No no, was Jet Set Willy. You had to do the Attic last or you would have to reset the game (cos it would cock future games up). Something like that.
Ach. Spooky's one is itching at me, but can't think of it....
Guess this one then: It had about 32,000 locations. It's sequel had double that. It fitted on a 48k Speccy too. And the third one was never released. Boo hoo. And I seriously wouldn't mind remaking it on the GBA (exists on PC). And the prize for completing the game was they would take your adventure and make a book from it (proper author and everything). Oh, and you had to print every location on a speccy printer to do this. C'mon, easy one here...
Oh, and Pincho, don't forget the scroll-look thingy where you can look a bit around.
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing