Hey good idea, I thought I saw something like this a while back must've gotten deleted o.O...
Anyways, you can usually find me on the forums helping people with their questions as best I can or on IRC chatting away with the gurus, I started programming when I was about 9 years old using an engine called BYOND, its free but only provides support for 2D games however it was amazing support that it offered.
After programming for 4 or 5 years I found Dark Basic Pro and immediately took an interest, I started out with a spinning cube, moved onto spinning it with the arrowkeys, then to moving it around the 3D worl with the arrow keys, then I added in other boxes and got some collision going, moved onto the Pong Tut (Excellent tut), then to making some basic 20 liners, then I started helping people out a lot, made some games of my own...And here I am now, writing The Newcommers Guide to Creating First Person Shooters, so far its helped a lot of people but I'm getting behind in my posts of the chapters, Ive been struck with tests to study before report cards and my job so I havent had time.
Only problem with me is I've
NEVER, and I mean
NEEEEVER finished a single program in my life, thats more than 5 years of programming and not one game to show. I always get awesome ideas that all my friends think would be awesome, I start them and get a good 60-70 percent done, and then drop them for a new game idea I have, never to be worked on again. I must have started more than 100, no maybe 150 games, all incomplete. It sucks but in the same way it's given me a great understanding of the language because I've done so many game genres in little amounts of time.
Well thats me, glad to meet you all.