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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Post Bugs Here

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 16:57
I have only had FPS creator for a week or so and have been following tutorials in the manual, but 'Pick' in segment mode doesn't seem to work when trying to select a different segment that I want to paste onto the grid. I paste down all required segments on top left of grid before desgining; I select 'pick' mode, click on a different segment but when pasting down onto the grid, it doesn't paste down the 'picked' segment. The only way is to keep selecting the required segment from the library each time. Is there something doing wrong or is this a possible bug?

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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 04:40
Wow! There are lots of posts.

If you need to add something, use the edit feature. Don't make more posts.

I'll post the Runtime Errors, and the taskbar problem.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
6r1m r34p0r
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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 11:03
I selected a window and deleted it, but it was still there when I made the game.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 03:14
The Undo button does not work all the time, it is ok in the dropdown but is greyed out most of the time on the tool bar.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 05:53
Try selecting the window and pressing delete, that should get rid of it.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 09:32
Twitchy heads - Found this when I was trying to use the freeze scripting command. If you set an entity to a single frame of animation it's head will still twitch slightly.

To replicate create a custom script with nothing in it except this:


The entity will be frozen in place, but it's head will still twitch slightly (need to be somewhat close to the entity to observe this). Tested this on multiple entities to be sure it wasn't associated with just one model (replicated it on Aiko, skeleton, Col. X, soldiers, zombies, etc. etc.)
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 09:58 Edited at: 27th Feb 2005 09:59
The .45 and python are held a little funny by entities. See the attached image of the pistol weilding wermacht. All the entities seem to hold it to far forward (some worse than others - the nazi thug is *really* bad).

Not sure if this is an entity setting or a weapon setting that needs to be changed.


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6r1m r34p0r
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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 10:17
uh guys, that IS what i did I dunno why. I tried six times and made six .exe files while trying since the in FPSC level test is horrible

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Posted: 5th Mar 2005 23:07
Missing Media Bug:

I've noticed compiled games that are missing the files folder run in the background on my computer without an error message.

When you click on such an exe, it appears to just quit, and someone said it hung their computer, but it doesn't do that here.

The point is, the exe needs to exit if it can't find media, and perhaps let the user know what's going on.


Ad Astra Per Asper
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Posted: 7th Mar 2005 19:50
Setting the Static Mode of an Character (in this case SS Officer) to Yes, the texture will be invisible.

Regards Pitti
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Posted: 8th Mar 2005 08:39
Don't know if this is a bug, or just plain stupity on the Zombie's part. I have noticed if i add a Zombie with grenade, after 2 throws, they kill themselves.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2005 13:31
Thanks JerBil and Peter I will post those in Current Bugs and Current Minor Bugs respectively. jcleaver, it sounds like Artificial Unintelligence, if you ask me.

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-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 12th Mar 2005 09:32 Edited at: 12th Mar 2005 09:35
When you make a corridor with straight segments, you can walk through
the right hand side at any point and die (if there's nothing there.) Also the outside shows through the segment seams on the right hand side. The picture shows the seam.


Ad Astra Per Asper


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Shadow Angel
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Posted: 13th Mar 2005 19:08
Okay, here's one for ya:

There is an error launching FPSC and it really annoys me
When I launch it, it comes up with the following error:



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Posted: 14th Mar 2005 19:27
Graphic Glitsch: After import an x file and play the app, the object will be invisible when the player turn to the right. Turn to the left side make it visible. I could send the small sample.

Regards Peter
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Posted: 17th Mar 2005 14:56
OK I'll post these under Possible Bugs and Possible Minor Bugs.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 21:47
Just downloaded FPS Creator and when I start the program a windows error box appears with the message "The application has encountered a problem and need to close". FPSC MapEditor then goes consumes up to 100% CPU.
Have an AMD XP 2.4, Win XP Pro, 512Mb Ram, Nvidia MX440 8AGP(Latest drivers), Directx 9.0C installed.
Any ideas what is happening?
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 21:09
I use the version that came on the PC Gamer DVD this month. However, I cannot see my level, only a black area.
Emperor Baal
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 06:38
I've just installed FPS Creator and it already whines the 30-days are over (blabla expired) without even launching the editor

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2005 01:58
This appears to be a minor bug that hasn't been noted above. I've attached a screen shot, as you can see that there is dark box around the decal, this doesn't always appear but seems to be a problem particulary when the sniper scope is in view.


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Posted: 4th Apr 2005 17:52
Who want create projects in darkbasic, please write me letter:

Sorry for sintax errors, because I'm Russian

Thanks for your time!

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Posted: 5th Apr 2005 03:22
This is the bug thread for FPSC, you might want to try the darkbasic boards.

I'll post your bug.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 14th Apr 2005 06:50
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Posted: 14th Apr 2005 06:58
When I am testing a level created with the trial version I am getting strange coloured squares around the entities.
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Posted: 6th May 2005 09:01
i have found a weird one to watch. with the large windows i have enimies runing through them. when i shoot i miss the enimy and break the window that they ran through.
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Posted: 6th May 2005 09:07
found a big one. if it is not a bug it still needs to be fixed. when you start a level the amount of health you have is the max. Example: the game starts with 500 health. You finish level 1 with 200. On level 2 there is a health recharge at the begging. When you get the health the highest it goes is 200. This is a big problem.
Average Joe
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Posted: 18th May 2005 16:25
Quote: "When I am testing a level created with the trial version I am getting strange coloured squares around the entities."


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Posted: 18th May 2005 16:47
I loaded the Sci-Fi demo. Examined it, ran it etc.
I wanted to start my level from scratch, using the Sci-Fi theme. In order to keep all the segments and entities loaded, I deleted everything off each level using the selection box.
Once all levels were clear, I went to the "segments" tab. I noticed that the icons for each segment in the list were actually up one space from there description. The Icon that is usually at the top, "Add Segment" was GONE! In its place was the icon for "ground" with the words "Add Segment" below it. And each consecutive icon was one level above the description.
So when I wanted a staircase, I would click on a pictire of a glass window that said "staircase" underneith it. Very wierd.
Only the segments tab was affected. Closing and reloading the program corrected the problem, but it was too wierd.

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Posted: 18th May 2005 16:54
Quote: "typo!!! when previewing the game, it says "initialising player"."
Quote: "And whats wrong with "initialising player" ?"

Its spelled wrong.

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Dory The Cable Guy
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Posted: 21st May 2005 04:54
heres one, dont know if it has been reported before, but when i start up FPSC, it says an eror has occured and the application needs to close. but then it stil opens FPSC, but all the buttons are disaled, and nothing shows up in the prefabs media list. help!

i don't siggy my message
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Posted: 23rd May 2005 05:24
i found a bug, it happned repetedly to me and its really annoying, when you have the entity selection(on the left toolbar) and you press File>new, the bar switches to prefabs, but when you click "add a new prefab", it goes to the add entities page.

please fix, very annoying


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Posted: 24th May 2005 04:49
Can't test either sci-fi level.
Fails at lightmaps step. Message "encountered prob. and needs to close"

Have reinstalled, shut down everything running, run system checks, redownloaded and repaired. Nothing works on these included levels.
System has no problem running 3D Game Studio or 3DS Max 6.0

Running 2.08 GH
XP Home SP 2
DirectX 9.0c
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Posted: 28th May 2005 00:43
Hey uh guys there is this one bug that does this one thing and its really giving me a hard time can you fix it I dont remeber wat i does but can some one fix it? LOL No i'm just playing, no but seriously there is. The bug is:

The program randomly -with out me even touching it for like 5 to 10 mins.- comes up with an error that says:
Quote: "Runtime error: object is not able to be in that place,or, coordanaites ,or, something."

and then it comes up with a nother after about 30secs. that says:
Quote: "This programm had an error and needs to close"

Please help,

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Posted: 5th Jun 2005 04:09
Quote: "This programm had an error and needs to close"

same here ...
took ages to load and compile the scifi demo level
why are there no progress bars?

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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 01:51
hmm... I got
"Dark Basic Error
and then
"This programm had an error and needs to close"

and that's every time I try to start it up
(works on the other comp and looks great it's just super slow)
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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 02:18
I have characters walking a path on a platform above the player, they only have only problem which is obviously a bug of some kind :

If as the player you watch the character walk the path from a position away from the platform, the character will walk continuously and correctly, however if you walk to a position somewhere under a platform and wait for the character to move around the platform - you can hear him walk - when he gets to a position directly above the player he stops and walks on the spot and cant progress. Move away from under the platform and the character contiunues on his journey correctly.
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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 14:04
hmmm... well that was the 5 or 6th time I've tried the program(with a few computer restarts in there) and it actually started and ran for me but when I tried to test a level it gave me an error
also it still seems to be very very slow...
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Posted: 14th Jun 2005 14:14
I've got an instance in which a switch is activatable from the other side of the wall on which it is mounted.

Relax or I'll hit you with the whip again.
Mr Love
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Posted: 16th Jun 2005 10:26
God I am really mad. Why is it so many bugs in FPSC?
Well anyway here are some new ones..
- I imported a box and I courld not move when I was standing on it. This is a big problem if You want to jump from stone to stone etc.
- When I kill a character who is standing close to a building, very often it looks like the guy is lying under the building with half his body on the ground(!)
- The very hard bombed building has a bug You can walk thru the wall from the inside right wall.
- after I walked thru a wall(!) I got stuck and I courld not move, tryed everything but nothing worked so I had to exit the game!
- I can confirm the bug half Bullet-Holes, I have seen it often.
- When I imported a big box some enemys was running thru it and others got stuck in it. (I didnt belive my eyes!)
- Sometimes when the enemy is walking they dont move forward!
- The enemys never miss the target they are shooting at.
- You can run thru Your enemys like a ghost!
- The enemies are pointing their guns and arms thru walls & doors!
Who is responseble for the collision-programming.. (LOL!)
When You fix theese bugs the FPSC will be a good Game-Engine and even better if You make it possible to LoadGame, SaveGame..
Please can someone confirm theese bugs so we can make FPSC even- better, and remove theese bugs forever...
Thanks to all bughunters.

Mr Love
Sam P
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Posted: 20th Jun 2005 12:36
I just downloaded the trail version of FPS but ALMOST everythime I load the creator the libary and the main endit window dont load!
(the libray is blank and the mian edit window are black) I have the most current version of DirectXand windows XP Home with a whimmpy 256 megabytes of RAM. Still the manual says that is enough but the online system reg say it is not enough! Do I need more ram or is there another way to solve this issue?
Sam P
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Posted: 21st Jun 2005 00:22
It working again! I just had to re-install
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2005 05:59

I downloaded FPSC and installed it but every time I try to run it a box opens telling me I have a .DLL error, says to reinstall the program and shuts down FPSC.

I have reinstalled the program, twice, and I've redownloaded it and reinstalled it from the new download and it still gives me an error message.

please help

Reza Kaze

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Posted: 24th Jun 2005 23:27
OK, nevermind, I fixed it, Direct X problem.

but now FPSC crashes about 10 seconds into my level, it takes a while to load, runs for about 10 seconds then freezes, it exits to FPSC and an error box pops up saying 'this apllication needs to close'

any ideas people?


Reza Kaze

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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 10:49
Hello! I found some new bugs. Here is the bugs:
- When the doors are open You can walk thru them. If this is not a- bug change the game!
- Sometimes You can see a mark around the bulletholes that-
dosent look wery good. (make a smaller alfa-area).
- The bullets who are flying around Your gun when You are shooting
are not textured as a bullet. The bullets are white!
I tryed to send pictures of theese bugs but it didnt work.
I will look for more bugs see ya!

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Posted: 10th Jul 2005 10:54
Here's my contribution (just a polish):

PDF Manual, page 51:
"FPSC uses a well know system called light mapping to achieve realistic shadowing."

In the above sentence, "know" should actually be "known" and read as follows:

"FPSC uses a well known system called light mapping to achieve realistic shadowing."
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Posted: 16th Jul 2005 00:21
What could :

m_dwRuntimeErrorDWORD=Internal Code:12002

Possibly men??

Ive tried for ever but cant figure it out if you need more info let me know ill be happy to nswer anything i can to figure this out.

New is not always a bad thing...
Mr Love
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Posted: 10th Aug 2005 19:47
Here is a problem! Well sorry it is two!

- You can see the edge of the blood-texture.
- the blood-texture is split in half!!!

Download this...

Mr Love

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