dark coder - thanks for your comments :
"make the app run in a window, so fullscreen can be annoying like if your editing a texture at the same time, someone spams you on msn etc etc." - Ok I might do that. Personally I prefer it running full screen, also that way it matches all the other quikly apps (which once released all run in "quikly desktop") But for the standalone I could certainly add the possibility of a windowed more too
"add a toolbar somewhere with usefull tools such add add movement tools/rotation whatever"
Those tools are covered in one single dropdown - its FAR more efficient asnd easy to pick up than separate buttons, its also easy to add more tolls to the dropdown without using space, PLUS the tools wprk differently in each window, that wouldn't be possible with that many vuttons. It was a concious design decision
I appreciate its very different to how other modellers do it, I principally made thios tool becuase I don't LIKE other modellers
"add extrude, merge verts, selecting objects by face/verts/groups"
No theres a very imple reason I didn't do that. Because once you do, it makes stuff control differently, ie once you merge verts you can't just adjust one box anymore, they all move. The purpose of the modeller is to be as simple as possible for non modellers and non programmers even to be able to make game items for use in Quikly Game Pro without having to learn complex techniques - there is no need whatsoever to use these techniques whilst making low poly furnature, crates, buildings and weapons - and thats what this is designed to do
"needs to have more than just cubes to model from as they are very limiting and end up wasting polys especially without a extrude feature, also add lots of primitives with adjustments like x/y/z segments etc etc"
They don't waste polys as once in dbpro the non visible polys are culled
But you're right I will add other primitives in the near future, triangles, plains and cylinders are likely, spheres are possible. But for now boxes really aren't that limiting - I've modelled all media for quikly in it and not found anything I couldn't make that I needed to so far
"when i set 2 viewports to be 3d the 2nd one ran rather poorley"
Yes thats already covered in the tutorial, it will be fixed by the next version
"a small area that displays model information, model total polys/verts polys/verts in selected bits etc etc"
Yes good idea, already added this to the new version (released in feb if not before with the full version of studio pro)
"better viewport control like shift+mousemove or something so you can pan the viewport and 3d view could have better mousewheel sensitivity."
Again, done and done in the new version
"loading could be alot quicker took me about 20secs to load up the pistol example"
Yup covered in the tutorial, its becasue of a temporary fix which stops the "you must have square textures" 'bug' with some graphics cards. This will be speeded up for the next version, about the same speed as the x.export is currently.
"3d view`s grids need to be worked on as they can be very annoying, maybe a wireframe grid thats only on the x/z axis?"
Thats already there, you can turn on and off each of the three grids individually in the view menu
"the 2d viewports should be wireframes by defalt"
Usually I'd agree with you, but wireframes care and confuse newcomers, as it means they have to learn about polygons - its simpler to start off learning how each box relates to each other (sets of 12 polys) - of course you can turn on the wireframe modes whenever you like if you find them useful
"and the ability to set each individual viewports howto display objects"
Yes I definitely want to look into that for the next version, 'm going to post a forum thread asking if its possible in dbpro to set object properties for each camera, I'm not convinced that it is possible, burt its on my "wishlist" of features to bug lee and mike with
"ability to hide/show objects"
Already in there, under "advanced settings" (disabled in the free versions and demos)
"works on multiple objects at a time"
YEs I agree
I'm working on a system to use Tabs for switching between models, a bit like pages in Firefox
"better uv mapping editing not just auto uv`s but have a window popup showing the objects uvmap and be able to edit points on it."
Already in there, under "advanced settings" (disabled in the free versions and demos)
Anyw some good ideas there, many of which are already in or I'm already working on, thanks for trying it out and spending the time to help me improve it
Tpfkat - "how does quikly compare with 3d game studio"
Um I've never tried A6, I tried A5 but didn't like it too much. I'm not going to put down another person's project though I'm sure they both have their plus and mius points
- I'll pop and have a look at their website and come back with a more informed opinnion in a minute or two