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NVIDIA Competition 2008 / Fabel Nux: Verse -Bizar Guy

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 30th Nov 2006 21:02 Edited at: 30th Jan 2007 05:47

[Pronounced: fab el nucks]

Dream was been in production long before the compo under the title of Verse. The new version (Dream) is being made to fit the deadline of the compo, but it is the same engine, models, and textures.

What is Dream?
Dream is the prelude to Verse. Verse is an heavily story oriented 3D puzzle game. The puzzle concept comes originally from the TI calculator game Block Dude, though the gameplay and mechanics work quite differently in 3D, and more so this is far more than just a 3D version of Block Dude.
The idea is to carry blocks around and use them to build pathways to the portal and the end of each puzzle/level/Verse/Led. A simple concept, involving fiendish puzzles, as they have been described.

How Many Levels?
Think between 15 and 30 for the compo, with a good learning curve.
Expect all the gameplay modes from Block Verse, plus a number of others.

What is the Story (for Verse)?
If you've played Block Verse, you have some idea what the first part of the story arc is. The story arc is separated into three sections, and the compo version will cover at least the 2nd section.
The main character's name is Kel, a young man who one day when he was a very small child disappeared. When he was found the next day, his dark brown hair had become stark white. Since that day, he has been gifted with inhuman strength and endurance.

The Truth:
What you have to realize about Fabel Nux: Verse, is that this is much more than just a puzzle game. Its an adventure, though multiple verses, and sets events into motion that have wide scale effects across several universes, not to be mistaken with Verses. It is not the beginning, but it is far far from the end. You are but a hero among heroes, a pawn among pawns. Your actions secure the future, but will lead to nothing. Your very existence is an oxymoron. What is so important about these doors? are they anything new? If so, how did all the 18,000 verse's of Fabel Nux come to be full of people? -And if they're not a new phenomena, why are all the doors you find recently created, and why do all these recent ones emit grids and blocks that deteriorate the stability of the Verse they're in?

[More story to be revealed]

Dream Story
Dream is a dream of Kels. He does not realize it, but it is in truth much more than a dream. It forshadows events to come in Verse, as well as games to come later. I don't believe the compo version will be the final version, but it all comes down to how fast I can code.

What Does Dream Look Like?
These are screens from the game engine running in DBC.

old 1
old 2

(NOTE) These screens are outdated. All the screens I show will be somewhat outdated, as I want to stay ahead of myself.

Unfortunately, I have no vids to show right now.

Download HERE, or at my site.

up........move/jump up
down......move/jump down
left......move/jump left
right.....move/jump right
space.....pick up/put down block
r.........restart level
shift.....View debug stats, ex. frame rate and position pause menu, and hit again to return to the title screen

Richard Davey
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Posted: 30th Nov 2006 22:06
Quote: "Rich hasn't responded in a two day period"

I have Wednesdays off, and replied today (Thursday) at least 8 hours before this post was made.

Heavy on the Magick
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Posted: 30th Nov 2006 22:14 Edited at: 5th Dec 2006 04:37
Sorry. I'll try to remember that the next time I e-mail you. This is ok though, right? wait, you responded? I never got it...

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 30th Nov 2006 22:17 Edited at: 5th Dec 2006 04:37
[ignore this post]

Richard Davey
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Posted: 1st Dec 2006 01:47
Yes I replied, mail was sent, no bounce-backs or anything. And my response was basically 'go ahead and enter it'.

Heavy on the Magick
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 1st Dec 2006 02:13 Edited at: 5th Dec 2006 04:37
I found it twenty minutes after I posted (for some reason it was in quarantine with 3500 other e-mails, but I marked you as approved so it wont happen again), but I didn't want to triple post, as I currently can't edit for some reason.

Thanks for the approval! Really appreciate it.

Urlforce Studios
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Posted: 1st Dec 2006 09:47
I love the style, I looked through your website photo album and I can't wait to play it!

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Posted: 1st Dec 2006 16:47
Yay! I've been looking forward to this for a while! Can't wait to see more!

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 5th Dec 2006 05:01 Edited at: 6th Dec 2006 02:31

Well, not as many posts as I hoped, but I suppose that wont happen until the Demo. You'll see some graphic improvements in this screen, but again, it's outdated.

Leak of the Day:
Verse features a complex sound system, compared to Block Verse which had almost no sound save footsteps and music. For one, there are now splash, hiss, collision, footstep, and wind in ears sounds. Another is that sounds from Block Man fade the farther they are away, although they use an equation of mine rather than 3d sound because I wanted more control over how the sound worked. Really just some simple trigonometry. But can't say what the best additions to the sound department is, and will leave you all hanging on that one. I will say it wont be in the demo, though you'll see what I'm talking about in a later vid, and I must say I personally think it's really cool.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2006 21:51
Sounds great! Guess I'll 'hang' until the vid then!

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Posted: 7th Dec 2006 06:07
Looks great! I liked Blockman Remix in the puzzle compo, and this looks like a large improvement. The rain and snow look particularly nice.

Bring on the video
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 7th Dec 2006 22:30
Heh, no vids til after the demo, because I don't want to show anything yet not it the demo.

That said, the demo could be finished anytime in the next ten days. Expect it here on the 19th of this month.

Leak of the Day:
For those of you who have read the previous Verse thread, you may already know this, but for those who haven't, you should find this quite interesting.

Looking at where the camera is in my screens, you've probably noticed by now that it's different in every single one. Now, would you believe me if I told you I wasn't controlling the camera? AS you should all know, 3d cameras are practically impossible to do right. It's rare you find a 3rd person game where the camera is always, or even half the time, in a good position. But that's exactly what I've done with Verse. Based on the block configurations, the level type, the size of the grid, and so on, the engine sets up a number of cameras during the level load to give the best and most artsy views it can. It is limited by the number of camera types I can think up, but there are about 25 different camera types currently stored.
The system is still very buggy atm, and I can tell you it isn't easy making the computer give the best and most artsy view at the same time through it's own judgment. But I've got it down it the demo levels, and let me tell you it makes any way of controlling the camera yourself feel out dated and frustrating (at least after how long I've used it). It may also take some getting used to though, like perhaps 30 seconds to a minute.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2006 19:29 Edited at: 8th Dec 2006 19:30
I don´t know why I haven´t seen this thread?
Absolutely amazing, Bizarguy!
Making clever cameras is the most annoying thing to do(I envy the fps makers). I spent months on making a intelligent cam for sh, then I found out that the game worked better without it. I deleted 200 lines of camera code and replaced it with 4.

Anyway, I like those screenies! Super great work!
Now give us some vids!

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 8th Dec 2006 20:11
Looks awesome matey, I see you're making these verse games better and better, best of luck in completion.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2006 21:19
I like the cartoony shaders, the camera things are cool. this time will we be able to jump?

Moenex is started in Dbpro!see:
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 8th Dec 2006 22:24

Quote: "Making clever cameras is the most annoying thing to do(I envy the fps makers). I spent months on making a intelligent cam for sh, then I found out that the game worked better without it."

Yeah, they're so much more difficult than you'd expect. The only reason I was able to figure out how to do it was because it sets up all the cams per level once, and all the variables it takes into account are very orderly.

Quote: "I see you're making these verse games better and better"

Just wait until you see it running in dbpro.

Quote: "I like the cartoony shaders, the camera things are cool. this time will we be able to jump"

Heh, these shots were taken from the engine in Dark Basic Classic, so those are not shader effects. But what do you mean by will you be able to jump? Block Man does and always has jumped automatically if he was able to. Having a jump key would be kind of pointless here, and there's no reason to just without something for him to jump up onto. all the puzzles are impossible if you don't jump and have been in all incarnations of this game...

Leak of the Day:
Block Man's name is Kel, as Block Man is simply what he is called is the stories told of him. He also has bleach white unruly hair, although when he was young his hair was dark brown... you'll see what I mean about the hair in the demo.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 12th Dec 2006 01:38 Edited at: 12th Dec 2006 12:50
8 days until the demo.

Leak of the Day:
Read carefully, 'cause this is something I've been keeping under wraps since when the last Verse thread was active. So this is the first time I've shown anyone I believe.

Yup, that's a text bubble.

It's a pretty complex talk system, considering that you don't control what is said. You'll see this used a fair amount in the demo.

Edit: Also, though again the screen is outdated, this pic shows the un-boned model of the what is currently the final & correctly textured Kel (Block Man) model.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2006 17:21
Cool! I'd never thought of doing a 3D speech bubble! Can't wait for the demo!

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 12th Dec 2006 21:36 Edited at: 12th Dec 2006 21:54
7 days until the demo.

Leak of the Day:
I've demonstrated this before, and it's not entirely that interesting yet, but here is a demonstration of the weather system, which can be applied to any level regardless of the content and the code will make it work. Just an example of edibility of the Verse engine.

Those are four of the possible weather conditions. Notice how it dramatically effects the mood of the level.
Literally, all I have to do when I set up the weather in a level is say weather=#, and the code figures it out from there. This while in the demo, will be much more useful when I start designing the actual scenes, as they will be effected the most.

Edit: look carefully at the door in each of those pics and you may notice something rather interesting...

Edit2: 19th post. A very important number.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2006 22:14
Definitions of edibility on the Web:

the property of being fit to eat

And what with the doors?

Moenex is started in Dbpro!see:
Peter H
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Posted: 12th Dec 2006 22:55
Quote: "Edit: look carefully at the door in each of those pics and you may notice something rather interesting..."

oh! oh! i know! it's red and has a black thing around it in every single one!!

One man, one lawnmower, plenty of angry groundhogs.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 12th Dec 2006 23:14
Quote: "Just wait until you see it running in dbpro."

Can't wait, if you pull this kind of potential in DBC, I can only imagine what it will look like in DBP

"Cut down the gods if they stand in your way" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Urlforce Studios
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Posted: 13th Dec 2006 05:47
There will be a demo released on December 19th
Edit2: 19th post. A very important number.

Looking forward to it, still keepin the magic 19?

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He said, "You'll never be sober." Sure. Why would I want that?
Chris K
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Posted: 13th Dec 2006 14:13
This looks pretty cool.

Not a massive fan of puzzle games myself...

I love puzzles in games, like Zelda. I don't know if this is more like that or not...

Anyway the graphics have a nice feel.

Can you give the 'talk system' a string, or does it use an image?

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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 14th Dec 2006 01:07 Edited at: 14th Dec 2006 01:25
6 days until the demo.

Quote: "Definitions of edibility on the Web:

the property of being fit to eat"

Whoops, Google spell checker changed that- I meant to say editability, which isn't a word, I guess...

Quote: "And what with the doors?"

?? Sorry... I have no clue what you mean... Are you asking what am I saying you might notice? If you can't figure it out, then don't worry, it's no huge deal. And you'll see it in the demo anyways.

Quote: "oh! oh! i know! it's red and has a black thing around it in every single one!!"

True, but I more specifically meant something you could see by comparing the pics. It's not really that interesting I guess, but I thought it was pretty cool.

@Seppuku Arts, Thanks!

@Urlforce Studios, Yup! 19 is very important.

@Chris K, well, this is the kind of puzzle that requires exploration, but unlike Zelda, it's based on figuring out how to do everything with only one game mechanic, rather than a ton of them. Peter H's Dungeon game is a bit closer to the types of puzzle you seem to be talking about. However, Verse is really puzzles in a story, and some of the puzzles are more adrenaline pumping things (if you try Block Verse you can see some early versions of these types of levels).

But really, you'll have to wait for the demo to see if this type of puzzle game interests you. It's certainly very different from your typical puzzle game... Heck it even has a Mascot-like hero.

And currently the talk system uses images for the text and a better res image for the bubble, as the words vary in size depending on how many there are, and so many more things. Like, the text actually has to be a texture as it's displayed in 3d (though the size of it is dependant on the camera distance). There are ways I can do it I'm sure, and I will end up doing it in the future I'm sure. But for this compo? That depends on how much time the more important features take. The text bubbles should almost certainly work with strings in the final version of the game though.

Leak of the Day:

If your a big Stephen King fan, you may have a deeper understanding of the story now, though I assure you, the story did NOT come from Stephen King. It's my own creation, there are just a bunch of similarities.

Still don't see it? How about this; His Dark Materials. Not as much in common, but still you may be a bit more informed now...

Edit: Oh, and can anyone guess what the version number of the demo will be?

Terrorist Zero
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Posted: 14th Dec 2006 02:25
Haha!! It would be a miricle if it was!

Lookin good Bizar Guy!
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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 14th Dec 2006 20:55
5 days until the demo.

Heh. Yeah, that's a bit higher than my number.

Leak of the Day:
I just realized I haven't shown any of the hurt effect!

So, as you can see, health effects the clearness of the screen, as well as your characters posture. If you run out of health, the level restarts. You lose health by running into energy beams and such. I wonder what else health might effect though? Hmm...

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Posted: 15th Dec 2006 03:16
Looking extremely cool

Big whorls have little whorls which feed on their velocity,
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Also, my website has no content. But it looks perty
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 16th Dec 2006 04:51
4 days until the demo.

Leak of the Day:
Verse uses a bunch of effects to simulate shaders. Some have been implemented, many have not been. This screen shows a few new fake shaders at work, though this screen is as a bit older than the last one, which itself was taken a day before I posted it.

This is the first actual update. I'm currently polishing the up a lot of the features that will appear in the demo. I've been tweaking bits and pieces of code, and testing it on multiple computers to see the performance. So far, I'm really pleased; if this demo doesn't run decently on your computer, then you probably haven't upgraded since 2001. Remember, this is DBC at the moment.

Steve J
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Posted: 16th Dec 2006 05:12
personally I dont like the style, but thats just me. Besides that, it looks very nice.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2006 06:31
Looks great! Hope you do well in the contest

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Posted: 16th Dec 2006 14:45
It looks great Bizarguy, but I think you need to update the level graphics to match your new models. Also the water texture looks more like a net of some sort.
And what happened with Hinkipuk island?
Good luck in the contest!

David R
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Posted: 16th Dec 2006 16:51 Edited at: 16th Dec 2006 16:53
Quote: "If your a big Stephen King fan, you may have a deeper understanding of the story now"

Kind of random, but did you notice the Stephen King reference in Half-life (1) ?

(view the attached image and notice the number at the top right near the scientist)


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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 17th Dec 2006 02:08 Edited at: 17th Dec 2006 02:29
3 days until the demo.

@Steve J, That's fine. After all, no one can please everyone.

@Airslide, Thanks! Hope you do well too!

@zzz, yeah, Verse will have MUCH better background graphics. They'll also adjust entirely to the weather conditions, though none of that will show up in the demo... These are old backgrounds I made way back before I even started the original verse thread I think. The water looks far better in motion, but I'll look at if I can make it look a bit more- err, watery. And Hinkipuk Island? It's on hold... I'm not sure I'll be making that exact game, but that story is already working into a much larger arc, and is far to cool anywas to abandon. However, the first game in that world may be an rts.

@David R, nice. I never realized that before.

Leak of the Day:
Even at this stage, don't think of any of the models of textures are final. I'm already thinking I need to redo the Kel (Blockman) model.

An artsy shot for you all...

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 17th Dec 2006 21:46 Edited at: 19th Dec 2006 00:13
2 days until the demo.

No more screens til then, but one more leak tomorrow.

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Fabel Nux

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Posted: 17th Dec 2006 22:19
Kinda cool!

Whats in the demo?

A game- nvidia cancelled but preserved till ive finished the current

Game progress- 5 percent
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Posted: 18th Dec 2006 16:40
D.E.M.H.P hey? Hmm... Or were the cases important? D.e.m.H.p? 'Tis a puzzler! An anagram perhaps? Nah!

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 03:53 Edited at: 19th Dec 2006 04:02
1 day until the demo.

@Dared1111, Err, Thanks!
Quote: "Whats in the demo?"

...Wait a day...

@TEH_CODERER, um, Don't Elephants Make Pretty Hearts? Good catch though. Try looking more at the phrase itself, and perhaps the number of letters in the name...

The Last of the Leaks:
That's right, after the demo, I wont 'leak' information separately.

The biggest and best, movement. In Block Verse, you were confined to one speed. Now however, the movement speed looks something along the lines of this; Move object x,(1-pickupgrav-healthspd-pain+panicspd)*tframe
Actually, it's a good deal more complex than that, and I guarantee it will be twice as complex as it is now in the final game. Still, you might say "so what?". Well, if you're thinking this is just a plain old 3d puzzler, all this does in inhibit you from completing puzzles faster. That's in fact why I left the movement of Block Verse the same even at the very end.

And what everyone will in the end want, The Truth.
What you have to realize about Fabel Nux: Verse though, is that this is much more than just a puzzle game. Its an adventure, though multiple verses, and sets events into motion that have wide scale effects across several universes, not to be mistaken with Verses. It is not the beginning, but it is far far from the end. You are but a hero among heroes, a pawn among pawns. Your actions secure the future, but will lead to nothing. Your very existence is an oxymoron. What is so important about these doors? are they anything new? If so, how did all the 18,000 verse's of Fabel Nux come to be full of people? -And if they're not a new phenomena, why are all the doors you find recently created, and why do all these recent ones emit grids and blocks that deteriorate the stability of the Verse they're in?

...You now know an inch of the tapestry- a thread of a braid in the weave of the greatest story that never was, one billion years in the making.

Ponder that, and play Demo Version 0.19 tomorrow.

Crazy Ninja
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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 15:08
dang its the 19th where i live! I was really expecting that demo! Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 16:31
It's already the 20th where I live

Big whorls have little whorls which feed on their velocity,
Little whorls have lesser whorls and so on to viscosity. - Lewis F. Richardson

Also, my website has no content. But it looks perty
Cian Rice
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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 16:34
Well it's 10:33 in and around the Boston area right now, and I'm pretty sure Bizar Guy has said he lives in that area so he has quite awhile. But hurry up! If you don't release it soon I will find your house and take it for myself!

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 18:26
It's still the 19th here, to be fair though, you can expect a margin of error on deadlines, things to happen that slow things down

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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 01:14 Edited at: 20th Dec 2006 04:10
Heh! Yes, I'm in the greater Boston area, and it's about 7:10PM (ehem, that's 19:10 if you eliminate am and pm), December 19th. I can't imagine if I'd missed this deadline, after going through all the trouble to get people to notice.

Download HERE, or at my site.

up........move/jump up
down......move/jump down
left......move/jump left
right.....move/jump right
space.....pick up/put down block
r.........restart level
shift.....View debug stats, ex. frame rate and position pause menu, and hit again to return to the title screen

I recommend trying the highest screen resolution at 32 color first, as that should run at a full 30fps on most computers.

And please, try to break the demo. This is an engine demo, and I want to find every single bug I can. Some bugs of course may be found that are caused by DBC, but I'm hoping to avoid those. Everything you think might be an error, or any useful c&c, please post. Even if it's something like the lack of sounds in this demo or how Kel slides instead of walks (but now that you know I'm aware of both, neither need be mentioned). I'd also like people to post the fps they get, and at what screen res (you can just say which number you pushed at the demos start up).

And Remember,
Because this is an engine demo, understand that I'm using the 2nd and 5th levels from Block Verse because I thought they showed off the parts of the engine I wanted to well, and I'm hesitant to release too much about some of the better game mechanics this early in the compo.

I'm looking for a musician capable of producing mp3s of a similar nature and quality to the song at the title screen, which is called Imperfect Perfection. This may involve a request for around 4-8 songs, but probably 6 or less. However, the songs will be pretty short and essentialy backround music. If you are interested, please say so, and perhaps a sample of the type of music I'm looking for. It's fairly simple stuff instrumentally (the first part of the song), but I really want some good quality stuff.

Edit: Sig test


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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 08:04
It's probably just me, but every time I get near the end of the download it just stops downloading. Tried in Firefox and IE, not sure what's goin on. Like I said probably just me, and I was excited about the demo too.
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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 16:05
When I ran it, it f****d up the position of the screen! My screen is now in the bottom right of my monitor, and some of it is off the bottom!!!

Also, it takes too long to start moving after you press a key.

Flashing Blade
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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 16:58
My specs:

AMD 2GHz, 512MB ram, XP pro, FX5200 128MB

At 800x600x32 - 16fps
At 1024x768x32 - 11fps

Couldn't see any bugs - needs some sounds and the man slides rather than walks

Things I would improve/add:
Allow user to rotate camera manualy.
Animations of player.
Some dynamic shadows.
On raining levels have occasional lightning flash.

Will you be porting over to DB pro?

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Peter H
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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 17:03 Edited at: 20th Dec 2006 17:05
interesting. honestly although the camera system is pretty impressive, it can be very confusing. It was alright on the smaller level, but sometimes on the other level it was impossible to see where you're going... (for example the camera would be level with the player, and you couldn't know if there was a hole on the other side of the player or not...)

also as diggsey said it takes to long to move after you hit the key... which i understand, because you need to allow the player to choose a direction to throw the block, but it still feels wrong. possibly try using different keys to throw the block in a direction? like "wasd" to throw the block, but arrow keys for movement... (just an idea, don't know if it'd work well)

3 Ghz Pentium 4
1 gig ram
224 MB on-board graphics

i got about 20 fps, but it's not like it looked jerky or anything.

One man, one lawnmower, plenty of angry groundhogs.
Cian Rice
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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 17:05
I'd love to try it but I'm getting the same download problem as Eek.

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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 19:43 Edited at: 20th Dec 2006 19:51
Downloading now. I'll take a listen to the intro music and see if I'm anywhere near as good before offering!

[Edit]Nice work! I love the camera thingy! Aside from the things you mentioned there isn't much wrong with it. The only thing was that I couldn't always tell which direction to push when the camera initially moved but it certainly added interest over the fixed position Block Verse camera. I'll have a go at some music but no promises it will be as good.[/Edit]

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Posted: 20th Dec 2006 19:53
This looks like a good start.

I´m afraid that I have to agree with the others on the camera system though. Even if it´s really cool, this isn´t the right game to use it in. It would be better if you added a manual control as default. The way the camera is now makes it very irritating to play the larger levels.

The game ran at a constant 30fps and the cel-shaded graphics looked just as adorable as always.
Nice work BizarGuy, keep it up!

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