DarkBasic Pro Guy, and others here is the description of DarkScript:
What is DarkScript?
DarkScript is a scripting engine plugin that uses the power of GameMonkey Script at its core. The GameMonkey core has been successfully compiled and used on platforms such as; Windows, Mac, Microsoft XBox, Playstation 2, and Nintendo GameCube. The actual engine borrows concepts from LUA and improves upon them, thus creating a more powerful solution for game programmers.
What are the key features of the GameMonkey core?
„X Small code base. Compiled script code will use 50Kb or less of RAM.
„X Real-time source compiling, or loading of precompiled script libraries.
„X Natively supports multithreading and the concept of states.
„X Soft real-time incremental garbage collection.
„X C style syntax.
„X Competitive performance with speed of execution and memory usage when compared to other scripting engines.
What are the key features of the DarkScript plugin?
„X Runtime debugging error protection using two layers; syntax parsing (during loading), and also runtime code level with debug reporting.
„X Advanced arrays with easy to use script commands.
„X SQLite script commands.
„X System, file IO, string, math, and vector script commands.
„X Ability to use your DarkBASIC Professional functions as script commands!
„X Key DarkBASIC Professional script commands to control your application or game.
„X Read and write variables from DarkBASIC Professional that are contained within your script(s).
„X Return various data types from DarkScript to DarkBASIC Professional.
„X Keyword list with help files for each command. (help files in commerical version)
„X Documentation for script syntax and commands. (commerical version)
„X Tutorials for using DarkScript with DarkBASIC Professional. (commerical version)
What does DarkScript look like?
Here is an example script that demonstrates a door trigger used to open a door when the player is near it.
global OnDoorTriggerEnter = function(door, objEntering)
if ( objEntering == player && !door.IsOpen())
return true;
return false;
How is this plugin used?
Once your script has been created and you're ready to give it a try use the command LOAD SCRIPT in DarkBASIC Pro. This plugin was designed with advanced error control for any problems that your script may have and it will report back to you with detailed information if any errors are detected. That information includes an error message, script file name, line number, and the script command with the error!
There are 15 more easy to use DarkBASIC Pro commands, be sure to check the command list.