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Geek Culture / [STICKY] Forum feedback and suggestions thread

The Next
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:19 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 10:26
Please report bugs here and I will fix asap.

The transfer took a lot longer than expected due to issues with the format of the old database. Everything seems to be working but tomorrow will be a day of bug fixes and checking all data is in place, so please if you spot anything let me know.

Known issues
Few display issues these will be fixed as soon as possible. For example search pages.
Search button is missing
Users will be missing their special award badges
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:35 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 01:50
Your signature is right next to your message... EDIT YOU SORT OF FIXED THIS

Quote: "GameGuru Forum"



However Spoiler does work...

Hope this was helpful...


You fixed signatures however in the email you just posted to the PComp...
Quote: "
An update was made to a thread you are watching...
The following reply was posted by The Next into Geek Culture to a thread you are watching:
@Dark Java Dude 64

Glad you are liking so far, I am off to bed now as I have been working on databases and baby sitting file transfers for 10 hours now.

There will be a lot more changes to come this version has a lot of ugly bits that need tidying up.
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Post a reply "
DBPro Tool Maker
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:35
Old forum links are now broken due to the new way the forum accesses threads. This needs to be fixed, there are people who have useful bookmarks from the forums that go back years. Furthermore, there are threads that link to other threads which are important for both context of conversation and more importantly to find solutions.

Also, I don't think the colors (mostly the whites and grays) of the new forum contrast as nicely as they did on the old forum. I also liked the blue border much more than the orange.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:39
I'm not sure but I don't think the CSS is loading properly, for example:

The Next
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:41 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 01:42

Thanks for those I will fix

Quote: "Also, I don't think the colors (mostly the whites and grays) of the new forum contrast as nicely as they did on the old forum. I also liked the blue border much more than the orange."

This will addressed asap I was thinking the same

Quote: "Old forum links are now broken due to the new way the forum accesses threads. "

Some of the old links will work as I have done some re-mapping already, however some more will be done tomorrow. Can you give examples of links broken and I will ensure all like them are fixed.


I am aware of little things like that, they will be all fixed tomorrow, but functionality wise it works for now while I sleep.


I am off to bed now, I have been doing this for 10 hours now so need to rest.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:41
Just pointing out for anyone unable to log in that you might need to log out first. It took me too long to figure that out.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:43 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 01:46
I have noticed some oddities as well:

It seems text wraps individual words around the page edges, similar to how a novel or newspaper might wrap text.

I've also noticed that when you submit an edit to a post on a multi page thread, you are automatically redirected to the first page of said thread.

But overall, again, my compliments and hat offing go to TheNext for all the work he has put into this!
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:45 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 01:48
wattywatts - yeah I had that too, my browser app was having this issue, logged out and back in boom, fixed!

Seditious - care to elaborate?

The Next - Posting in a thread takes you back to the first post/page, In the PComp this is irritating , we shall continue posting, go get some well deserved rest!


Take a close look at [STICKY] New forum bug reports thread EDIT <--- BOLD FONT IS TOO THIN.......
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:51
Noticed the same the MrV! Not sure if it's any time you post or if it's just during edits.

Another thing: while typing the in the PM box, you get black text on a dark gray background. Not even really worth mentioning (since it's probably quite easy to fix) but I found it humorous.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:54 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 01:57
Post a reply in email points to the game guru forums and throws an error message... 'whoops...'


Quote: "Another thing: while typing the in the PM box, you get black text on a dark gray background. Not even really worth mentioning (since it's probably quite easy to fix) but I found it humorous. "

Yeah weird... I suppose the font was supposed to be orange?
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 01:57 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 02:09
Quote: "Some of the old links will work as I have done some re-mapping already, however some more will be done tomorrow. Can you give examples of links broken and I will ensure all like them are fixed."

Here are a few threads I had open in other tabs before the switch over. I tried navigating to their URLs again and it just brings me to the front page of the forum:


Found another issue. It seems whenever a thread that you have already read gets a new post, hitting "Newest Post" brings you to the first page of the thread and marks every post as unread (even though I have already read most of the posts). I have seen it happen in two of the stickied threads in the AppGameKit Boards that had a new post.


Also, could you possibly edit the heading ("developer forums") to be a hyperlink back to the forum homepage?

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 02:01
The Next, Disable remote debug information... unless not important... maybe lock the debug data to a fixed IP for now...
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 02:09 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 02:23
Here's what I've noticed:

- Loading times have worsened, it literally took over a minute to load anything on here for me, I thought the loading times were bad before but this was utterly ridiculous!*
- Code snippets seem very finicky and don't always want to load or scroll
- There's no spacing between the time stamp of a message and the text of the message body, making reading posts a little bit trickier
- Signatures are way misaligned and there is no spacing between them and the text of the message body either
- Spacing of the threads on main boards is very disproportionate and looks hideous, with the text being far too small
- Please make sticky threads green again, really helps them to stand out! I remember being a huge advocate for the changes in color back in the day and now everything looks all wrong not having the green colors for sticky threads.

That's all I have for now, hope these are fixed in a timely fashion!

EDIT: Also wanted to add, what happened with the beta forums last year? That had actual working features and proportionate elements, and was really starting to look good. This... is almost completely different from that, and not for the better (at least yet).

*Just saw this on the issue blurb at the top of the page: Speed issues due to database tasks running in background and file uploads. I s'pose that makes sense! So I hope to see a huge increase in speed once that's done in the background.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 02:20
My email server has now tagged your emailer as *****SPAM***** this can't be too good...
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 02:55
Tried responding to a PM, saw no send button. Plus, the message text is black on a very dark grey background.

Video , Code, and many other buttons do nothing in the reply/message box.

The majority of the issues with the new forum isn't the minor bugs, but the look. Text is very small, like reading a newspaper. And I hope that floating help button is temporary.

- Ditch the 'profile' button on every single post, and just turn the user's avatar into a link to their profile.
- Please default hide the 100 million smilies for the reply box!

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 03:29 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 03:47
I'm glad to see there's a Delete option now for PM messages. However I made 3 attempts at deleting the most recent one I received (a few months ago), and it was of no effect.

P.S. When I updated my profile for the new time offset, it deleted my avatar. I see that what happens is that when my Edit Profile page is shown, it says 'No Avatar Selected' even when one is selected. Also as I scroll through the available avatar .gifs, there's no preview, so it's a shot in the dark.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 05:14 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 06:52

when uploading a file it gives you this:

Untitled.jpg uploaded...

how about making this be a link to the image so you can add it to the post directly without having to post, then get the link, then go back and edit the post?


many display issues on mobile / iphone. (both safari and chrome)

standard zoom gestures are locked, the display is fixed and really limits the width/size of the content column.

text overflows its boundaries.

in some pages the ? floating button covers content, in other pages it pushes content into a narrow column.


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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 06:00 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 06:01
Quote: "many display issues on mobile safari / iphone."

I shall try not to mention my device or browser [Kind of pointless as almost everybody on here knows what I use by now ] but yeah non of the above issues... also I see a full button overlaid perfectly with Help along side the ? symbol... I do have 2 similar issues as Ortu however, see below...

However I might suggest you check with your device settings for Ease Of Access type controls as I have the choice to Enable Zooming on All Web Content... regarding the text escaping the block, yeah... I guess The Next will have to look into the display code for Safari, perhaps you can jump ahead and find the code relating to Safari for him to speed things up

The Next, I must say you did a great job of compatibility for the devices and browsers I use I must remember to buy you a beer if we ever meet!

OH BACK TO TOP IS COMPLETELY MISSING from each post... WE NEED THAT! not just at the bottom... completely missing from the home board index, but I suppose you still need to merge the sections first...

I don't have text overshoot on the board index but I do have overshoot slightly on Section thread board listings I hope you know what I mean by these...

I also have the same banner section issue as screen lower left of Ortus' image...

Quote: "- Ditch the 'profile' button on every single post, and just turn the user's avatar into a link to their profile."

Useful but not for newcomers...

Quote: " - Please default hide the 100 million smilies for the reply box!"

YES! But keep this one and this one always visible... oh and this one... and this one and this one , heck find a way for us to customise it but then again I will do that in my browser app maybe

And what is the = sign for in the quote tag? can we put something inside it?



Umm... How will the new search facility work? and will search engines still be able to map them?
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 07:59
Thank you all for your comments, I will be working through and fixing them as soon as I can.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 10:13
Congratulations on a successful switch-over.
I would be happy if my projects had this few minor issues on day 1.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 10:21
Quote: "I would be happy if my projects had this few minor issues on day 1."

Yeh got rather lucky with this one, even though the transfer took longer than expected.


Forum attachments are now back, the red buttons are missing but I will add those back later.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 10:47 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 10:50
An update was made to a thread you are watching...

EDIT Size is not applying err size...

IS HUGE IN EMAILS thought it was my font setting, turns out it was happening everywhere maybe Heading 3 might be suitable...


Quote: "Unlocked now, didn't mean to do that
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Post a reply "

No line spacing either, makes it difficult to read what is what... [Emails]
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 10:53

I have set myself up to get emails from this thread so hopefully I will see some of these issues so I can fix.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 10:55 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 11:13
not a bug but i think the design waste a lot of the screen size. (me using a full hd screen)
ex: one row of the Subjects looks like 3 row high.
overall to much space and the result is loss of overview.

ex: screenshot in green the unnecessary area.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 10:56

Thanks for the feedback I will work on reducing the white space.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 11:15
Markus' attachment points to game-guru login page...


An unknown error occurred!

I was logged out on here kind of randomly... mid posting a post !?
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 11:17
Quote: "Markus' attachment points to game-guru login page..."

Thanks fixing now

Quote: "I was logged out on here kind of randomly... mid posting a post !? "

Sorry that was me I changed the session storage, it would have kicked everyone out for a few minutes.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 11:31 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 17:19
Bug: Editing a message sends you back to the first post in the thread rather than sending you to the post you just edited.[/b]
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 12:08 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 12:14
Failed login
To anyone who cannot auto login any more, you have to log out, and then log in again so that your browser cookies get updated. [edit]Yes there is a message on the top of the screen now[/edit]

Clicking the login button without doing so will send you to your account page (as if logged in) only to return to the forum in a logged out state.

Quote: "
[quote=]not a bug but i think the design waste a lot of the screen size. (me using a full hd screen)
ex: one row of the Subjects looks like 3 row high.
overall to much space and the result is loss of overview."

The signature area has grown a bit too big in my opinion. There is a lot of room in the profile table column for some of the navigation buttons if in need of any ideas.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 12:25 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 12:36
Chris Tate, you need to log out from your profile page then sign back in...


The Next, not a big issue, but can you change the umm forgot the word right now [Riled up after a stupid delivery moron ruined my perfect day] but words wrap per char instead of whole word or without hyphenation, it is irritating to see... at least a hyphen would reduce the effect...


Might help if you changed the colour of the Edit Reply button too... I keep glancing past it... maybe Yellow, Orange or Half Shade Blue of the Post button?
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 12:47
Quote: "Might help if you changed the colour of the Edit Reply button too"

I agree I think that most of the buttons such as "Edit, Profile, PM, Website, Back to top, etc" should use either "btn-primary" or "btn-success" they stand out more and seem to look a bit nicer.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 13:46 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 13:49
Probably the biggest issue (aside from the truly atrocious appearance of the entire site - but you said to excuse that, so I'll ignore it for the moment) is that the Forum Notice up the top ONLY appears once you're logged in. I nearly gave up because I couldn't get the site to log in at all, but then accidentally clicked logout and managed to get into the site. That REALLY needs to be visible to non-logged-in users!

Also, I really want to use 40 messages per page, not 50. Please give us back that option!

(And that orange colour scheme is awful - I know, I know, I'll excuse it for the moment)

ALSO: I can no longer middle-click the links in email notifications to open them in a new tab. Sure, it opens the link, but it also switches to that new tab. PLEASE make the button just a normal link so I can middle-click it again - I use that ALL the time and it's frustrating as all heck when it does the same thing as left-clicking!
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 13:50
Quote: "Probably the biggest issue (aside from the truly atrocious appearance of the entire site - but you said to excuse that, so I'll ignore it for the moment)"

Improvements will be made, but what are your major points that you feel should be addressed?

Quote: "Forum Notice up the top ONLY appears once you're logged in. I nearly gave up because I couldn't get the site to log in at all, but then accidentally clicked logout and managed to get into the site. That REALLY needs to be visible to non-logged-in users!"


Quote: "Also, I really want to use 40 messages per page, not 50. Please give us back that option!"

Coming back soon.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:03 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 14:04
The Next, feel free to go back through our messages here to strikethrough things you have fixed already to make sifting through this thread easier for you! and for others to avoid bringing them up again too!

Also the smiley list has some missing for me here...

These do not show up... but the content is there for clicking and hover popup info... EDIT Looks like they are back, might be cache lock...
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:09 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 14:12
I take way longer than I should to find the edit button as well. I wish it was on the post itself, since having it on the profile pane doesn't really make sense. Ideally I want the button back where it was, but maybe I'm the only one that finds the current position annoying...?

Quote: "Improvements will be made, but what are your major points that you feel should be addressed?"

Oh, err... well the biggest problem is the thread lists (the boards, basically). They're really hard to actually read. Not sure why.

I need to more time to identify what it is I don't like, but I need to go to bed right now. I'll use screenshots of the old site next to the new one to find what it is I don't like. A lot of the site feels too big, as a start. Excessively wasteful. Just makes for more scrolling. But yeah, need more time for other feedback.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:14 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 14:23
Noticed there no search feature with this new forum.

Also there no attachments to any threads at the moment.

Needs a home button to get back to the main TGC site.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:14
I'm just going to say it: That floating Help button is really annoying. I detest floating elements on webpages. Always have. They just get in the way, no matter where they are on the screen.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:16 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 14:25
Clonkex wrote: "I take way longer than I should to find the edit button as well. I wish it was on the post itself, since having it on the profile pane doesn't really make sense. "

I was talking about the Edit Post button that actually says Edit Reply when editing a reply....... dammit I am having a crap day already and this is just stupid to explain lol


Clonkex wrote: "I'm just going to say it: That floating Help button is really annoying. I detest floating elements on webpages. Always have. They just get in the way, no matter where they are on the screen."

I barely notice it and it works perfectly fine here...




Also, we no longer have Posts in Thread numbers
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:31
All my issues have been mentioned before. Great work so far. Just wanted to say that.
Regards Sph!nx
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:40
Quote: "Noticed there no search feature with this new forum."

Will be back soon, there is search just the search button is missing

Quote: "Also there no attachments to any threads at the moment."

There should be, they were all restored. With about 100 exceptions where the files had viruses and were deleted.

Quote: "Needs a home button to get back to the main TGC site."

Top left you can click "forum home" or the big "developer fourms" text

Quote: "I'm just going to say it: That floating Help button is really annoying. I detest floating elements on webpages. Always have. They just get in the way, no matter where they are on the screen."

Can't do anything about that, it is the TGC help system now. We show it on all pages and cannot change the style.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:55
Quote: "Top left you can click "forum home" or the big "developer fourms" text

Just takes you back to the forum not the TGC home page.

Quote: "There should be, they were all restored. With about 100 exceptions where the files had viruses and were deleted."

Just checked over 10 threads and all attachment are not there this is in the fpsc forum section.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:56 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 14:58
Quote: "Just takes you back to the forum not the TGC home page."

Ahh I misunderstood, I will add a way back to the TGC homepage. UPDATE: you can now get back using the "thegamecreators" bit top left.

Quote: "Just checked over 10 threads and all attachment are not there this is in the fpsc forum section."

Can you link me please and I will check them
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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 15:03
Wow, great job improving this so far!

Regarding my questions about the beta forum, I saw your other post in the Posting Competition and that does make sense now.

Excellent job so far!

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 15:13
Very nice improvement, not checked for bugs yet but I like the new styling. Easy on the eyes
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 15:41
I like the new look so far.

Just two oddities:

1. Words often get split between two lines - makes reading awkward at times and looks unprofessional. [ Several people have noticed this.]
2. Code tags don't seem to include DBPro as an option.

Looking forward to attachments being implemented.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 17:30
Not really a bug, but the "Choose File" button looks odd compared to other buttons.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 18:58
I like the new look of the dividing bar between each post. I think that divider layout(or one like it) should be used throughout the entire forums, for example on the forum homepage where at the top of each topic where it says "Board." Right now, the gray strip that's there just looks bland.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 18:58
Looks really good to me, not sure if this was brought up already, but threads I have read no longer turn grey once I have read them, the posts within the thread do, but not the thread listed on the board its attached to. Instead I have to reload the page for the board changes to show I have read them. For example I would click "newest post" which might place me at the bottom of the page which is where I will finish reading anyway, obviously - but then I would hit the back button or backspace key to get back to the board - when I do this the thread stays blue in the board list of threads rather than turn grey like it used to. So now I have to go to the "back to top" button and then click on the board in the title for the change from blue to grey to take effect or I can reload the page using the reload page button or pressing F5.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 19:05
I just tried editing the CSS to change the 2px border to 1px and I think that a 1px border looks much better than the current 2px border.

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Joined: 21st Nov 2007
Location: Austin, TX
Posted: 29th Sep 2015 19:27
agree on the static help button. it isn't terrible on pc, but on mobile it is constantly in the way. you can't even click the accept on the cookies notice because the help widget covers it.

it could easily be put into the footer next to the aup link where it is still available on every page but not constantly in your face.

or perhaps give an option in the profile settings to hide it per user.

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