon in her rise to power)

2-Immortal game (finished)

3-Nights favored child (long ambitious over 100k words already very good but seems far from finished and updates rarely these days.)

4-Flight of the alicorn (everyone knows this one. No comment)

5- Envy and arrogance (finished but its only part 1. Part 2- Guilt and hate is in progress)

6-Parlament of dreams and everything by that author- Wheller. He has like an entire series of stories that lead up to Parlament of dreams. If you like ponies and guns and fallout series- this is highly reccomended. Here are all stories by Wheller in chronological order.

7-The Quiet place. (undergoing a complete rewrite, I read it before it was being rewritten and even then it wasnt completley finished but still very good. The author-Aynine stopped writing at the very peak of story climax and started rewriting from scratch. But it looks like it will be completed soon)

8- Of steam Gears and Wings- This guy successfully recreated the feeling of the original star wars in a diselpunk-esque Equestria (Common misconception is this story is steampunk- its actually more of a diselpunk with some futuristic technology too The first story is complete, part 2 is in progress)

9-The Empty room. (one of the first stories i have read, at the time i thought it was really good but it went to the bottom of my favorites list with every story i read)

I dont read a lot of slice of life, comedy or romace stories, but among the ones i have read here are the ones i liked the best.

1- My little alicorn (if you haven't read this go die right now) Also the sequel- Bringin up blueblood. Its mostly comedy and slice of life but has some dark undertones.

2- Past Sins- slice of life- adventure- Lots of people claimed that it made them cry. Well it almost made me cry... This one was hard to put down.

3 Monster- the only human in equestria type story that peeked my interest (because it wasnt tagged as a HiE story) While the author thinks his fic is terrible its actually really good, i ended up enjoying it.

4 Slice of life. a saga of hilariosly disasterous consequences of Celestia going on a diet. (still not finished)

5 pretty much every comedic story about luna and celestia getting drunk- th0se are always hilarios.

Finally, i am now in the process of reading stuff by "Black Rose Raven"- the Natta Edda Saga. He has 7 really long stories totaling 1500000+ words that seem to be very epic.

The problem is its a romance- adventure type series and so far his romance parts and general conversation parts are way too long, while written very well, they personally bore me. Its a shame because the parts with action and the overall story are very good. Still i am just finishing the second story and i wanna give this a chance to see if the authors writing style changes.

I have about 100+ more stories on my to read list the problem is that most of them are unfinished and i really dont want to get dissapointed by starting to read them and tormenting myself waiting for an update or worse realising that the author abandoned the story all together. There was this story that looked really good- called "Growing Pains" seemed like a good long epic story (with high rating and good fan-following too) that i would like, Was waiting for a long time to see it get finished so i can read it whole, and then the guy just announces that despite the fact he loved working on the story decided that he got bored of writing and left it unfinished with tons of loose ends saying that he might someday finish it.

I guess i understand people like that- real life gets them. I also decided to try writing something, then i got a full time job and i have no time to work on it and i am writing this post now while i could be making progress on my fanfic, or sleeping

So anyone know any good fanfics that might interest anyone else or me?

Also, i found that while reading these, picking out a good soundtrack for these stories really helps you get immersed in the atmosphere of the story.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 22:00 Edited at: 27th Feb 2013 22:26
@Mr Handy

... wait... wat???!!...

..... i would never have sex with a zombie unless he sent me flowers???....


this wouldnt be neatly as weird if it didnt sound exactly like Twilight / Tarah Strong (or whateve twi's voice actor is)

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 22:02
PAGAN, it is twilights voice actor <tarah strong>... it's from the game - on the screen in the end there - Lollipop Chainsaw

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 22:28 Edited at: 27th Feb 2013 22:30
@Mr Handy Some of these animations- whatever the author/creator was smoking, when he thought of these.... I want some...

Tarah Strong voiced Lolliopo Chainsaw????

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 22:48
Quote: "Tarah Strong voiced Lolliopo Chainsaw????"

Yes yes indeed, thats one of the reasons to why I want the game ~~

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 22:55 Edited at: 27th Feb 2013 22:57
Quote: "Can't embed flash, watch it here:

Ta-da! You and your crazy russian site ripping off stuff... that's very unbronylike™

Quote: "Dashie,084e0a214ea57339ca5f7be8c41b4856,2-help-256.html"

Seems like it was originally located here, but got deleted:

..but it got reupped:

Quote: "FTW!!!,084e0a214ea57339ca5f7be8c41b4856,29-lyravator.html"

Source for that:

Oh and while I'm at it... source for the pic.

...I like it when you link to the original/creator of something, 'tis nice.

@TheComet: How the fandom/being a brony influenced me?... Well, all I can say is that I found a lot of awesome friends through this and... well, I run around with a Pinkie Pie patch and a bunch of buttons on my bag... I don't care what other people might think of that. Noone (no stranger atleast) ever commented on it anyways. I remember how I was scared of what others might think of me, even complete strangers... but I don't waste time on that anymore. Most people who read this thread who are not bronies probably think we're really weird too. It's like we're somehow more weird than people posting on "Geek Culture"

(I should go to bed... wait I already am in bed because I'm sick... and I think I might have a temperature and not be able to think straight at the moment... I dunno. )

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 23:12
@Red Flames Get well soon

Quote: "Yes yes indeed, thats one of the reasons to why I want the game"

Its 2:00AM in the morning here in Moscow, and there is a 24 hour electronics store 30 minutes away from where i live (i love Moscow i once bought an LCD TV there at 3:00AM and it was awesome even tho i ended up breaking the thing an hour later. Well i really needed it for parts anyway)... Anyway- Last time i was there i saw "Chainsaw and Lollipos" game being sold there... I am off to buy it be back in an hour guys i dont care if i have to be at work tomorrow at 9:00AM and i dont care if i am drunk off of 2 bottles of Mead i am getting Lollypops and Chaijnsaw tonight!

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 23:33 Edited at: 27th Feb 2013 23:41
Quote: "ripping off stuff"

Some sources are true flash, so it's better than youtube. Also I don't think that browsing whole deviantart for mlp is a good idea.

Quote: "...I like it when you link to the original/creator of something, 'tis nice. "

Yeah, they never give a link. And I don't give a *cough* I mean I can google it if I want

*** Merry Chuckmas! ***
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Posted: 28th Feb 2013 00:41
ok i bought the game lollipops chainsaw but later i realized i have to buy a ps3 to play it.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2013 00:47
good. now drink vodka.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2013 06:15
Quote: "ok i bought the game lollipops chainsaw but later i realized i have to buy a ps3 to play it. "


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Posted: 28th Feb 2013 12:20
Quote: "unbronylike™ "

Is that a translation from a certain German brony website?


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Posted: 2nd Mar 2013 19:59
Lauren Faust joins the Mane6 dev team to help develop the game "fighting is magic".


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Posted: 2nd Mar 2013 21:43

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2013 22:02
Too bad that the game won't be pony related anymore.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2013 22:35
-,- Bronies

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2013 22:41
Quote: "-,- Bronies"

Dhat comment made my day, so random - so useless, and so cute

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2013 00:44
Pfft, wait 'til you see the new laptop I bought.

Lil Asskicker has ponies on her!
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2013 18:10
Post pictures or I will kill Fluttershy.

If it really does have pictures of ponies on it, I will kill Fluttershy.


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Posted: 3rd Mar 2013 18:19
I'm still waiting on the last few stickers on order, plus I have an SSD and extra RAM to arrive.

After that, Lil' Asskicker will get a thread.
mr Handy
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Posted: 4th Mar 2013 06:52 Edited at: 4th Mar 2013 06:53
about fighting is magic:

no ponies? epic fail. that fighting was interesting only because of ponies, and not gameplay mechanics. it was generic. i'd play guilty gear or blazblue instead. epic fail, even with LF, she's not Tartakovsky to make something cool.

p.s. hasbro ****************************! honestly.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2013 08:59 Edited at: 4th Mar 2013 08:59
Quote: "p.s. hasbro ****************************! honestly."

It isn't really Hasbro's fault. It's Hasbro's incompetent legal department who are forced to send these letters. I'm sure the majority of Hasbro was behind that game.


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Posted: 4th Mar 2013 08:59
I'm quite happy about the fact that lauren faust joined them, thats amazing really, but yes - ido agreee.... taking out ponies is.. silly

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Posted: 4th Mar 2013 12:09
Here is what you do. Make a game about not ponies, release an unofficial mod fanmade total conversion for the game making it become ponies.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2013 13:03 Edited at: 4th Mar 2013 13:05
FIM is already a non-commercial fan game, I can't see any difference between it and mod for it :\ If it was stopped once,...

Hasbro are true *********, because there are smart companies that aloow fan stuff and make profit from it.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2013 21:43
Most don't.

To be honest, the example I saw thrown around was Valve letting Black Mesa go. Now sure, I love Valve infinitely for that, but I guarantee you that once Black Mesa is fully completed and released, it will become a Valve product and they will try to hire the staff.

Valve work by consuming talented people in their modding community to make themselves more potent. Hasbro could learn well if they only dared to try.
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Posted: 5th Mar 2013 11:47 Edited at: 5th Mar 2013 11:51
Quote: "it will become a Valve product and they will try to hire the staff"

That's what I was talking about. Many fans are now working inside.

edit: hasbro can make huge profit prom funding fan games. but they don't want money, they want ... muffins i guess?

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Posted: 5th Mar 2013 12:25
Quote: "it will become a Valve product and they will try to hire the staff."

how is that a bad thing

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Posted: 5th Mar 2013 13:44
new derpy cartoon from mrponiator

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Posted: 5th Mar 2013 18:50
Elegant horse. Elongated horse.


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Posted: 5th Mar 2013 22:35
Quote: "how is that a bad thing"

Didn't say it was, just saying that Valve are long-term thinkers, and they'll use the Black Mesa situation to the maximum advantage for them.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2013 22:59 Edited at: 8th Mar 2013 23:03
Hey guys, dunno if you've seen it, but here in Germany Burger King has some pretty cool toys!

And it's nice that they're selling them without menues for 2,10€ each. If anyone of you wants these really bad I could pick up some for you (It's always nice to go to Burgerking and demand ponies. I did it twice already, and in one they had random toys but I wanted ponies... )

(with blindbag and American McDonalds toy for size comparison... these toys are about 8-9cm and made out of hard plastic, and they're hollow. I thought the McDonalds toys are a little nicer because they're solid and the plastic is a little softer... but the Burgerking toys are bigger, look better and are cheaper to get I think)
Edit: (more pics)
Pinkie Mane pic1 / pic2
Flutters Mane pic1 / pic2
Twilight 1 / 2

I hope they make a second "wave" soon with the other 3.

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Posted: 10th Mar 2013 17:03
Oh god, this is creepy. D:

(Sorry for the double post but noone besides the bronies reads this anyways. )

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Posted: 10th Mar 2013 17:32
Dear sweet Jesus, that was terrifying...
mr Handy
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Posted: 12th Mar 2013 08:27
Creepy. That's the maker of the toy:

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Posted: 14th Mar 2013 09:07 Edited at: 15th Mar 2013 16:40
Trying to come up with a ponysona for me:

(Oh and by the way I don't remember if I posted this one here when I uploaded it a month ago, buuut I don't think I did, so I'll do that now. If I already did done do that there then I'm sorry )

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Posted: 15th Mar 2013 08:39
hmm, strange, it's more like a dog to me. try to change facestyle.

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Posted: 15th Mar 2013 14:08
Yeah I guess that's the Furry influence bleeding through... I kinda like the muzzles like that but they don't work for ponies... I should probably make 'em a little less canine-looking. ^^

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Posted: 15th Mar 2013 15:00
I can't see the ponysona right now (Work is blocking it), but I can see the Derpy/Dr. Hooves one and WOW! You've certainly outdone yourself with that one! Mr Handy, what does the scouter say about the cuteness levels?


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