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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP]Star flight: Star Rogue progress...

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Posted: 21st Oct 2020 20:59
Well there will be another video available this sunday, Patreons can already view the video via the patreon page.

Today I have added basic momentum for the player, there is still some things to do there on that side of things. I have also started adding back in the systems for the station so that when we actually go over to a terminal we an use it to get access to the basic sections of the station. We can already launch into space from the station. I have also fixed two rather problematic bugs so the game is running more smoothly now and this will allow me to move forwards with getting other sections of the game done as well.

More soon...
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Posted: 26th Oct 2020 11:13 Edited at: 8th Nov 2020 20:21

Last weeks video.

We have been doing loads to the BBS section this week to make it fit better into the space station segment of the game there still is a lot to do before we release another alpha version of the game BUT its getting ever closer, changes are as follows:
1) Changed the terminal icon to make it more match the idea of the game - now instead of news its a hand icon to access the BBS system.
2) Separated the station - the whole station segment was in the BBS file this has not been separated to its own file so I can make adjustments quicker.
3) BBS Main menu - this has also been moved to a separate file I intend to change the BBS system to make it more fitting to the game it still feels like a SF2000 BBS system.
4) Launching to space - you can now leave the station and go back out into space
5) Fixed the button system for docking

I still have LOADS to do but im getting through it slowly things we have now to fix due to the new adjustments are:
1) Clicking on the dock button doesnt allow docking for player
2) Clicking messages on the BBS message board doesnt allow you to use them
3) Clicking back is still to fast on the BBS it jumps back to the navigation section of the station
4) When docking again some graphics need to be removed
5) some placements need finalising to make the station always the same no matter what happens.
6) Model a new Blade medium fighter.
7) Texturing the player ship when its in the hanger.

But its getting there
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2020 22:28
Awaiting official release for Android...
Having the itch for spaceship games lately
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Posted: 5th Nov 2020 15:12
There is a alpha demo on the Google play store if you want to see how well it will run on your device
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Posted: 8th Nov 2020 20:24
Modelled a new Blade medium fighter, now all I got to do is texture it. Also I have fixed the positioning issue with redocking with the space station.

As usual there are some things I need to fix then I can move once again to move to getting other sections of the game done and get even more of the game ready for everyone to test once the demo is released.
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Posted: 16th Nov 2020 13:13
New version released to GooglePlay this one has basic space station navigation on the whole there is loads more to add BUT Its getting there .

Probably some bugs in there but we will work through them as they appear
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Posted: 17th Nov 2020 16:51
While going through each of the console options in the hangar (mostly in reverse order), I selected 'Latest Messages' and received this error:

Error: Sprite 0 does not exist in
BBS_Missions.agc at line 471

Using 0.1.2 (Alpha) build. Otherwise, most things I tried are working well.
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Posted: 19th Nov 2020 04:11
Will look into that one
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Posted: 20th Nov 2020 16:52
New version up which fixes a couple of issues one is the crash (Thanks SFSW for that one) the other is the walk controls were difficult to see. Both have been fixed and a new version is now up
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Posted: 4th Dec 2020 16:37
General bug squashing done now so the GUI doesnt vanish when you leave the station, now im onto fleshing out the rest of space then moving to getting more system down. Next up will be wormholes and gates so I can go between star systems

On the whole its looking quite nice now there is still some niggles that have to be sorted (I would like variations of weapons etc) but its getting there slowly but surely
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Posted: 5th Dec 2020 21:05 Edited at: 6th Dec 2020 07:38
New version up, this one has the following changes:
FIXED: GUI of ship when launching into space now shows correctly
ADDED: Locators for points of interest in space station
FIXED: Scale of planet and jump gate
ADDED: Vertical adjustment to locator icons
(V0.1.3a)FIXED: issue with station locator icons not being deleted

NEXT: Jump gate and worm hole effects
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Posted: 13th Dec 2020 11:58

Now all I need it texture it
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Posted: 17th Dec 2020 21:29 Edited at: 18th Dec 2020 11:48
After another coding session I have managed to get the wormhole and Jump gate effect in the game, this new effect will also allow me to get on with the loader for the whole going to another system exploration thing this will allow me to get another huge segment of the game done.

EDIT (18th Dec) : After another session we are getting closer to docking with jump gates and wormholes, I have adjusted the system so that each gate has a unique ID as this was overlooked before and this ID is looked at when the player uses the gate so we can place them where they should be on the other end. All in all its coming together and its hoped that the next release will see players starting to explore a whole new system or two . I will also add in rad damage should anyone want to dock with the unstable wormhole as this is very very dangerous indeed

I still have to get the BBS Message board back up as well this will be next on the agenda.
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Posted: 21st Dec 2020 14:43 Edited at: 28th Dec 2020 16:05
New version incoming ( 0.1.4 ), changes are as follows:
Things that have changed since previous release:
ADDED: Jumpgates - now you can jump between Aradis and Akaron systems, more systems will be added as time goes on.
ADDED: Coloured suns - now the suns are coloured to the correct colours.
CHANGED: Afterburners - now they are a little faster.
FIXED: Texturing on planets when entering new system
ADDED: Wormhole effect for wormholes in game

TODO: Radiation damage
TODO: Unknown wormhole chucking you our somewhere randomly (this might not be in a star system its a gamble you will have to take if you use these wormholes ). If your in a ship without a FTL Hyperdrive you will be stranded if your chucked out in intergalactic space.

BUGs found:
Afterburners - these don't work, this has been fixed and will be in the next build
Crash (found 26th Dec 20) - flying out, scooping an item then docking weirdly crashed the BBS. As I'm rewriting portions of the BBS this fix will be looked into and rectified in the next build.

28th December 2020 changes since last entry:
FIXED: Locator arrows being shown when docked
CHANGED: Station generation so now it is more refined for easy adjustment in the future.
FIXED: Station appearing outside station after docked (rather weird as you are in the station)
FIXED: Crash where player is placed outside the station area, I still have to locate why the player is actually placed outside the area as this is already hard coded into the source.
FIXED: NPC full name generator - now the system has some full names on the generator that will be picked under certain circumstances for NPC names.

I do intend to adjust the whole generation system at a later date to make each station segment as a whole thing that the player walks on instead of tiles this will make the game more refined and polished at present the tiles are temporary as placeholders.
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2021 17:28
New version up on GooglePlay (v0.1.4a), this one fixes:
FIXED: NPC full name system now the system can choose from a list of full names to add to articles etc.

FIXED: crash when docking after scooping cargo.

FIXED: Target arrows so when you launch from a station after docking they are displayed correctly.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2021 04:49

Progress video that shows off the latest additions to Star flight:Star Rogue.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2021 14:15 Edited at: 14th Jan 2021 14:20

The maiden voyage from Freeport 1 in Aradis to Blitz Industries station in Akaron via the Akaron jump gate

After another heavy coding session I have fixed some of the bugs the game had these fixes have been uploaded to GooglePlay , the fixes are as follows:
FIXED: Player deaths - now when you die you appear back in the last place you were docked at, all cargo is removed at this time.
ADDED: Damage from local phenomenon so the radiation cloud at the unknown wormhole will now kill you (and surprisingly quickly in the starter ship), bigger ships will fare better. For all those interested NPC's are also affected by this.
CHANGED: Explosions - now they are not just a one explosion wonder instead it goes off multiple times and gives a much better and BIGGER explosion.
CHANGED: Afterburner sound - forgot to reduce the volume on this now its fixed
FIXED: NPC locators not being removed when docked.

Now to refix the player placement after collecting cargo, get the message board back and add more star systems for the player to fly around in...
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Posted: 15th Jan 2021 14:10
After yet another coding session we have added some more stuff to the mix, new things that are in the game now are:
1) Solar panels - Once we get the shipyard in there (its on the Todo list) you will be able to change and upgrade the solar panels on your ship. Each ship engine will come with solar panels as standard which will charge the ships battery (also upgradeable). These items will be used for different things in the game for example; recharging your shields will take battery charge, as will using afterburners (already in the build) other things will be things like energy weapon use. As for the solar panels these will convert sunlight back into energy for the batteries so you recharge after a while.

2) Start of fixing the asteroid collision system - once this is complete you will once again be able to smash into the asteroids as much as you want

3) Message board - this is also being worked on now so we can get back to doing those missions

More soon...
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Posted: 20th Jan 2021 08:26 Edited at: 20th Jan 2021 20:31
Well message boards are back in and yes you can complete missions, this update is on GooglePlay .

I am going to change the message boards somewhat to simplify it much more than it is now this should make it much easier to navigate and use.


WIP of the new BBS in action, most of it is working now just need to finalise some of the other bits so it's ready .

Other things on my list are:
-Adding the button bar to the walking section
-Adding a better delay so you don't multi click the top buttons.
-Add the credit balance to all screens

Once these are done along with the new mission board I will put up another build. On the whole the message board is getting there and the new proposed changes will bring it to its final state.

I still have loads to add to the space station section as well toake that more complete, things like cargo canisters, NPCs and other things to make it look more alive

More soon...
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Posted: 30th Jan 2021 06:53
Well after playing around with the new mission board for a while we have decided to remove that idea as it didn't give enough information to the player. We have managed to add the button bar and credit balance to the walking section however

I have to design another icon for the BBS and finalise a few more bits but it's getting there now.

Next up is making the AI avoid the target and not kamakazi into it like a lemming, and make it so missions with high risk generate the actual risk
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Posted: 7th Feb 2021 11:19
After another coding session I have finally fixed some more of the issues that was in the game, these are as follows:
FIXED: Mission issue when docking at a particular station
FIXED: System name not loading when loading in the star system file
FIXED: BBS issue where the mission would generate going to the place you was actually docked at
ADDED: Hunters so sometimes NPC's will come after you for risky missions, the more risky the more hunters will come after you.

There is loads that will be done over the coming week and after all that is complete I will release a new build of the game
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Posted: 11th Feb 2021 12:55 Edited at: 12th Feb 2021 14:43
Well after another coding session I haveanaged to adjust and fix some more things that didn't feel right in the game these are as follows:
Assassin's - the game keeps a record of how many assassins are out there after you now. Now even completing the mission will not remove the assassin as the guild has been paid to perform a task they will keep hunting till they can complete the task.

Missions - before the missions were not being removed from the mission list this was a big big in the mission system now it's been fixed.

Next up I will be fixing the BBS timing issues when changing screens and adding the "Britannia" sector of space.

Todays fixes:
FIXED: transition from menus to BBS menus
FIXED: <Take 2> the location area for the game so you cant get missions to the same location you are in
FIXED: Assassins NPC's being assigned to asteroids so the asteroids would attack you LOL
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Posted: 21st Feb 2021 13:11
New release incoming

This one has the following fixes and adjustments:
1) Serlise and London systems added to the mix with many many more to follow, the gates in the game are in there but are inactive due to the gate at the other end hasnt been constructed yet

2) FIXED an issue where the assassin didnt know where the fire button was, now they do

3) Sectors have been added to the terran map, the beginning systems are Core systems where London is part of the Britannia sector, there will also be Europa, Americas, Oceania, Asia, Orient, Russian Federation sectors as well each with their own systems and information.

4) Black holes have started to make an appearance, Serlise has one its a very basic texture at present and one that will be changed in a future release.

More soon...
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Posted: 26th Feb 2021 20:04
After another coding session I have managed to get the Stock market back to a clickable state, also the new market now uses the touch system instead of hard coded buttons this means it is much easier to use and navigate around. On the whole I am rather pleased with the progress we are making on the game at present. What I want to concentrate on is getting the stock market itself to a complete state so we can buy and sell cargo, also jettison it when in outer space. Once I have completed that I will move onto getting the shipyard up and running so we can buy and sell ship components and actually see what cargo space we will have after all the stuff has been fitted to our ships.

More soon...
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Posted: 1st Mar 2021 09:51
After another coding session we now have the stock market back, the new system has moved it over to the touch system and its all there apart from jettisoning cargo (you can do it but the pod isnt released yet). All in all its getting there now, all thats left is to move onto the shipyard

This version is currently released to googleplay for review and should be released soon... (v0.1.5a)
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Posted: 7th Mar 2021 10:28 Edited at: 7th Mar 2021 10:39
New update up on GooglePlay

This one fixes the following issues:
1) Scooping - now you can only scoop things of 1t. Scooping dead ships, asteroids or boulders will damage you ship.

2) Jettisoning cargo - this is now in there. I still have to add the fine for Jettisoning around a station but that will be added soon.

3) Stock market - this is now fully in the game. I do have to squash a bug with the displayed value when selling but that will be in the next build.

4) NPC - still ongoing the NPCs system has been overhauled to accommodate the new changes to the jettison system.

5) Assassin's - these will now attack the player properly

More stuff incoming which will be released over the coming weeks...
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Posted: 8th Mar 2021 14:24 Edited at: 8th Mar 2021 14:30
New version incoming

This one has the following fixes:
FIXED: cargo manifest not showing properly in station, still have a little more to do here for the selling of cargo in stations. When using the top bar the cargo manifest never displayed.

ADDED: Crime and punishment for shooting in the safe zone and illegal dumping. To dump cargo you have to do it out side of the safe zone, in the final game there will be a distance check relating to the security level of the station and local system.

ADDED: LOCAL ENFORCER's and Bounty hunters guild members, enforcers are free to shoot everywhere you have been warned as are pirates. BHG members are still bound by the safety zone so will not fire if your within the zone but enforcers and pirates will attack with impunity, the pirate will in the end have a increase on their bounty that will be coming next build.

ADDED: higher bounty for killing enforcers, 9000Cr instead of 6000Cr for killing anyone other clean pilot.

ADDED: no jumping inside safety zone, now you can only jump to another sector outside the zone, be careful as within the zone your still fair game for pirates

Local police are generated depending on the local system security level so a lower security will have fewer police.
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Posted: 16th Mar 2021 13:26
Release version (0.1.5c alpha) incoming

This one adds the following changes:
ADDED: Beam lasers - now all ships will use beam lasers, the bolt weapons will be used for higher power plasma weapons and bigger guns on things like stations.
FIXED: Player shield - they were performing differently than NPC shields now this has been rectified this does lend weight to the beam weapons now being a bit more dangerous
FIXED: Issue with player spawning - once again this has been fixed
FIXED: Lighting issue with suns where the light was to close to the player ship so the light was on the wrong side of a station, Serlise B research institute being a prime example.

Next up will be Shipyard, getting NPC's to use afterburners and adding more systems with a wider variety of game environments like (Lightning storms, minefields and explosive nebula ).

More soon...
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Posted: 16th Mar 2021 13:26 Edited at: 16th Mar 2021 13:27
Double post
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Posted: 6th Sep 2021 17:06
After a long bout of illness and loads of real life issues I am back to coding the game again, yeah its still being worked on and im slowly making my way through the codebase once again. I still want to recode the entire bbs system as I dont like it and after coming back to the game I also realise the space station section isnt as fun as it used to be so that will also be going. I have a plan to replace it with more images of locations so it can switch between the images rather than running through similar hallways to rudimentry doors etc it will give more of an appeal to the stations and should make it faster to navigate .

I have uploaded 0.1.5e alpha 2 to google play for those interested this is a basic fixes patch in prelude to me getting MUCH more into the game once I get upto speed .
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Posted: 6th Sep 2021 21:55
welcome back, EdzUp, and glad you're feeling up to continuing work on this.

consider an HTML or.exe for the latest? or, an updated vid with progress?
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Posted: 7th Sep 2021 07:54

Once I have done the changes I will be releasing a new video
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Posted: 10th Sep 2021 17:19
Well I have been digging into the codebase and reacquainting myself with it and I have a rudimentary replacement for the annoying message board that will be released in the next build. When testing the old one it was way to hard to tap on the missions more than it needed to be so I have ripped that out entirely and I'm replacing it with a new and improved one
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Posted: 14th Sep 2021 12:34 Edited at: 14th Sep 2021 12:36

Here is a early picture of the new BBS, the new system does work (All the icons are due a redesign as they do not scale well) but you get the general idea where we are going with the new system. The colouring of the icons is relevant to the mission difficulty where red is a higher difficulty than the player experience level, blue is the same or near enough the same difficulty and green is lower difficulty than your experience and should be a walk in the park for the player.

We are going to completely redesign all the icons to make the whole game more unified this will also go as far as the scaling system for the GUI HUD so it can finally be scaled as required. On the whole the system does work reasonably well now all we need to do is replace the old system with the new one and redesign all the icons then I think we will be ready for a 1.6.0 release
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Posted: 16th Sep 2021 04:57
Looking good and solid choice on the design decisions, in my opinion. I look forward to checking it out.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2021 15:33
Thanks SFSW it's coming together nicely now so hopefully won't be long before the new version is ready and out
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Posted: 17th Sep 2021 13:40

Were getting there, this will be how the new BBS System will look when its in the game
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Posted: 7th Oct 2021 20:54
Still tidying up the BBS system as the old code was all over the place, this is taking a little time but should make it easier to upgrade when I complete this. After all that I will be changing the graphics for the BBS icons as at present they are scaled which doesn't look good, I want to redesign them so they will be more in keeping with the new direction
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2021 14:12 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2021 14:13
After a long hiatus from coding due to personal reasons I'm slowly tentatively getting back into coding once again (ya can't keep a old dog down ). I'm still looking at the BBS system and have the main menu adjustment in the game now, I'm just cleaning up the whole thing to stop it exploding at impromptu times bit it's getting there. In this area there is still loads to do as I still have to bring over the news section that still has the old one in there which is not in fitting with the new system, I also have to flesh out the message conversations as at present they are way to short and clinical.

On the game front it's looking much the same but I am also getting deeper into the nitty gritty of it all and I've started getting the PC version ready for release alongside the android one. The upshot of this will be tighter and more integrated packing stuff that will mean fewer directories and LOADS of Ultim Pakage Files (UPFs) these will hold all data and stuff for the game and will be used in future developments and projects.

It's nice to get back into AppGameKit and getting back to coding once again feels much more fun than it used to

More soon....
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2021 19:34
welcome back, EdzUp

and, forced or not, hiatuses generally allow fresh, sweet-smelling air inside.

may it serve you well!
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2021 20:34
Thanks Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 6th Dec 2021 21:53
Still making progress, since the last post I have been steadily tidying up the game data to get the game ready for the PC release. Early attempts were less than successful but I seem to have got it all working as intended now, I will still need some more testing and game testing but it's looking better than it used to. I still have a few items to pack up into UPF files that will be in the final release and will make up most of the game data, once these are packed and the news system is working again I can do another release them tackle the rest of the BBS and expanding the galaxy.

I am once again enjoying coding which is good after the rather rough year it's been, I will say AppGameKit Classic does make coding much simpler than other systems I have used in the past I just wish I could pack the bytecode file into the exe like old DB Classic used to
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Posted: 9th Feb 2022 16:07 Edited at: 21st Feb 2022 16:21
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Posted: 6th Apr 2022 12:21 Edited at: 6th Apr 2022 16:33
New android release this one has the new BBS system, I am still working on getting more of the star systems in the game and working on getting the PC release upto speed .

FIXED:Case sensitive image file naming issue, also new version uploaded.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2022 22:29
New version released on GooglePlay (0.1.5f/145), this one has the following improvements:
1) BBS updated - now it has a new background that is more in keeping with how we wanted the system to actually be, this will allow us to move use the full screen instead of a small area of the tablet screen.

2) BBS News is back, yes after it was removed a few versions ago it is now back and has been revamped and improved.

3) Collision - yes its in there so you can no more use afterburners and whizz around the asteroid fields with a crazed look in your eye. Now if you do you have to actually avoid the asteroids now as hitting them will damage your ship dependent on how fast you was going so afterburners are not advised if you want to do asteroid pong.

4) Several fixes to the BBS system have been done in this patch this was down to some of the generation system corrupting some of the data for the news, this was partly why the revamp was required. We have noticed a small adjustment is needed to some of the generated missions for the BBS Missions board this will be adjusted and fixed in a future update.

5) Encryption adjustments - now it uses a longer password for the encryption system which also will not be readable in the bytecode file
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Posted: 2nd May 2022 22:25
v0.1.6/148 released to google play, this one has the bounty board back so we can go hunting again. Pilots who appear on the bounty board have a chance to be generated when players enter the system they were last seen in and they will have the value of the bounty placed on them this gives the player another avenue for making credits. Each target has a higher bounty value on them due to the time and effort the hunter has to take to find and deal with the target.

Next up I am getting into the shipyard section of the BBS and finally will be the military section at a later date

More soon...
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Posted: 5th May 2022 09:54
Version 0.1.6a/150 released

This one has:
Changed: most of the buttons and panel graphics for higher resolutions making thwm sharper on desktop (coming soon).

Fixed: function keys not working in stations

Fixed: debug text on loading...

Added: loads of new names to generator and ship names.

Added: Bounty payment option to local police section (they wont arrest you for not paying the bounty but will still attack you outside the station at present).

Next is getting the shipyard in there and more new ships
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Posted: 6th May 2022 05:45
Google play link is broken. Is this game still available?
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Posted: 6th May 2022 20:52

thats the link I have
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Posted: 7th May 2022 13:42

New flight video
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