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Geek Culture / TGC beta forums - closed until further notice

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 21st Jan 2014 18:17
I assume the beta is disabled because you're updating it? Just curious.

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The Next
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Posted: 21st Jan 2014 18:21 Edited at: 21st Jan 2014 18:36
Yes I am still using it myself for tests but I have disabled the SQL injection protection.
I am totally rewriting it to stop the annoying backslash issue. Hence why I cannot let anyone use the site while this is being done.

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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 21st Jan 2014 18:22
Gotcha. Thanks for being so dedicated to this!

Come check out my new website!
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 21st Jan 2014 23:55
Yeah, I personally appreciate all of your efforts into this site a ton, and I hope I speak for the rest here too. I always feel bad giving you suggestions, because you appear inundated with suggestions as is anyway. But you take them positively, so I think that's all a forum user could ask for!

If TGC isn't paying you to do this, they should.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 00:01
I appreciate all the nice comments guys, I am pretty busy but I love these forums so am excited about updating them and making them a great place to be for many years more.

Quote: "If TGC isn't paying you to do this, they should."

I won't say what TGC is and isn't paying me for. However I will say I am working for TGC on a large project, and for everyone that is higher priority than the forums at the moment, taking up a good number of hours per day, what I fit in the forums is just an extra on the side for the moment, although I know that TGC is interested in big improvements in a lot of areas. Very exciting time to be on the team.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 13:10
Quote: "However I will say I am working for TGC on a large project"

Hope its DB Elite.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 13:40
Global Threads shows duplicates of each thread. Dunno if it's reported already.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

"I know that, which means I must be as funny as I think I am; in a paradoxical sort of way," I replied.
The Next
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 13:41
If your talking about this page then that is meant to do that and won't be visible soon.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 18:56
Eeyup, that's the one.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

"I know that, which means I must be as funny as I think I am; in a paradoxical sort of way," I replied.
mr Handy
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 20:50
I have a great idea! Why signature is hardcoded into post? It should be made like avatar. So when you change your sig it changes everywhere!

The Next
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 21:51 Edited at: 22nd Jan 2014 21:51
@mr Handy

That would be nice but the issue is every single old post would then have two signatures. I will have a look and see though.

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The Zoq2
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 22:46
That would be a great feature. And there has to be a way to tell what is a signature and what is not since the signature has a separate class in the HTML...

Say ONE stupid thing and it ends up as a forum signature forever. - Neuro Fuzzy
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 00:13
No, don't do that. It's a great feature of the forums that we can go back in time and see what people's signatures were.

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 09:29
I agree, good nostalgia. If people want their sigs to auto-update the just have to replace their server-side image with the new one using an identical name and path as the old one. As for links, they could link to a temp location that redirects and viola, whenever they wish to change the link they change the redirection their side. However I much prefer people not to as I like digging up old projects and WIP threads from time to time. Interesting things in the forum's past. Still I get it if it's something embarrassing they wanna get rid of but then they should ask a mod to edit it.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

"I know that, which means I must be as funny as I think I am; in a paradoxical sort of way," I replied.
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 09:39 Edited at: 23rd Jan 2014 09:45
I've only just noticed this thread now, but for what it's worth, here are my opinions on most suggestions made (more than 2 cents' worth....probably more like $200):

Quote: "Automatic image re-sizing for images larger than the page would be great as well."

Yes! That's a very important and necessary upgrade! I hate having to scroll back and forth to read text when someone posts a huge image.

Quote: "how about the option for an OP to unlock their own thread if it has been locked simply for inactivity"

Excellent suggestion!

Quote: "Also an option to have the carriage returns match the post writing box so that the way you see it in the edit window is the way it comes out on the post."

Bad. Why have widescreen monitors when all the posts are fixed at a narrow width?

Quote: "Post preview button?"

As much as I think it's actually unnecessary (I thoroughly enjoy posting then editing then posting then editing), this is probably for the best.

Quote: "This is quite a big suggestion but... the whole site is badly designed.
Pages are arranged in tables with dozens of images, every image is a separate file! This is a pretty basic forum so it should have very few images and load fast on any machine."

If you're referring to the current site, I disagree. I think the site is very well designed. Oh, unless you mean internally...

Quote: "Ability to recommend (vote up/for) a single post in a thread. There shouldn't be a vote down option though, as it becomes like karma and was useless on the older DB boards"

I think I agree with this. Something like a "thanks" may be good, but I don't know if they cause problems or not.

Quote: "Text size [size=14]Bigger Headline Text[/size]

* Colour (Both spellings) [colour=ff0000]This would be some red text[/colour]"

No. This would be bad. These abilities lead to threads full of random and messy posts all using different colours and sizes. When noobs post they make the text huge and red to try to grab attention, which isn't an endearing quality.

Quote: "Tidy up the emoties. It would be nice if the bar had "pages" we can flick through and click on an emoticon, the current system is a bit tacked on."

Tacked on? Really? I think the emoticon bar is fine how it is.

Quote: "I made a stylesheet for the site with a hovering navbar."

NO! Please, no! Floating stuff is AWFUL! I feel like I'm looking through a tiny window when there's stuff floating in my face!

Quote: "I also enjoy the look of these forums so as well as the new theme I will create as close a clone as I can to the old forum design with the new code."

Thank goodness for that!!

Quote: "Can you please make the max allowed size of an avatar be at least 80x80px? 50x50px is ridiculously tiny in 2013!"

No! The worst part of modern forums, IMO, is huge, flashy graphics that distract awfully from the text!

Quote: "I like spaghetti flavored ice cream"


Quote: "One thing I would like is the option to make a post float... Like, if I have a WIP thread, and I post an update in the middle of page 3 - I might want that post to be shown at the start of the thread as well. So if I post a new screenshot or something, it appears in it's usual place on page 3, but I could also 'float' it, and it would be linked to the first post somehow - like first post, then an expanding list of any floating posts, then the normal reply posts after that."

Ew no, don't like that at all. You do realise you should simply edit the first post, right? Editing the first post is one of my favourite things to do when I post a WIP.

Quote: "There will be a darker theme also the reason I am going for a purposely very minimal theme is many people don't like dark colour schemes and have trouble reading on them."

Me, for one. I much prefer these forums stay the colours they are now. If you want to add a dark theme as an option that's entirely fine, just so long as I can keep my "Godlike" colour scheme

Quote: "for it to show up as edited in the board, and in the thread will be orange or something"

No, why would you want every second post to be orange??

Quote: "Users who have been around long enough to prove they are good citizens should have some sort of administrative rights over threads they start. Not only would this take a massive load off the moderation staff but, as someone mentioned, it'd be nice so far as preventing the I need my old WIP thread, "The Eight Fingers of Aztok", unlocked clutter. I'd also like to be able to delete threads for projects that aren't valid because they were dropped. etc. By delete, I just mean that access rights are modded so only the thread creators and moderators can still see them."

Excellent suggestion, me likes greatly

Quote: "At the risk of incurring everyone's wroth, I think this is a potentially bad thing. Sure it feels good to get your answer 'up-voted' but this has the potential to leave behind sour grapes. It also can create a situation where users start up-voting another. Putting all this aside, life is very subjective. There are many times I've searched for answers online and found a forum where the answer with ~100 votes is not half as good as the one with ~20. People have a sheep mentality and once an answer gets enough votes, they also have a tenancy to automatically agree with it. Finally, and this is the most annoying bit, it can lead to people answering every question they can to try and earn more points. Take a look at the help forums around the net and you'll find them littered with pointless answers and copy-pastes from other sites."

Good points there, and I now see reasons to not have a +1/thank system.

Quote: "I think it is, as someone stated earlier, about high time this forum had larger avatars. These little images are silly."

Silly? Why? Where do you stop with size, then? It's entirely arbitrary and there's no reason to increase the size.

Quote: "As for sigs ... I think allowing a few more px in width and height wouldn't hurt."

I think it would. So there.

Quote: "Also, the char limit for sigs is ridiculous. I think that chars should only be counted if they are not part of a link/tag, i.e. they are actual visible text."

I wouldn't say ridiculous, but yeah, it's a bit limited.

Quote: "I'm therefore requesting that the placement of things please not get modified too much"

100% agreed

Quote: "[xsmall]extra small[/xsmall]




[xlarge]extra large[/xlarge]"

Ah, I like this. I assume this is the only way to resize text? A good compromise, me thinks. Limits how much randomly-sized text we get in general posting.

Quote: "You're testing the new forum code with the live database? Hmmm... sounds dangerous."

Now that you mention it...

Quote: "I'd personally vote for a relatively flat style all around"

I agree, though not so much in the Windows 8 style as a pixelarty style. And I hate borderless stuff. Mostly.

Quote: "Not true at all I use the email notifications all the time, my email is my number one source of information"


Quote: "Using yellow is a bad idea anyway as it is hated by many when used over large areas and causes eye strain for extended use, a bit like white."

I'm SO glad you said that! I hate yellow/orange colour schemes! I love the colours of the "Godlike" theme on the current forums: clear, plain and not flashy.

Quote: "Would it be possible for users to tweak their own colour settings? You'd have to set up a new table for users to store their preferences, but if you gave a bunch of themes and then let the users tweak their own 'custom' theme to suit their tastes, then you wouldn't have to worry about colour-blindness, screen differences, personal tastes etc."

I LOVE this idea!! It pretty much guarantee that I could have my old theme still! I would spend an hour or so tweaking it to be exactly the same colours in each area

Quote: "Beta forum now supports



  • list
  • items

Amazing, just amazing!

Quote: "Could you make it so that the button tags are inserted at the cursor location rather than at the end of the text?"

Oh YES! That's something that has annoyed me for years!!

Quote: "As promised the new spoiler tag has been added."

Useful, but I'd prefer if you had to click on it to see it. It's all too easy to brush your mouse over it and I detest having to be careful where I place my mouse lest I do something without providing any intentional input. More importantly, the flicking whenever you move your mouse around is annoying, to say the least.

Quote: "Font sizes are now consolidated into one tag, no backwards compatibility I'm afraid."

Oh....I preferred it with the different tags....much neater...but it's only a minor change, really, so I'll live.

Quote: "Size numbers won't work. The reason for this is to stop abuse that is often seen on many other forums. The number of options will be limited by design hence why they have names and there are only 4.

I could have used numbers and limited in the same way I suppose but I felt that the named version would be more understandable as to what size the text would end up."

So glad you said that!! Totally agree!

Quote: "The new highlighter needs support for DBP ... and it is case sensitive."

That seems like a really bad idea to me, when DBPro is case-insensitive and the highlighter is case-sensitive.

Quote: "The "global threads" board is for use by mods and TGC staff only if we need to make a thread appear at the top of every board we now can, it will eventually be hidden to all other users but is basically where those threads are stored."

What a good idea

Quote: "Improving search functionality is a MUST. Starting with some simple features that every other forum takes for granted--being able to view all threads and posts by any particular user. Currently, we can only view threads a user has started and only the last 100, so a lot of historic posts and content is pretty impossible to find. This should be one of the easier updates to implement."

Not that I have yet had great use for such features, but I second this.

Quote: "Maybe you could convert the user name (On the left side) to a link to the users profile, rather that a separate profile button, to me that seems to make more sense.. but that may just be me."

Quote: "I think this makes a lot of sense as well."

It makes sense, yes, and it's what a lot of other forums do. I dislike the idea simply because I don't like change, but it makes too much sense to not do it. Just so long as you don't make the names blue. Make them black and underlined or something.

Quote: "Sorry if someone has mentioned this already - can you disable posting unless its the last page of the thread?"

This could be a real nuisense if you actually want to reply to someone on the first page! My suggestion would be to have a reasonably prominent warning to inform you that you're not posting on the last page, but not to remove the ability.

Quote: "Thanks for being so dedicated to this!"

Indeed, many thanks The Next!

Quote: "However I will say I am working for TGC on a large project"

Quote: "Hope its DB Elite."

Haha I doubt it

Quote: "I have a great idea! Why signature is hardcoded into post? It should be made like avatar. So when you change your sig it changes everywhere!"

I used to think that would be a good idea but would completely disagree now. I like to see what everyone had as their signature, particularly since people often comment on it, comments which would be invalidated by the signature changing.

The one issue that I have that no one seems to have brought up previously is that fact that if a thread is more than 1 page long, new posts will not be coloured blue by the time you get to the last page because viewing the first page tells it that the entire thread has been viewed. When you open the link from the email notifications, you only go to the first page (would it be possible to make it link to the page on which the post was made? That would be great) and by the time you get to the last page, the posts are no longer blue.

Ah, finally. Got through all 7 pages. I know it's a very, very long post, but I didn't realise there even was a beta forum until today. I have very strong feelings about this forum, so I couldn't help but comment on almost every single suggestion, sorry I'm slightly disappointed it's disabled just as I find out about it, but I know it'll be back up as soon as The Next finishes with the current changes

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 13:16
@nonZero & @bitJericho

The points has been taken and I will have serious think about this one, most likely we will not change how the signatures work (at least in this round of updates.)


Wow that is a long post, thanks for taking the time to read through all of that at least your up to date now. I have read all your comments and absorbed them, I will keep my response short however.

Quote: "Oh....I preferred it with the different tags....much neater...but it's only a minor change, really, so I'll live."

It is much more efficient on the back end now the way the tags have all been recoded and neat tidy code is what I am aiming for first and foremost.

Quote: "if a thread is more than 1 page long, new posts will not be coloured blue by the time you get to the last page because viewing the first page tells it that the entire thread has been viewed. When you open the link from the email notifications, you only go to the first page..."

I also find this super annoying and I aim to fix this but it is not anywhere near the top of the list at the moment.

In response to your being disappointed that it is disabled I hope to have the beta site back by the end of the weekend. The changes I am making turned out to be a lot bigger than expected.

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The Next
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Posted: 24th Jan 2014 10:46

You post seems to have got lost in the matrix for me and I can't approve it so I will just quote and answer here.

Quote: "Just wondering if you're working on some post approval code since I find myself inexplicably on post approval with no message or e-mail to say why. "

You have been placed on post moderation by another mod for your part in this thread

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mr Handy
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Posted: 24th Jan 2014 13:12
Quote: "I agree, good nostalgia. If people want their sigs to auto-update the just have to replace their server-side image with the new one using an identical name and path as the old one. As for links, they could link to a temp location that redirects and viola, whenever they wish to change the link they change the redirection their side."

No. I don't have a host server for image with constant URL and I don't have a redirection server. Your point is valid but not realistic.

And now I have improved my idea:
Signature should have two parts: text part and banner part.
1. Text part acts like the old one. But no images if banner below is activated and otherwise. It is easy to cut img with script.
2. Banner part is dynamic, it have two fields:
a) Banner image
b) Banner custom link

So when people need to place everywhere link to something very important (instant or not) it will be extremely handy. Or URL chages - how would you update it? Now you have to edit all your posts! Or ignore the issue.

Also now I am unable to update my animated signature banner in old posts as it is hosted by MrValentine, I need to wait for him. Hey! New idea: I want to know when user visited forum last time!

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Posted: 24th Jan 2014 15:28
Ah, that sort of makes sense, thanks!
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Posted: 24th Jan 2014 23:33
Hmmm, Handy, your point is valid. Perhaps I was being unrealistic so far as people's resources go. Perhaps, let users decide if they want static or dynamic sigs on a per-user basis. Or...
Give each user a little on TGC's servers. Then we could set up the redirect I mentioned and anypony could use it without needing a dedicated server of their own. We could submit our changes and sigs so no special access rights would be needed for users. Only thing is the load but this forum is so dead anyway. Just a crazy thought I'm throwing out there. It's prolly flawed.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

"I know that, which means I must be as funny as I think I am; in a paradoxical sort of way," I replied.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2014 02:54
Quote: "this forum is so dead anyway"

What? Really? I would have said it was very active.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2014 12:53
Well, dead was a poor choice in words. I just meant there aren't lots of members and in my short sodjourn here, I've seen many people post that they're leaving or simply vanish. Having said that, I was away for almost a year so maybe people return? So, yeah, I should've said words to the effect of 'not that many permanent members'. Maybe it's also because I used to only hang around the DBP board and now I only hang around GC that I get that vibe. I'll have to re-evaluate the situation at some point since AppGameKit has apparently made a few ripples across the internet.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2014 15:26
Sorry to double-post but I've an urgent suggestion for the new site:

How about a 'Censor Post' button for moderators that would automatically edit the post and replace it with 'Post Moderated due to infringement of AUP'. I believe that would greatly help the mods out.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

"I know that, which means I must be as funny as I think I am; in a paradoxical sort of way," I replied.
The Next
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Posted: 25th Jan 2014 16:54
Quote: "How about a 'Censor Post' button for moderators that would automatically edit the post and replace it with 'Post Moderated due to infringement of AUP'. I believe that would greatly help the mods out."

This is under consideration I will have to have a chat with the mods and see what we come up with.

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Posted: 26th Jan 2014 20:52 Edited at: 26th Jan 2014 23:31
The beta site is back and updated with a few changes as well as a rewrite of a lot of the backend code. If you find any new bugs not yet reported please let me know.

Apart from design work the beta site is now in RC state additional features will be added on a test database as they will not be safe to do on a live database. So please give final feedback on the design work and over the next few weeks we will start to get the design exactly how everyone likes it.

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Kevin Picone
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Posted: 26th Jan 2014 21:44 Edited at: 26th Jan 2014 21:45
renders too slow to use here in FF

mr Handy
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Posted: 26th Jan 2014 22:02
The Next, I sent you a PM. Have you seen it?
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Posted: 26th Jan 2014 23:05
Seeing escaped newline chars in sigs.\nThis is on my Android device, however it wasn't present until recently.

Btw, the "\n" in my post was a joke. But check your sig.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

"I know that, which means I must be as funny as I think I am; in a paradoxical sort of way," I replied.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2014 23:26
I seem to still have the issue of new posts not having a new post color when using firefox.

Say ONE stupid thing and it ends up as a forum signature forever. - Neuro Fuzzy
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Posted: 26th Jan 2014 23:32 Edited at: 26th Jan 2014 23:33
Quote: "Seeing escaped newline chars in sigs.\nThis is on my Android device, however it wasn't present until recently."

Yeh I see this too, disappears after you edit the posts. Strange I will find a fix.

Quote: "I seem to still have the issue of new posts not having a new post color when using firefox."

Working on this but I am unable to recreate.

Quote: "renders too slow to use here in FF"

Can you tell what bit is holding it up?

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Kevin Picone
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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 07:36
Quote: "Can you tell what bit is holding it up?"

Pretty much everything. Scrolling through a longer thread now is like pulling teeth.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 08:28
Quote: "Working on this but I am unable to recreate."

It seems like removing the outcommented 'background: #D5E4F3; fixed the issue for me. Adding the same line to any other element also removes the styling that comes after that line for the element.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 11:04
Re Beta, Posted date too light. Poor contrast with background.

Looks ok and scrolls perfectly for me however I feel that "search my threads" list is a bit plain using I.E or Safari.

"search my threads" looks fine however using Chrome.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 11:14
Search my threads does look pretty weird to me aswell (using chrome). There are just links on a white background with no borders or anything

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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 11:34 Edited at: 27th Jan 2014 11:40
Quote: " (using chrome). There are just links on a white background with no borders or anything"

Hmm, it works fine in Chrome for me, only plain as you describe with the others mentioned.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 13:19
Do you all mean search threads as in via the profile?

Also I am doing bug testing in FireFox today to determine why there are so many issues anyone have any version but the latest?

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The Zoq2
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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 15:39
Im running Firefox 26.0 right now

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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 01:40
I seem to be getting an alignment error with the "report" button on my posts.

\r\n"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 10:28 Edited at: 28th Jan 2014 10:28
Finally visited from my PC and not my android device, so:

Forums (both here and beta) are still placing newline chars \r\n in sigs.

Also, beta forum's contrast is still a little high in my opinion. The white backdrop should be a pale-to-mid-tone grey or some sort of soft blue as no text appears on it so clarity isn't needed. I know it's the same as the white from this forum (or rather I think) but all those thick, dark borders make it seem higher in contrast.

One other thing. Perhaps prevent people with accounts < 6 months old from being able to use anything but basic text attributes. The noob boards are going to end up looking like a disco,



i bouhgt darkbasic profesional but its not working. whenever i press f5 thecomputer says "building" then "runtime error" and my program wont run.

what must i do?

here is my program:

print "hello!"
wait key

did i typed something wrong? i dont think so. i copied strait from the book. COULD IT BE THE SOFTWARE IS BROKEN???????

Plz help me asap as i wont a refund if this is not compatable with my pc.

Other than that, I think it's just about good to go.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

"I know that, which means I must be as funny as I think I am; in a paradoxical sort of way," I replied.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 11:08
@The Zoq2



I will take a look at that, thanks for the report.


The line end char issue is being fixed, I think I found the cause so will patch today.

I am still working on the forum contrast I know it needs some tweaking to meet everyone's needs.

Quote: "One other thing. Perhaps prevent people with accounts < 6 months old from being able to use anything but basic text attributes. The noob boards are going to end up looking like a disco,"

I agree totally and this is an issue I thought of a while back I will be adding a system like this as soon as I can. btw can you link me to that thread please I'd like to take a look.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 11:59
To my knowledge, the thread doesn't exist, yet. I was predicting a possible future. I've seen similar threads -- obviously without the formatting -- on the DBP Newcomers board back when I used to frequent it (~1.2 years ago). Honestly, I doubt you'll have to dig that far back, though. There's most likely at least one such thread on the first or second page. People have a very strange idea about asking for help: make the post as unintelligible as possible and provide no information on their system. The last part of my faux post was a reference to a thread ages ago where someone was really quite convinced that the software was broken and that contacting support was clearly the wrong solution. When I have a chance, I'll do some mining and PM you some links to a few classics although nothing actually beats the "Pavel Threads". They give one a surreal feeling. I had to read through some statements twice to believe what I was reading.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 22:13 Edited at: 28th Jan 2014 22:19
Really pleased the PM button (etc.) is on the left, however, it seems in some cases it isn't! See image:

Edit: Images

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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 22:20

I don't have permission to see the images.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 22:53 Edited at: 28th Jan 2014 22:58
Oh, sorry about that, Google site hosting, I'll try and sort it...

I think they should now appear... I just put them up on a Google Site, so assumed they were public.

Did they appear?

Edit 2: If it helps I'm running chrome, also I'm on the only laptop that I have that will get on the internet atm, so it could be the 1024 x 768 screen res causing the issue - although not a common res any more, its fairly frequently used on tablets etc., these days.

To be fair, a tablet usually performs better than this single core Celeron, but no wifi here = no iPad
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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 03:55
Quote: "Why signature is hardcoded into post?"

Some posts make reference to another's signature. If their signature changes, those posts won't make sense anymore. People could go back reading old threads and be like "link in sig? what link?"
Oh, and for nostalgia.

But your points are also valid. I'm not sure which way to vote on this one. Sacrifice some nostalgia for functionality? I'm leaning towards your way.

Quote: "renders too slow to use here in FF"

Works fine for me in FF. Do you have any web dev plugins that can maybe track down the source of the slowdown?

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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 04:16 Edited at: 29th Jan 2014 04:18
I think the colour scheme of the beta forums (hooray I can visit them now ) is actually very generic, plain and boring. I really like the simple, flat, sharp-edged pixel-art style of the current forums. If someone were to look over my shoulder at the beta forums, they could think I looking at any forum. If they did that while I were looking at the current forums, well, as far as I know these are the only forums that have this look.

But if you absolutely insist on using this new theme (and remember you said you were going to create a theme as close as possible to the current/old theme and I'll hold you to that ) then I suggest you make it less sort of....random. At this thread, for example, half the signatures are pressed up against the left of the post. Also, the line splitting the poster's information from the post should continue right to the bottom, or if that's to allow space for more PM/Website-style buttons to fit, there should be a line separating the bottom of the post (including sig) from the button area.

Another thing - I think the banners at the top should be aligned to the right like they are in the current forums (although I realise you've centred them to allow for full-width banners).

And finally, I really think the border to the left and right of the actually "posting area"'s a picture:

That bit should bit dark grey or the same dark blue as the top of the page.

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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 04:29 Edited at: 29th Jan 2014 04:31
This is a test post on the new

  • And
  • this
  • is
  • a
  • bulletpoint
  • list!

Clonkex wrote: "Loving the new Preview Post!"

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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 17:45
The beta forums do not display as expected in Safari for iPhone. (iPhone 5 running iOS 7.0.4)

They see me coding, they hating.


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Posted: 30th Jan 2014 15:42
Some of this stuff looks worse on Chrome, better to use Firefox

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Posted: 30th Jan 2014 20:40 Edited at: 30th Jan 2014 20:42

I have had read through your post and understand your comments about the plain look, this is however as intended as it is designed to match the main TGC site (some differences of course as it is a forum), hence the border you pointed out being that colour. It is not complete yet and colours are always changing, plus bug fixes which I shipped out a few tonight that should fix some of the alignment issues a few users pointed out.

There will be a TGC forum 1.0 (I will call it that for now) theme that matches what we currently have with editable colours for those forum veterans that like the current style. That said however it will not be exactly the same as it has to use the new HTML format.

Indicium wrote: "The beta forums do not display as expected in Safari for iPhone. (iPhone 5 running iOS 7.0.4)"

I am aware of this and am fixing I don't own an iPhone myself so have to borrow one to debug.

skinner wrote: "Some of this stuff looks worse on Chrome, better to use Firefox"

Can you please give me screenshots for what you mean!

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