DA, I like the idea but one of the reasons this runs fast at the moment is the fact I'm using so many none transparent tiles. Currently only the smoke and explosions are transparent and I get a good framerate on every device.
I'm actually thinking of making the transparent tiles (as they are blown into tiny pieces) none transparent too to speed up even more. The main reason for this is that I have a lot more to add and the effects of the weapons should outshine the rest of the scene in the end. Also I want to test the limits of how many players can play at the same time
MrV, when I start adding other weapons (IE rocket launchers that will slide out of the side of the tank) it will look even more like Robot Wars)
EDIT: Here's an image that shows how I'm breaking my map tiles up depending on the strength and position of an explosion. I'm breaking each tile into four that is within the range of the explosion and continuing until they are under a certain size. If they are under a certain size I then turn them into dynamic tiles. Later I have a further enhancement to add where I will be making the map from larger tiles too but that's probably not necessary.
this.mess = abs(sin(times#))