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Geek Culture / TGC beta forums - closed until further notice

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Posted: 27th Nov 2013 13:11
Another thing that I just thought of, that I know has been suggested before (but not here). If you have read a thread, but someone in the thread edited one of their posts, for it to show up as edited in the board, and in the thread will be orange or something (as opposed to the light blue of a new post and grey of a read post).

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Posted: 27th Nov 2013 21:24
Van B yes that would help if you could.

I will add that suggestion budokaiman.

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mr Handy
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Posted: 28th Nov 2013 21:12
@Van B
Why don't just edit the first post, adding update date? I've never seen "floating posts" except the first one (when it appears on every page in the thread at top) Also, if the (code) will be so efficient to hide images and videos, every update will take two lines in the post, no mess.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2013 21:40
@Mr Handy,

I think this combined with the idea of notifying when a post has been edited is probably sufficient enough to achieve VanB's goal.

"everyone forgets a semi-colon sometimes." - Phaelax
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Posted: 28th Nov 2013 22:18
Anyway we need a tool to hide images and videos.

Also "floating" feature for the first post is useless here, as it is only use as "rules reminder" post on the other forums, and we don't have such threads with rules.

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Posted: 29th Nov 2013 01:32
Quote: "Anyway we need a tool to hide images and videos."

I'm confused about this statement, do you mean in posts? Would this be until you click to show them or completely hidden like the hide signatures option?

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Posted: 29th Nov 2013 10:00
Quote: "Would this be until you click to show them"


Quote: "[quote]I want to add one important fact that I forgot: you can't hide image in code. Very useful for large images or series of images that enlarges thread a lot."

This shouldn't be an issue in future after the new attachments system is in place.[/quote]

You can't use bbcode in code because of <pre>, so code can't act like (spoiler) or (ot). How are you going to combine raw text code and same codebut rendered inside (code)?

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Posted: 29th Nov 2013 10:11
I see what you mean now, I will see what I can do it may come in handy, but most likely in off topic boards.

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Posted: 29th Nov 2013 10:14
Quote: "it may come in handy"

Quote: "but most likely in off topic boards"

...and on WIP boards to cut multiple screenshots/videos in multiple posts

I think I have run out of ideas now

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Posted: 29th Nov 2013 16:40 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 20:57
There's a problem with just marking a thread as unread if a post is edited, it breaks the flow of the thread. Perhaps if there were a token post at the end of the thread that simply read "post edited by Van B" and had a link to go to the post in question? (If you had clicked the "Newest Post" link it would make sense to go straight to the edited post, but for consistency the token post is there in chronological order.) That seems like the simplest solution that solves both problems.

Formerly OBese87.
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Posted: 29th Nov 2013 17:33
Maybe just highlight the edited post with the other color than the new one?

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 04:08
how about a button up the top of the forum page with the option of going to your account page.
That way you don't have to go to TGC home page first to get to your account.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 20:53
just bookmark (why not? LOL)

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 21:01 Edited at: 4th Dec 2013 21:02
edit: oops double post sorry

A small update to my "offtopic" petition:

This recent "offtopic" text in code tag just "brokes" the page.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 21:26
I try to minimize my bookmarks so they don't get lost in a sea of links.
Then again... I could put it as my sig so then its there for everyone.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2013 07:02
Basically account page is in two clicks, but main page is heavy so that button may be handy here. Umm, how often do you visit account page and why? I almost never go there...

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Posted: 5th Dec 2013 08:00
I use it to download updates, new software and model packs I have bought.

I was just reading about the new FPSCR beta and went to download it. This was when I thought of suggesting this.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2013 09:39 Edited at: 6th Dec 2013 09:40
My many cents:

Post Formatting:
To simplify this whole saga regarding formatting and extra tags and the like, here is the easy solution: Allow html in posts. Many sites allow html code in user-posts. That puts the hones on the poster. If someone can't use std html then they should just learn. This is a programmer's forum after all. Not only does it make like much simpler in terms of future format-related features but it means flexibility. Adding a few template buttons would be a time saver but not essential.

Users who have been around long enough to prove they are good citizens should have some sort of administrative rights over threads they start. Not only would this take a massive load off the moderation staff but, as someone mentioned, it'd be nice so far as preventing the I need my old WIP thread, "The Eight Fingers of Aztok", unlocked clutter. I'd also like to be able to delete threads for projects that aren't valid because they were dropped. etc. By delete, I just mean that access rights are modded so only the thread creators and moderators can still see them.

At the risk of incurring everyone's wroth, I think this is a potentially bad thing. Sure it feels good to get your answer 'up-voted' but this has the potential to leave behind sour grapes. It also can create a situation where users start up-voting another. Putting all this aside, life is very subjective. There are many times I've searched for answers online and found a forum where the answer with ~100 votes is not half as good as the one with ~20. People have a sheep mentality and once an answer gets enough votes, they also have a tenancy to automatically agree with it. Finally, and this is the most annoying bit, it can lead to people answering every question they can to try and earn more points. Take a look at the help forums around the net and you'll find them littered with pointless answers and copy-pastes from other sites.

Avatars and Sigs:
I think it is, as someone stated earlier, about high time this forum had larger avatars. These little images are silly. As for sigs, I do understand a point made by someone a while back when they said large sigs turn the forum into Vegas but I think allowing a few more px in width and height wouldn't hurt. Also, the char limit for sigs is ridiculous. I think that chars should only be counted if they are not part of a link/tag, i.e. they are actual visible text.

Site Style:
I'm not a great fan of change, an opinion that apparently other users share. I'm therefore requesting that the placement of things please not get modified too much and that the original font, at the very least, be available as an option.

mr Handy
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Posted: 6th Dec 2013 18:18
How about forum polls?!

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Posted: 6th Dec 2013 18:51 Edited at: 6th Dec 2013 18:56
New forum signature guidelines

Signatures may now be any length of characters, this is done to allow longer image urls and to allow more content to be inserted into signatures.

The signature image size rule still stands and anyone with an image over 600x120 will still have their signatures moderated. This may change at a later date but will need discussion first.

Signatures are under moderators discretion they have the final say on what is too long or unacceptable as a signature.

This is a trial of longer signatures, I would like to think no one here will abuse the unlimited length. If the change is abused the length rule will be implemented again.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 00:29 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 00:32
The beta forums are released for everyone, all the functionality of this site is in place minus the ability to upload files which will fail this is so the files don't conflict with each other.

You can use the beta forums at the url below.

Please leave feedback of any bugs you find (with screenshots) as well as any comments.

Not all areas of the site have been totally converted from tables at the moment so expect some pages to appear a bit odd at times.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 00:40
After posting a message it redirects me back to the regular forums.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 01:19
This is a test that it is fixed, I won't edit it if it is

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 01:38
Another bug that I just came across is that when editing a message, there is no button for strikethrough.

It doesn't appear to be in the regular forums either though.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 01:45
That bug should be fixed now on the beta forum only though.

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Kevin Picone
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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 04:57
There seems to be a load of blank space in signatures now..

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 05:06
I think that has to do with the enlarged Avatars. It looks like it shifts everything down a bit to accommodate the avatar.

I like it a lot so far, VERY clean and it feels fresh!

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 05:50
There's no drop-down allowing you to go to a particular board (the drop-down that has 'My Threads' as a default under the banner at the top-right)

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 15:06 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 15:17
There seems to be a load of blank space in signatures now.. - This should be fixed, there is also a new format for posts that only works after a post is edited so that is live now but not noticeable it is just a code clean up really.

I like it a lot so far, VERY clean and it feels fresh! - Thank you

There's no drop-down allowing you to go to a particular board - It is back now missed that

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 15:43 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 20:45
Brownie point for whoever works out how to do this first (Viewable on beta only)

[xsmall]extra small[/xsmall]




[xlarge]extra large[/xlarge]

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 15:55 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 17:03
Wheee, brownie points:

[xsmall]extra small[/xsmall]



[xlarge]extra large[/xlarge]

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 15:57 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 17:01
We have a winner almost, you almost got it

Here is the code for you all

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 19:40 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 19:42
Testing for attachment and removal of attachment...

... Nope no option to remove an attachment, or even showing one is attached, when editing.

.. hmmm not even showing any attachment in the post. I definitely added an attachment.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 19:42 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 19:45
Quote: "Testing for attachment and removal of attachment..."

This is removed on purpose as it messes with the live site, I will try get it back soon if I can get rid of the issues it causes.

EDIT: All attachment functions are disabled can't have both sites writing.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 19:46

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mr Handy
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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:03
Umm... so how about forum polls? If you ask why - it is good for WIP threads to ask public opinion on new or current WIP features.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:06
Forum polls are a good idea from what I can see in the code there used to be a poll system in place which was removed/limited to one board you can no longer see.

I will have to see how it goes and if this is something the majority of the community and mods feel will work well.

I have indeed seen it be useful on other forums.

I have added to the list

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:25

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:37
A little curious as to what's going on with the signature formatting. It seems to be really inconsistent with spacing out the start of the signature.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:46
Is it fixed now? I think my post had some test code in it that may have made it look odd.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:53 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 20:57
Not quite. In another post of yours, it's different in both lines:

And it seems to be different for other users as well:

Okay, new bug. In the beta forums, when trying to get a link to a certain post, it just seems to give a link to the page the post is on.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:57
It is that users have posted when I was testing something and they have outdated signature code I just edited a few of the posts I found with the issue and it is fixed.

All you should need to do is edit the post and it should be fixed.

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FPSC Tool Maker
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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 20:58
Since you posted before my edit, I also found this:
Okay, new bug. In the beta forums, when trying to get a link to a certain post, it just seems to give a link to the page the post is on.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 21:01 Edited at: 7th Dec 2013 22:34
Oops I commented out that bit of code thanks for helping me spot that fixed now. TEST

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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 00:11
I agree with adding a poll system like mr Handy suggests. Would be very useful in WIP threads!

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 09:46
You're testing the new forum code with the live database? Hmmm... sounds dangerous.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 11:03

In this version there is no alteration in the core database code hence why I am using the live database.

This version is to get the HTML framework in place and implement changes I have already working on a test server that I know do not causes issues after that major issues such as the poll system and the subs board will be coded on a test platform.

Wouldn't be doing it this way if there was the slightest chance of the database getting damaged the code changes are not of that type yet.

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mr Handy
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 12:11
Forum bugs:

1) if logged in, every time you enter your own thread adds a view.
2) refreshing page also adds a view.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 15:11
Well, I like some of the improvements. Nice we've got PM & Post Preview now. Also seems to look fine in Android (which I'm currently typing on). The last forum design had the optional themes and of course, the banners we so love. Is there any plan to add these to your current design? I suppose it may be difficult considering the redesign of the main site and the forum changes that match it, but I wouldn't minder having banners (though we've not have new ones for a long time) as they do have a slight personal touch in regards to the community.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 15:54
The banners will be returning I am trying to find a way to get the old ones to work with the new design.

The idea is to fit the banners into the blue area at the top in the middle.

The new style of banners can be full width. For example see the image below any image of this size with a colour to transparent gradient on left and right will work as a banner.

The reason the gradient goes into transparent is so all banners work even if the colour scheme changes.

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