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Program Announcements / BlockVerse V1.2

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 1st May 2006 23:35
Quote: "Prolly the most addicting DB game I've tested since Piper"
Quote: "looks really good, well done!"


Quote: "When I play it, the arrow keys/space don't work. the < and > are the only way to move and you can't stop moving! Is it supposed to be like that?"

Um, no... If fact, the < & > keys are only supossed to control the camera...
What os are you using, and do you have trouble with dbc games in general?

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Posted: 5th May 2006 20:24 Edited at: 5th May 2006 20:25
Bizar, if you are using scancode or something like that for the arrowkeys, then it might not work with all keyboards. But I guess you are using the built-in arrowkey commands... Just a thought.

Man, your game are so fun, but I´m not good enough get anywhere!
And yeah, how is it going with your Kreg game?

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 13th May 2006 20:41 Edited at: 15th May 2006 00:10
Quote: "Bizar, if you are using scancode or something like that for the arrowkeys, then it might not work with all keyboards. But I guess you are using the built-in arrowkey commands... Just a thought. "

I'm using the built in arrowkey commands... When I started programing this I din't even know about scancode...

Quote: "Man, your game are so fun, but I´m not good enough get anywhere!"

Thanks! I'll add a built in help system for people who need it in BlockVerse 2.

Quote: "And yeah, how is it going with your Kreg game?"

For a while now I've sort of been unable to code very much... I dunno, I guess I just couldn't motivate myself. But I plan to start back up on it full time within the hour, so hopefuly I be able to post a new demo within a week or so.

Here are some pics of the new BlockMan model for BlockVerse2!

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Posted: 15th May 2006 11:32
Nice work, Bizar!
Are you using bones on that guy?

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 16th May 2006 06:26
Yep, BV2 will be made in dbpro.

Look at this thread from the 3d boards...

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 22:29
I look forward to the sequel. If you need music for it then let me know.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 14th Jun 2006 02:20
I will. In fact, I'm going to need a lot of music when I make BV2...

I'm going to run through and make sure everything works correctly in 1.3, and that all my copywrite protection is in place. Then I'm going to send BlockVerse off to a bunch of indi sites so it can spread accross the web. At that point, I'll also get rid of the registration requirement for the download on my site.

If you find any bugs, let me know. Even if I already know about it, or if it seems unimportant. I'd apreciate any help in this. 1.3 is the last version for a long while, but I need to make sure that I'm not sending 1.3 off before I've gotten it to my standards.

a version 1.4 may be packaged with BV2 which I'll be selling, but that won't be for a VERY long while.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2006 21:11
Wow, this games rocks! its much good. Good job Bizar!

<offtopic> i need the download link of Old School, not the one that needs to registered but one without registeration. Can u help me plz, Bizar?


I will be a good Game Programmer soon!
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Posted: 28th Jul 2006 22:56
This game is much good! also much complicated . Can someone please write all the Levels help. like:- Level 1:- First do the ...... Level 2:- ........ etc...

I really need it!


I will be a good Game Programmer soon!
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 1st Aug 2006 19:46
Glad to here you like it Farooqaaa! I'm making a sort of sequel to it now called Verse, which is in the WIP if you want to check it out. I would write a walkthrough for the game, but I'm rather busy atm. If someone who has beaten the game (or most of it) is interested in writing one, I have no objections. Otherwise it will be quite a while before I get around to making one.

Here's the the link to the Verse thread, which sadly not many people have been posting in. This will have a much more in depth help system than Block Verse does.

Click Here to go to the Old School thread. There is aregistration free link there.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2006 14:36
Any WalkThroughs yet???

I will be a good Game Programmer soon!

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