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Work in Progress / WORLD V0.9 Beta - Free World Builder for DBP

Ian T
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Posted: 12th Oct 2006 03:11 Edited at: 12th Oct 2006 03:39
Very nice stuff. Reminds me of a neater and slightly more functional version of an editor I had going a while ago. I'm curious as to whether .dbos are supported... going to check that now. Nice work either way.

[edit] - the mouse wheel for moving objects on the Y axis doesn't seem to work for me, it only controls the camera; also, in Y-only positioning mode, just dragging the mouse to move the object seems more intuitive. It'd also be cool to have support for directory trees inside the resources folder - very easy to make the code recurse subdirectories adding objects to the listview with their relative path, IE "flora\tree2.x" if I remember correctly. Regardless, excellent program, if I could only get Y positioning to work...

<Hero> lol ones spelling ability has absolutely nothing to do with there level of inteligence or maturity!
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Darth Vader
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Posted: 12th Oct 2006 06:45
I can hardly wait for this!
You had me worried when you said we might have to wait until November! I am glad you decided to continue!

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Posted: 13th Oct 2006 00:21
@Ian T:
The Y positioning does work, but I didnt mention much about the fact that for V0.9b I made a quick change to the controls. Its R and F to position along the Y axis in V0.9b. sorry about that.

All the badly designed controls are gone in V1.00 because I given more thought into them, plus, there will be a key mapping system so you can customise the control to what you prefer.

Oh, about DBO files, they were supposed to be supported in V0.9, but it never worked due to me forgetting to add the DBO file extension to the code. All works fine in V1.00 though.

@Darth Vader:

Ian T
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Posted: 13th Oct 2006 00:35
Sounds excellent, and thanks for the movement instructions. Looks like I can start building levels now

<Hero> lol ones spelling ability has absolutely nothing to do with there level of inteligence or maturity!
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Posted: 13th Oct 2006 01:05
Just for a little reassurance, the worlds you make in V0.9 will load into V1.00 without any problems. Thats one thing I've made sure to get right.

Ian T
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Posted: 13th Oct 2006 01:48

Any plans for grid snap...? It's pretty crucial to using premade building blocks to make levels. Sorry if you've mentioned this before, didn't see it in the thread.

<Hero> lol ones spelling ability has absolutely nothing to do with there level of inteligence or maturity!
<Hero> bah, ur guys r just children, i shouldnt bother trying to educate you
Advancement Games
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Posted: 15th Oct 2006 19:18
Any news on WORLD 1.0? How is the lightmapper going?
Death Swarm
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Posted: 16th Oct 2006 19:29
Looks great thanks for clarifying the move y controls i was having that problem as well

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Posted: 16th Oct 2006 23:05 Edited at: 16th Oct 2006 23:09
@Ian T:
Yeah there are plans for grid snap, but I dont think i'll be putting them in Version 1.00.

@Advancement Games:
Im still trying to get light mapped objects to save and load up correctly. The way the Dark Lights plugin was designed is making it extremely hard to acheive what I aimed to do and that was to allow people to save their worlds with all the light mapped (and un-light mapped) objects, and be able to reload everything to how they saved it.

Im making progress, but it's really slow at the moment because I cant get light mapped objects to reload correctly, but they do save now.

The basic texture system is complete, but i've left a few bugs that will need to be fixed before releasing (nothing much though).

As for the key mapping system, I'm not going to start work on that until everything else is working properly.

Overall, I have made progress, small but constructive progress.

@Death Swarm:
Yeah, hopefully allowing people to set controls how they like will cure the problem.

If anyone has a small level or room object I could use to give the light mapper a proper test, I would certainly appreciate it. Although, it would have to be one that you wouldn't mind being shown in a screenshot of WORLD because obviously, I dont want to show people a level you've been keeping under wraps for while.

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Posted: 16th Oct 2006 23:20

What file format would you want the object in?

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Posted: 17th Oct 2006 10:03
Im hoping to add support for loading 3DS models soon.

X or DBO, Doesn't really matter. WORLD loads both.

Advancement Games
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Posted: 18th Oct 2006 21:54
Do you need any help with coding? I could be of assistance if you wanted.
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Posted: 19th Oct 2006 10:06 Edited at: 19th Oct 2006 10:10
Just want to let you all know why work on WORLD has slowed down, it's because of college work, I'm working on 2 projects which dont leave me much free time to work on WORLD.

I'm almost done with them though, only half of one project is left to finish, so im hoping that by the end of this week they've be out of the way.

I've got a week off too, from the 27th of this month, so i'll be able to do lots of work on WORLD and get V1 out hopefully.

Im sorry that I keep saying i'll release it, it's just at the moment im strapped for time.

@ Advancement games:
Nah, im ok at the moment. thanks for the offer though .

Im working on some of my own Prefab media to include with WORLD, and so I can use it to test the light mapper at it's max.

So far al I've been able to do is a medium detailed corridor block. I'm also going to work on a few extras such as crates, ammo boxes, weapons, etc. Although these are not important at the moment.... sooooo WORLD wil be released without most of them.

Darth Vader
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Posted: 19th Oct 2006 14:24
Oh I can't wait I am going to use this on the Nvidia Competition when it comes out, so I hope its soon!

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Posted: 20th Oct 2006 00:52
Funny enough thats exactly what im going to do, use it for the Nvidia Comptition when I've finished V1.

Gamer Making
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Posted: 20th Oct 2006 03:42 Edited at: 20th Oct 2006 05:20
Hey guys im [mode edit] years old and im looking forward to buy dbp and try that out. Im a very young kid but i know how to program.

Minh Tran
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Posted: 20th Oct 2006 12:02
Hey Game making send me an email! I will give you the help you need!

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Posted: 20th Oct 2006 12:13 Edited at: 20th Oct 2006 12:14
Good news, i've finally found the problem with lightmaped objects not correctly loading back into DBP properly. when I saved the lightmaps into a 'lightmaps' folder in the projects object directory, DBP seemed to make a mess of the object when reloading it again.

I move the 'lightmaps' folder into the WORLD root directory and hey presto!
It appears to be a bug in Dark Lights that doesnt correctly load object lightmaps if te 'lightmaps' folder is not in your program's root directory.

Well anyway, Lightmapped objects save and load in WORLD now, so the problem thats stopped me making much progress has been fixed.

Just gotta finish the extra tools off for the lightmapper, fix some new bugs that have popped up (on my part of course), update the world export format, add a key mapping system and recode the controls to make them better.

Thats it. I'll be working on WORLD today, so hopefully this weekend i'll have a screenshot to show, followed by the release of V1 a day or to later.

Death Swarm
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Posted: 20th Oct 2006 12:18
good luck, 3ds support would be nice because i can't convert them. The lightmapper looks great will we be able to colour the lights in v1?

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Posted: 20th Oct 2006 18:39
Yeah Okay then, i'll add support for loading 3DS models, it's only a small feature to add so it'll only take a couple of minutes to do.

Oh, yeah you will be able to change the color of the lights in V1, thats for definate because its already working.

You'll see in the screenshot, once I get enough working to take one.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2006 17:36
Oh man... can't wait to download V1

Death Swarm
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Posted: 25th Oct 2006 18:03
just saw the screenshot with the rgb sliders it looks great

I know what your thinking
Maxi Studio
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Posted: 26th Oct 2006 18:51

You shuld have sell it, to arrived some moneys.

!!Its SOO Good!!

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Posted: 26th Oct 2006 19:20
The light mapper is almost complete now. All i've got to do to it is finish adding support for Spot lights, ambient occlusion and the last few advanced options.

After the light mapper, the only thing left to do to the program is to add the key mapping system. Once i've finished work on V1.00 i need to rebuild the help files. I'll be including a few example projects as well to show how your exported worlds can be loaded and used.

After the help files, well....... you may have guessed (or not), it'll be ready for release.

Not really, the aim of this project was to create a FREE world builder. The money will eventually come from a game that im hoping to make.

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Posted: 26th Oct 2006 20:05
good to hear the lightmapper goes well.hope you finish it soon!

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Posted: 26th Oct 2006 23:49 Edited at: 26th Oct 2006 23:50
Well guess what I have here.......some screenshots!
They're greatly overdue, but their here anyway.

I just put something quick together to demonstrate the light mapper so far. Please note that these screenshots were taken while the Ambient Occlusion feature of the light mapper was not implemented, so shadows are darker than they should be in some areas. Anyway, onto the shots:

This one was taken with a bright white light positioned over the objects:

The next is a shot with a red light to the left of the room and a white light to the right of the room:

The last is a shot with a red light and a blue light, both used to light the objects and the room. The green line to the right of the image is a height marker off the selected light:

remember, when Ambient Occlusion is implemented, those extremely dark shadowed areas will be gone. Ambient occlusion is used to lighten very dark areas on objects which would otherwise make it hard to distinguish what is in those shadows (e.g. in my shots).

I'll post more screenshots when I get the light mapper completely finished. Any comments/critism welcome.

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Posted: 27th Oct 2006 01:10

That looks great!!! I'm really pumped for V1 to get out, this will be awesome! Keep up the work!


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Posted: 27th Oct 2006 11:35 Edited at: 27th Oct 2006 11:38
Im just curious to know if people think that having an instancing tool in an editor like this is a good idea?

My reason for asking this is if you light map an object which is the source of several instanced objects, they're going to be applied with the exact same light map. Nothing can be done to stop this with instanced objects, since that is how they work. This would be the same if you was to apply a new texture to such an object, the texture would apply to all the instanced versions of it too.

Cloned objects are different because they dont share any data.

What do you people think?

Maybe I should leave the instance tool there for the sake of those people who dont want to light map objects for their games. Some people may well choose to use shaders instead.

Ian T
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Posted: 27th Oct 2006 16:33
Instances would still be handy for me, for the reason you stated.
Advancement Games
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Posted: 27th Oct 2006 23:31
I will probably be using shaders and lights that are not rendered under the lightmapper, so, instances are good.
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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 00:39
looking very good! In the first shot, the shadows are very sharp. At what resolution is the lightmap ( or lightmaps) made?

V1.01 does have shader/material support ?

If so, your program will become my favorite tool

Peter H
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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 02:17 Edited at: 28th Oct 2006 02:17
wow, i just found this, free lightmapping?!

looks really good

my current game won't need it, but if i ever make an FPS or RPG this would be perfect

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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 04:44 Edited at: 28th Oct 2006 04:45
Since we can't get online at the same time on MSN ... send me an email DBKing addy in my profile or use my msn email. I'll get you hooked up with some space and an ftp account for this.

[edit] Let me know what username and pw you want in the email for the ftp.

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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 12:14
@Advancement Games:
Well, for after V1.00 is released im hoping to implement a shader system. I'll leave the instancing tool in there then.

Yeah, The shadows are sharp because I haven't added the ambient occlusion option to the light mapper yet. This is supposed to reduce the sharpness of shadows and make them look more natural and realistic.

The light maps in that shot were rendered at a texture size of 1024x1024 and a quality value of 6.0, which means 6 pixels on the lightmap texture will be used for every one DBP unit.

@Peter H:
Quote: "wow, i just found this, free lightmapping?!"

Yeah, its free.

@Lost In Thought:
Okay, I sent you the email to your MSN email address. Thanks for the space your offering, I really appreciate it.

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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 13:20
Fixed up the Ambient Occlusion option. heres a shot of it working:

It's the same scene as the first screenshot from above, just with ambient occlusion working in it this time.

Advancement Games
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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 19:11
Wow, the screenshots are very impressive. I think I will end up using this editor as an alternative to 3DWS. By the way, will you be including any media with the editor?
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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 21:19 Edited at: 28th Oct 2006 21:42
Wow Impressive! Really nice Screenshots.Im downloading right now!It looks very impresssive.

[ Edit ]
I launched your world builder very impressive however how do u load ur own objects... i press insert-it doesnt do anything?
and also how do u move the objects up to a higher level, i am able to move them both ways sideways but i cant make it move up
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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 22:39
That is just so sexy!

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Posted: 29th Oct 2006 00:38 Edited at: 29th Oct 2006 00:40
@Advancement Games:
Well so far the media i've used is from Dark Physics and DarkMATTER. The only thing I made was the room model. I will be including my own media though. I'll try making some barrels, crates, light fixtures and a few other objects.

At least, if I make the media myself, I can say it will definatly be royalty free.

@LD Kreative:
To be able to load your own objects, you need to place them in the 'Prefabsobjects' folder in the WORLD directory.

And the buttons for moving objects Up and Down should be R and F keys.

Lastly, the screenshots you see are from work on Version 1.00. The version available for download is currently V0.9b (a beta version).


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Posted: 29th Oct 2006 01:18 Edited at: 29th Oct 2006 01:29
Thanks DBking i imported some objects but then i found they were too small so i didnt know what to do, but then i found a scale button so that helped. Its a great Prgram can't wait for V1.00 ..also i have a bit of trouble moving around in the 3D environment ... i read help file it says to hold middle mouse button and move the mouse to rotate but it doesnt seem to work...Oh ya thanks F and R buttons work fine except in your help file it says they also let u move the camera up and down and it doesn't in mine it only is able to move objects up and down when u select them!It seems like a great World Builder its very easy to use... Cant wait for V1.00
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Posted: 29th Oct 2006 10:12 Edited at: 29th Oct 2006 10:47
aahh, I forgot to change that in the help files when I changed the controls.

There will be a hole new set of help files in V1.00 and a website to provide the program with a home.

just me
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Posted: 29th Oct 2006 13:25
im new around here and i think it's awesome to make a game.
but i have i problem.. I found some cool buildings. To set in a game. But can i use buildings from arteria-gaming in WORLD???

these are the builings i mean:

i hope i can use this.
Sven B
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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 11:31
Just a simple question.

Did you code the lightmapping feature? Or did you buy TGC DarkLight?

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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 11:38
@just me:
Yeah those models will load into WORLD okay.

@Sven B:
I bought and used the Dark Lights (mentioned near the start of this topic) plugin which has turned out to be a very cool plugin now.

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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 12:16 Edited at: 30th Oct 2006 12:17
Sorry to double post, I just want to let you know that I've uploaded a small site for the program. You can download WORLD from this site now and in the future. Version 0.9b is still the only version available for download at the moment.

WORLD website URL:

You can also get to the site by clicking the picture in my signiture, from now on.

Version V1.00 isn't far over the horizon now.

I'd like to thank Lost In Thought for kindly providing me with the space I needed to give WORLD a good home.

Sven B
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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 12:30
Quote: "@Sven B:
I bought and used the Dark Lights (mentioned near the start of this topic) plugin which has turned out to be a very cool plugin now."

Sorry, I must've missed it...

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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 20:45
Well, so far the light mapper has rendered some pretty neat results so far. I've been constantly testing every little change i've made so far, to ensure that it works to it's best.

Another feature im about to add to the light mapper is transparent objects. This means that any object with textures that have alpha channels, can be used to produce effects like glass windows with light that shines through them, depending on every part of the texture's alpha channel.

Advancement Games
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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 21:06
Nice job so far. What still needs to be done before the release of version 1.0?
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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 23:30
@Advancement Games:
Heres the list of progress:
= done = working on = planned

Entity System.
Light Mapper. Still got to finish adding support for transparent objects
Object collisions. A feature that can be turned on or off. Allows you to accuratly place objects without overlapping them and will color an object red if it is overlapping and green if not.
Extra bits and pieces.
Key Mapping system. Nearly completed.
Bug fixes and changes. Fixed all the bugs that existed in V0.9 and I've made quite a few changes.
New help files. This may take a bit of time. Since there is a lot of changes since V0.9.
Support for loading V0.9 worlds.

The help files are probably the last big thing remaining because there is little left to do to the light mapper and key mapping system.

Thats the progress so far. It should be ready for release in 2 - 3 days.

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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 23:38
2-3 days wow ususally when ppl say it will be done soon they mean in 2 weeks or more ... This is just great ... Cant wait for V1.00

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