I've written a fully working example with collision... Not sliding, but it works
sync on
sync rate 60
hide mouse
`Make the player object
make object box 1,10,10,10
color object 1,RGB(0,128,0)
`Make the collision object
make object box 2,20,20,20
color object 2,RGB(255,0,0)
position object 2,100,5,100
`Make matrix
make matrix 1,1000,1000,10,10
position matrix 1,0,-10,0
`Set collision on the collision object
automatic object collision 1,10,1
automatic object collision 2,10,1
`Player control
if keystate(200) = 1
move object 1,2
if keystate(208) = 1
move object 1,-2
if keystate(203) = 1
turn object left 1,2
if keystate(205) = 1
turn object right 1,2
`Camera settings that will make it follow the player object in third person
rotate camera 0,0,0,0
position camera 0,object position x(1),object position y(1)+10,object position z(1)
rotate camera 0,object angle x(1),object angle y(1),object angle z(1)
move camera 0,-20
It will only compile in DarkBasic Pro. Control the player object with the arrowkeys, and try walking into the red cube and you'll see the collision. I haven't really used darkbasics inbuild collision commands, so I don't really know if the "automatic object collision" command is slow...
-The Nerd