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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP]Star flight: Star Rogue progress...

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Posted: 15th Jan 2020 04:07
Well I'm still knee deep in code but I'm working towards getting all in game stuff like messages and information as external files. At present the parser is complete I'm working towards the selector and after that it's just a case of showing it at the required time.

What it will mean for the game is simply I can release data updates and fixes without having to recompile the entire game, the only time a recompile will be required is when there is a bug in the code.

I still have to code the downloader for new data versions I have a basic downloader for game news so this will be expanded at the required time to move forwards. I will also have to add error checking to it as networking is a pain for anything that requires file downloading as any slight drop could result in a corrupt file.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2020 11:40
Well now the parser is complete and the new BBS news system is in there I can move onto the messages section, this is basically the same just with a new section for player options etc. Once this is in there the main random sections of the BBS will be done. I also have to fill out the Police wanted section but this is auto generated with the news system so if the local security are looking for someone they will occasionally turn up when your out there but will definitely appear on the police wanted list.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2020 15:16
Well now the Police section is also complete I can now move to getting the messages into the BBS system then finally the whole shipyard and outfitting systems.

Once that's all in I will get the main menu sorted as that is in need of work but on the whole coding on a Pi3 is quite painless and it's definitely enjoyable
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Posted: 9th Feb 2020 15:08
I have the loader for the BBS missions done now I can now move to getting the BBS screen done and then I can finally finish the stock market which still needs work. Slow going due to work commitments
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Posted: 14th Feb 2020 13:29
New progress video:

The text for the BBS sections has been generated from fragmented sentences where the game selects each part to make up the information. On the police BBS section the wanted pirates will appear in their relevant system with the correct information, any new posts on the BBS for wanted people there is a chance they will appear on the police BBS as well.

I'm still working through the mission section and getting the stock market sorted
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Posted: 16th Feb 2020 19:08
Today I have been looking at getting the stock market back to the way it should be in the game, to this end there is now stock values for the station your visiting dependent on its class so a mining station would have more ore and minerals than say a free port station or gas miner. These values are now correctly displayed in the game screens and it all works as intended. I have also moved the buttons from that screen to the touch interface as this is where all the input should be from now on to keep everything clean and tidy, I will be adding these buttons in next so you can buy and sell and even jettison the cargo you have picked up when requested to do so by pirates .

I have also fixed a rather nasty bug which would crash the game on anything other than windows (no case sensitivity) where it would fail on loading a certain star system that was required. This has now been fixed and once I get my new laptop will be releasing a new build for everyone to try out

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Posted: 16th Feb 2020 23:12
Nice, I look forward to it!
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Posted: 7th Mar 2020 21:11
Finally got the message board up and basic click function so you can select a message, now it's in there I have to refine it a bit so it's more user friendly then flesh out the relevant information. After that I can release another video and get more of the rest of the game in there so I can jump to new systems etc.

Maybe add more of the five hundred planned terran systems as well to give more variety to the game
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Posted: 25th Mar 2020 16:49
Well after a hectic week (im one of the retail key workers here in the Corona afflicted UK) I have managed to get some coding done which is always relaxing after one of those sort of weeks, I have managed to get the message board changing now so I can select messages and hangup I will flesh out the rest of it over the coming week and get it so that the player has a list of missions they are undertaking and how long they have left to complete them. Whilst playing the game I also noticed that the audio capabilities of the system were not up to scratch with explosions going off in my ear for things that happen quite some distance away so I have added some new commands to the audio system as well for Ultim, the new commands are as follows:

SetListener( object ) - this will set the audio listener to a object, if there is no audio listener the new commands will throw an error.
PlaySound3D( Sound, Volume, Looped, FromObject) - this will play a specific (Sound), at a specified (Volume), looped is self explanatory, as is FromObject. What it will do is adjust the volume depending on how far a object is away from the player so an explosion going off in the distance is quieter than one going off next to your head. This isnt total 3d I know BUT it does make it much more appealing when lasers and explosions are going off all over the place.
PlayMusic3D( Music, Volume, Looped, FromObject ) - like sound we can now also play music that is dependent on where you are
UpdateAudio3D() - this will run through the playing 3d audio and adjust it dependent on where they player is so if you get closer to 3d music it will get louder

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Posted: 26th Mar 2020 10:52
Glad to hear that you've still got time to relax. Being a key retail worker, you must be very busy indeed!

I don't know if this will help, but I recently did a similar thing with the 3d (ish) sound on my game, Tau Flight. As well as getting the distance, I've got a function to return the relative X position of the object to the camera based on the current position and rotations. This means you can pan the audio left or right based on the figure that this function returns using SetSoundInstanceBalance.

Keep up the good work.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2020 16:09
Thanks Globbits will have a look, yeah very very busy here but still coding when I have a moment
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Posted: 4th Apr 2020 16:00
Well the main parts of the messaging system are now complete so you can click on a question and the person on the other end will respond with a predefined series of responses dependent on a series of factors. Some of these factors are how good you are at the mission in question, for example assassination missions are not going to want to discuss with you if you are not a criminal and have a reputation. Alternatively escort missions will not want to use your services if your a renowned pirate all of these will adjust the way people deal with you in the messages. All the messages are in external data files that will allow me to expand them as well over time without having to recompile unless its to fix a error or to expand something else.

All I have to do now is the location system so it can find a specific place to go in a particular system and the acceptance system so you can accept the missions in question once terms have been agreed. On the whole its coming together rather nicely now and after this I can tie up some other loose ends then move to getting the jump gates and wormholes working so we can travel around the galaxy and see everything that is on offer . I also want to add the shipyard section of the game as well so missions will then become dependent on your ship and its load out to make the game even more interesting .

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Posted: 2nd May 2020 17:23
The project is still plodding along, with most of my time taken by my full time job due to the pandemic finding a bit of time to code is limited. Rest assured it's moving forwards though
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 25th May 2020 19:49 Edited at: 25th May 2020 20:56
@Cliff Mellangard: Thanks its getting there but its slow going.

Now I have a decent laptop I am back coding on windows which is nice and much better than coding on a Pi4 (the issue with compiling was starting to grate on me), I have also ripped out the old BBS mission board and im now recoding sections of it as it didnt work as intended. This rewrite will be the final version of the mission board and although it may be extended later it will always remain the same to make it easier to navigate even on a phone. On the whole its getting there but due to the current pandemic issues and full time retail work its slower than i would like.

EDIT: I have managed to get some time together to add some more to the project, now we can have icons that will be representative of the missions on the mission board which I will be designing over the next few days. I have also added some more news articles to the mix and these are now in the system although I might have to tone them down a bit after reports of someone getting "executed for launching without clearance"
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2020 18:43 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2020 06:34
New android version uploaded (will soon be live hopefully), this new version has adjustments for the BBS mission system its not 100% but its getting there now. Once I finish this section and make a small adjustment for the whole system I will release another version that will hopefully finish the whole section so I can move to actually getting other sections of the game complete like venturing to other star systems via the jump gates etc. Possibly even a more interesting combat system with more weapon choices and ship load outs so the missions can be accepted depending on your ship configuration, it would be nice if you had to actually have passenger cabins to pick up passengers

EDIT: Uploaded another version (0.0.87 alpha) that should be live soon, this one fixes a small issue I had with the previous version. There are also some small quality of life improvements that should make it easier to navigate with as well for example there is now a delay when clicking buttons on the menus this makes it easier to navigate the options etc. The spawn chance system has also been reworked as it had a error in the previous version its still a long way to go BUT its getting closer to what it should be as always there is loads of things I want to look at and so little time to actually look at them these days but I am progressing and its slowly getting to the level where it is starting to take shape.

Edit2: we have been given reports there is a issue with the spawning system, this we are looking into as we speak as currently it seems to spawn more rocks and boulders than anything else. Once this and the BBS entries where the poster doesn't speak I will release another version.
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2020 13:07
Well today has been very productive I have sorted several issues with the game these are as follows:
1) Spawning - now the whole spawn system works as intended the issue was down to a oversight on my part (no more late night coding ), now everything is spawned as it should be

2) 3d audio - the sound falloff was way to high this has been adjusted now so the sounds work as intended.

3) BBS News Unknown's - now the unknown part of the news has been replaced with the race names that should have been there, yes this means that companies can attack races but its a VERY hostile universe out there.

4) Shield recharge - If your out of combat for three-four seconds your shields will begin to recharge this is quicker than the previous charging amount which didnt seem to do much. This new increase is also to keep in line with the amount of pirates you will encounter in your travels.

Now onto getting the rest of the fixes in and then I can release a new build
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Posted: 4th Jun 2020 11:08 Edited at: 4th Jun 2020 14:16
New android version released to Google play.l (v0.0.88 alpha), this one features:
-General stability improvement to game engine.
-Spawning fix making it more faster.
-Audio fix so we can hear the things now
-Some BBS improvements. Still more to come on this bit.

There is still a long way to go but cleaning up the current system so I can move forwards with other sections is a good idea . I will be releasing more fixes as the weeks go on and things get improved and finalised, once all this is done I can move on trading and docking at other areas. Who knows we might get to explore Akaron or another system

EDIT: Another new version (v0.0.89 alpha) has been sent to GooglePlay this one fixes the issues with the BBS Mission board, now thats fixed I will setup the section so we can actually accept missions and carry them out
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Posted: 4th Jun 2020 14:41
Hi EdzUp, I'm not familiar with alpha testing on Google Play. If I want to test/try your game, what do I need to do?
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Posted: 6th Jun 2020 20:52
Today I have been working on data screens so we can finally see how well we are doing. Also accepting missions as well this still needs finalising then I can release a new build

After that it's docking and jumping to other systems so we can complete the missions
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Posted: 10th Jun 2020 17:47 Edited at: 11th Jun 2020 09:03
New android version released to GooglePlay (v0.0.90 (alpha) ). This one features:

-General stability fixes to the flight mechanics and NPC generation

-Fixes to BBS system and adjustments to that system, still loads coming. The missions can now be accepted and can be completed if you could get to the location (coming soon). For Acquire missions when you pick up the item from the target destination you are then told to take it back to the previous location.

-New communication system this will replace ALL of the old comms stuff and will be tidied up to make the final product, its more streamlined and easier to manage than the old text splashed everywhere now its all in one place

EDIT:v0.0.91 (alpha) released which makes player placement more easier and location information more streamlined also fixes a issue with mission destinations where it would choose the location you were in ?

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Posted: 11th Jun 2020 14:01 Edited at: 11th Jun 2020 20:06
New progress video
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Posted: 13th Jun 2020 19:58
Today I have added multi lines to the messaging system, the reason for this was because at times some NPC's used to talk to you and some of the lines got overwritten due to new text being displayed. Now this is no longer the case as it will all appear on separate lines making it more complete.

Next up beefing up the weedy explosions which tbh was always a placeholder anyway (next up Hollywood LOL )
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Posted: 14th Jun 2020 01:41
Is the news feed based on some kind of automated system where it uses templates and automatically fills in key parts (like who, what, when, where)? Thinking you won't be writing each and every one of those news snippets by hand?

In any case, the news feed is fantastic! Highly effective in establishing the lore of the game world. Superb job!
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Posted: 14th Jun 2020 04:24
Yeah the news feed and basically all the BBS is scripted so the game fills in the required sections and generated item depending on what's required, I can add extra stuff to the system quite easily.
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Posted: 16th Jun 2020 11:12 Edited at: 16th Jun 2020 11:12
v0.0.92 (alpha) features:
-ADJUSTED: Explosions - now they scatter some debris. Later on these can be scooped for alloys (not in there yet)

-FIXEDolice and Hunters - if you attack a NPC without a bounty there is now a chance that a hunter/police will target you and attack you.

-FIXED:Background alignment issues with Title and BBS background, this has now been fixed to match up with all the different aspect ratios out there.

-FIXED:News articles which did not have a person the company was attacking due to a oversight on my part (missing -1)

Now released to GooglePlay so it should be available soon
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Posted: 21st Jun 2020 16:19
v0.0.93 (alpha) released to GooglePlay:
FIXED: issue with crash on death of player, there will be a animation here once its added to demonstrate the death coming soon.

FIXED: issue with BBS Mission text being sized incorrectly.
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Posted: 30th Jun 2020 18:57
New version uploaded (v0.0.94 (alpha) )
This one changes the scale completely to 1:1 scaling so modelling will be much easier.

FIXED: Asteroid field generation so now its nearer what was intended.
CHANGED:Stinger light fighter the new model will be the final once as soon as its textured
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Posted: 10th Jul 2020 20:45
Some more adjustments and fixes this week:
-FIXED issue with scaling and space station segments in blender being to big for the editor itself. Now this is all scaled correctly and works better so we can move to redesigning and texturing the station segments now.
-FIXED: Game breaking crash that would happen when someone was looking at a screen and clicked possibly where dock would be on the screen.
-CHANGED: Button bar system now when you target a NPC ship you get a communication button, if what you selected has docking ports the dock button will be displayed instead. This gets rid of the menu that pops up when you talk to the station etc.
-FIXED:Issue with NPC names where some of the names would not be selected.
-FIXED: issue where some news articles were not selected due to the article count, now the whole system uses the size of the new article array so I can add any number of articles to the system and this will be loaded and used automatically.
-ADDED: Punishment carried out selector so NPC's who have been sentenced can have the sentence carried out through a news article.
-STARTED: Shipyard screen, at present this is just a closed text but the whole section has been planned out and will be implemented soon.

New uploaded version on GooglePlay (v0.0.97 alpha)
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Posted: 14th Jul 2020 13:45
Another step closer to full release, now were at version 0.0.98 (alpha). We have been changing loads in the back end of the game to make it more streamlined and faster for everyone to play.

Things we have changed are:
FIXED: An issue with object movement now EVERYTHING moves relative to the player this means you can now fly through explosions etc. It also means that weapons are more dangerous . On the whole this effect made itself apparent when getting into a massive dogfight with several ships who wanted my one ton of cargo.

ADDED: Damage effects. So when you hit a ship with shields it will have an effect so you can see it. I am also looking for a suitable sound to go with the shield, ship and rock collisions

I have planned out the shipyard and I will be tackling that over the next week or so I want it to be more intuitive than the old SF2000 version to this end there are going to be some BIG changes, things that are on the way out will be the Jumpdrive this will be replaced with afterburners which will consume battery power. There are a few other changes that I want to make as well to make the game gel more better as it still seems very rough around the edges

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Posted: 20th Jul 2020 15:04
New version incoming (v0.0.99 (alpha) ), new additions:
FIXED: Ship size selector, now all fighters are no longer selected by hull size but by their class. Before the ships were selected by hull size now its by the class as it should be. Ship sizes are:Small, Medium Heavy, Frigate, Destroyer, Battleship, Massive, SuperMassive.

ADDED:Engine effect to the Stinger, now you can see which way they are travelling

ADDED:Blade medium fighter, currently this is the old sf2000 mesh but it will be replaced asap the old mesh's are to be completely overhauled to accommodate the new system.

ADDED:Bulldog heavy fighter, fixed directional facing, also a sf2000 mesh.

CHANGED: Ship pricing balancing - as some of the pirates could net you upto 25000 I have upped the ship costs to 25000 for a stinger, 60000 for the Blade and 95000 for the Bulldog. Rest assured the AI will also be adjusted so they are not just target practice .

I have fixed a rather problematic glitch with one of the loaders which was annoying me as well so now that I have that done and two new ships to play with I will add the shipyard so there is a way to get to them . I also have to texture the new ships once they are done
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2020 19:10
v0.1.0 (alpha) released to googleplay with a fix for the audio slowdown that happened when there was loads of ships fighting each other.
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Posted: 25th Aug 2020 20:18
After what seems like an eternity and working full time (45+ hours a week) I have found some time to add to the game, I now have all the segments for the space station internals this will enable me to build the internal rooms of the station instead of the BBS system that was there more (the BBS was rubbish and was due for replacement). The internal stuff will be replaced with rooms for each segment and will be expanded upon as time goes on, the camera system will form a basis of the first person segment of the game as well so you can move around etc when its finally complete.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2020 23:37 Edited at: 26th Aug 2020 23:38

I find that these settings are good for this application, it works really smooth until the actual game, then it lags big time. Have you got the DB source code for this as I could test the original via DB and see whether the lag issue is prevalent.

All the best with the conversion process!


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Posted: 27th Aug 2020 15:46
@Lupo4mica37: yeah the original game doesn't run very well on today's hardware the new version is coming along much better
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Posted: 18th Sep 2020 02:22 Edited at: 18th Sep 2020 02:36
I just had a look at some of the videos you posted on this project and I must say the actual movement mechanics are really good, it looks very natural movement, smooth. The entire project looks really good, something that can become a quality game. One thing I noticed that caught my attention was the video testing space dust, there was something odd about how it approached the spaceship from that far away one point and the contrast of it relative to the asteroids. It didn't look natural. I am not sure whether it is the velocity at which the dust is moving towards the ship relative to the velocity of the approaching asteroids or the perspective angle was odd suggesting the ship is moving faster when the movement of the asteroids towards the ship suggest it is not moving that fast. There was just something unnatural about it and I am not exactly sure what is the reason behind it. All in all, really good work!


I just watched a later video you made with some improvements to the space dust movement. On the later video, the space dust looks more natural moving, accelerating when ship accelerates and moving much slower when ship is moving slower and the overall movement in this later video looked more realistic. Also there was less of it moving when moving more slowly, which I reason also added to the realism and that it was not all coming from one point, that also added to the realism. On this later video the movement of the space dust was looking much better, pretty good actually.
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Posted: 25th Sep 2020 13:12
Lupo4mica37:Yeah the early space dust was there to represent simple movement and wasnt linked to speed, later iterations of it were linked to speed to give it a much more natural movement.

We have now fixed some rather annoying issues with the system generator this is ongoing as I want the loader to be perfect to allow me to make systems on the fly. On top of this I have mapped out the entire docking segment of the space station and once its fully in the game I can release a new video. This Docking segment will hold the rest of the space station stuff and unlike the previous versions which had 'click on doors' the new system will enable the player to actually 'walk' around the station and when you want to leave you can walk to your ship (or shuttle if your ship is to big for the station) and then go to outer space. There will be loads more added over time and the station extended but at present it will be the basics.

After that I can extend the shipyard section to allow the player to buy new components and ship hulls, all in all the BBS section will almost be completely replaced with the station stuff the only remaining sections will be the news and purchasing sections. All in all it marks the move from the old SF2000 system and the start of the final part of the space stations, later on we may allow players to move about their ships and other areas of the game as it progresses.

Its been a long time in coming (which is a understatement, rea life and other things taking up a LOT of our time) but its a game we have always wanted to make so we are moving to get it complete and out there for all AppGameKit platforms .

More soon...
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Posted: 25th Sep 2020 20:28
Nice! I look forward to checking it out.
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Posted: 26th Sep 2020 00:23
Looking forward to it also.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2020 13:01

Alpha first test of the walking around in a space station

TODO: Collision, NPC's, Player ship (so we can leave), Tables and other items and doors etc. On the whole its coming together now
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Posted: 28th Sep 2020 15:11
This is looking really nice. Even in Frontier Elite you cannot walk around the space station. It would be cool if there were some aliens to battle or something to save the space station from alien pirates that invaded it. Just some crazy idea.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2020 19:53
@Lupo4mica37: the original sf2000 had ten alien races planned for it. This game has the same races plus the possibility for many more
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Posted: 30th Sep 2020 01:35
I never played the original, but I am looking forward to playing your remake in AppGameKit, when it is complete.
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Posted: 8th Oct 2020 09:47
Been working on getting the whole thing working as intended and to this end we have added some more stuff to the mix, these are as follows:
1) Space station collision - whilst still not 100% perfect you can no longer walk through the station walls.

2) Spatial awareness - we can now check what is around our character, this will be very useful for using things like terminals etc all of which are coming soon...

3) Doors - we now have a mover system that basically allows us to add moving sections to the space station that move a certain distance then either stop or return to a previous point. This system has enabled us to add proximity activated doors to the station and will enable us to add lots more interactions to the stuff when we have it in there .

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Posted: 10th Oct 2020 16:07
After looking at the whole movement system in the game I have ripped out the rotation code for the ships and made a separate module for it, basically doing this now allows me to add smooth rotation to the space station segment of the game and other sections as required without recoding the whole rotation sections. To this end we now have smooth mouse and touch controls to the space station segment and I can now move onto getting rid of the buttons in favour of terminals that perform the tasks required for each section of the game.

On the space station front I do intend to adjust the whole docking segment of the station so that the player can access the usual sections of the space station as required when docked BUT should they wish to explore they can take the main elevator down to the other sections of the station and explore the pubs and other sections as required. On the game front it means if you want to explore you can do but if you just want to turn a mission in or unload some cargo then you can without interacting with others just using the terminals in the station docking areas. Also gameplay wise very little will change and it will mean I can add the other sections as required. I have also added moving doors with sound effect so you can see and hear it open these are now more smoother than before where it was instant open etc.

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Posted: 12th Oct 2020 13:46

Space station test
Next up will be getting the whole terminals working then I can add a few more prefabs and texture the ship and release a new demo
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Posted: 12th Oct 2020 19:25
Really nice. I know you are progressing in this project in many areas and making improvements as you go and I am sure you already thought of the things I will write next as to the movement of the player. The natural movement of a being starts with acceleration of movement, it never really jumps to a velocity from 0 to let's say 5m/s in 0 seconds. To be honest with you, I would be interested in how you would do such acceleration in AppGameKit to make the movement natural. Natural movement is not constant velocity all the time either, there is a slight variation, and might not be much, but the human brain can really perceive these things subconciously, if not conciously. Similiar with listening to audio, you can listen to a high quality WAV file over and over again, and you will not get bored of it, do the same with MP3 and you will know the difference after many times repetition. These little things we don't normally notice, do actually contribute to the overall experience. Similar with body movement, humans tend to swing left and right as they move, hence it is easy to predict where a person will move/strike according to the how the body swings. I was always wondering would it be possible to recreate let's say Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising in AppGameKit, I mean the physics of motion?

I really see this project becoming something really good on the long term as you yourself were planning to work on this for years. Keep up the good work. Have you got like a patron site or something for people to support you?
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Posted: 14th Oct 2020 17:47 Edited at: 21st Oct 2020 20:57
yeah the movement is basically there for testing, I will be adding a smoothing system to it before it goes live. An incremental acceleration would give it the desired effect to make it more believable as a player character.

Our patreon is over at
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Posted: 14th Oct 2020 21:33
Awesome brother!

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