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Program Announcements / AGE, the free game editor

Darth Vader
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 04:13

Quote: "What a beta tester job entail?

Still don't know how to use AGE. I would like to learn because it sounds really good!

Thank You

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 05:17
sorry to ask, but what the hell was the point of that post^^^? and Ahem tends to demand stuff...perhaps you should ask Pai Mei nicely?

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 14:45
I'm with Insanity Complex on this one.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 17:07 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2005 17:08
Quote: "Still don't know how to use AGE. I would like to learn because it sounds really good!"

Aaargh, did you not listen to anything any of us said?!

An extremely brief tutorial that worked for me:
(Uses the grass01.dbo model, provided with all versions of Age. These instructions work for other prefabs, too.)
1. Start AGE.
2. On the left-hand column, click on the + sign next to the 'grass' item.
3. Click grass1.dbo. You will see a ferny thing appear in the middle of the grid. (It's not the actual model, just a 'brush' used to create the model + preview the effect.)
3. To move the fern, click and drag.
4. When done, press 'Enter' to place a fern at that location.

(Note: Use the right-mouse button to turn around (hold & drag), or the right-mouse button + the arrow keys to move around.
WHEN YOU PLACE A (in this case) FERN, NOTE THAT THE CAMERA IS BY DEFAULT TOO FAR AWAY FOR THE RENDERING SYSTEM TO CONSIDER IT IMPORTANT. If you zoom in, you'll see that the model *is* there just fine, just out of the camera range. Also note that the brush will stay where it is, so drag it out the way to be able to see that your lovely fern is, in fact, there.)

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 21:22
Wow Blanky. That was beautiful!

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 23:11 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2005 23:12
sure was...working on getting AGE on my site

hey, can I get some screenshots of AGE in action to put up on the AGE section of my site?

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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 23:23
Quote: "hey, can I get some screenshots of AGE in action to put up on the AGE section of my site?"


Good to see this going Aura; you can keep my hosting as long as you need to.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 23:28 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2005 23:29
Insanity Complex, I haven't got any shots myself, but there's atleast one in this thread, and optical r approved me for using screens of his game which was converted to AGE before he left for uni.

Drew, cheers! I just hope I don't take all of your bandwidth. You'll be needing it when D&C are about, so like, if it does use too much, just take it down. You've been more than helpful already.

And your sig's hot.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 23:41
I'd make screens...but err...AGE doesnt quite run on my computer...I guess I'll rip ones from this thread then

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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 03:19
At Pai Mei
Quote: "
An extremely brief tutorial that worked for me:
(Uses the grass01.dbo model, provided with all versions of Age. These instructions work for other prefabs, too.)
1. Start AGE.
2. On the left-hand column, click on the + sign next to the 'grass' item.
3. Click grass1.dbo. You will see a ferny thing appear in the middle of the grid. (It's not the actual model, just a 'brush' used to create the model + preview the effect.)
3. To move the fern, click and drag.
4. When done, press 'Enter' to place a fern at that location.

(Note: Use the right-mouse button to turn around (hold & drag), or the right-mouse button + the arrow keys to move around.
WHEN YOU PLACE A (in this case) FERN, NOTE THAT THE CAMERA IS BY DEFAULT TOO FAR AWAY FOR THE RENDERING SYSTEM TO CONSIDER IT IMPORTANT. If you zoom in, you'll see that the model *is* there just fine, just out of the camera range. Also note that the brush will stay where it is, so drag it out the way to be able to see that your lovely fern is, in fact, there.)

This is the sort of documentation you should have posted with AGE.
And I did not mean to offend anyone with 'Ahem' remark.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 03:29
I thought I did have this sort of document with AGE. I have here anyway.

Now, I demand that everyone who reads this post, has to make themselves a cup of tea, right now.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 04:15
So what does a Beta tester do?

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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 10:42
Quote: "Drew, cheers! I just hope I don't take all of your bandwidth. You'll be needing it when D&C are about, so like, if it does use too much, just take it down. You've been more than helpful already."

Thanks man! But don't worry, I'll be ugrading my hosting soon anyways, me thinks.

Insanity Complex
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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 22:23
Quote: "So what does a Beta tester do?"

Tests the beta version of a program in order to find bugs and major glitches in the program so that the publicly released alpha version is not so buggy.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 22:51
Do they get free versions for being such good sports?

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 23:19
In many cases yes...but not always, they get free beta versions to play with though.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 23:46
Yeah, I was kinda joking.

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 25th Nov 2005 00:20
I'm trying to be helpful for a week there I was a ruthless flamer...

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Posted: 25th Nov 2005 00:45
Oh ok. Well done.

I wonder how many people had tea.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2005 22:34
I had tea...the next day.

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 23:00 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2005 23:09
AURA: I have AGE on my site now. AGE and AGM have their own page now.

[EDIT] fixed problem

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2005 18:29
But... you don't actually mirror age... you don't have information about it.... you say you're in the process of 'gathering the information', and you have a link to Drew's mirror of AGE in the sidebar.

Gee, well done. And your site is ad-infested too.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2005 18:57

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 5th Dec 2005 15:41 Edited at: 5th Dec 2005 15:42
I'm fixing it, but I can't fix the ad infestation, that's a matter of me getting the cash for it. I havent claimed to have my own mirror up yet...But I am working on it. I said I will host it, never said it was up yet, just the page. And that sarcasm was unnecesary and mean. You make me wanna trash my site and stop trying to work on it.

[EDIT] Oops, just realized I forgot to upload updated content for the 3d Modeling and Programming sections of my site...will try to get AGE tonight so I can mirror it. Sorry about this, now I feel swamped and stupid for having not done this all sooner. I have my work cut out for me this week.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 18:04
Well, this lil' baby is due for an update. I'm not working on it just yet, but I might aswell tell you what is going on. I've been working on AGM for a few months now, and beta one is out the door, being tested by about twenty people.

So, here is my cunning plan, in story form;
First the was AGE, then there was AGM, based off of AGE, but a total re-write all the same. My idea is for the second version of AGE to be a re-write of AGM, so to speak, as AGM has a lot of great things, but most of it is owed to AGE, so it would only be right to pay back the debt.

Oh, and for anyone who hasn't been keeping tabs on AGM, it rocks like Angelina Jolie!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 22:54
lol aura...thats good to hear, I should have AGE mirrored on my site in a bit, downloading the .zip from Drews mirror right now. -under heavy construction.
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 23:02
Oh dear, it stopped at 553KB and said finished...Aura I don't think I can get it from Drews mirror, any ideas? -under heavy construction.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 02:18 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2006 19:45
(Removed because it no longer applies)

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 15:10
Was that aimed at me? If it was, I was saying I had problems getting the .zip onto my computer from Drew's mirror so I could upload it to my website. And I've seen madmanhosting before, might look into it later, but right now I'm satisfied with my .50megs subdomain. -under heavy construction.
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Posted: 7th Jan 2006 14:19 Edited at: 7th Jan 2006 14:34
Hmmm i havent played around with it much but can you load objects? Back to playin around with it
I dont think this is gonna work fer me.....but nice program!

By the way could you create a nice terrain in dbpro and save it as a dbo? Then load it into your program to place objects? Also you couldnt say if you want to right click an item in you terrain it wouldnt be able to examine it could you?

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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 15:03
Aura dissapear again?

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Posted: 5th Mar 2006 19:33
Loading the maps:

Please could someone give me an example of how to upload
the maps made with AGE. (not to good with functions)


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Posted: 21st Jun 2006 00:42
I'm probably going to get in trouble for this, but this project is just too cool to die. Aura will be back eventually

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Posted: 21st Jun 2006 03:13
If anyone knows where AGE is at, or if they have it let me know. I will host it on my servers. I have had them for 4 years and I plan on having them for years to come. I am happy to host all sorts of code and media on my sites to help out you DBP users so long as it is not abused.

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Posted: 21st Jun 2006 04:02
can some one post a direct link to it please ? because all the other links don't work

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Posted: 27th Jun 2006 21:37
Uhh, wasnt that Aura's project?

Ohh I get it.

Its either you changed your forum name, or you're an A-Class Hacka, or some old friend from town.

Welcome back dude.

Nice Stuff

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Posted: 29th Jun 2006 19:13
i don't see anyone pretending to be aura.

anyway, anyone know where we can get this? none pf the links work
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Posted: 9th Jul 2006 15:31
I love the idea of this program, but it needs a manual and similar.

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