App Game Kit V108 BETA 8
All four platforms (Windows, iOS, Android, Mac) are included in BETA6 and represents our complete command set for this version. Please thrash it about and let Paul know if it wobbles. You can find the installer in your TGC Product Files area, enjoy!
In Progress - Build 1088
-Fixed DeleteAllSprites not clearing everything from memory
-Fixed SaveImage on iOS and Android not saving PNG images properly
-Fixed CopyImage and SetImageMask modifying the wrong image in some rare cases
-Changed the draw order to draw opaque objects in the order they were created, useful when using sky boxes with depth write off
-Added Delayed DLL Loading to Compiler for Windows XP compatibility
In Progress - Build 1087
-Fixed VS2010 LIB issue causing VS2010 projects not to compile
In Progress - Build 1086
-Added FACEBOOK app back in apps folder, need to include this when building Android T1/T2 apps in Eclipse
-Updated T1 and T2 guides for Android and iOS to reflect newer SDKs being used now
-Added a collection of memblock commands for direct memory access
-Added conversion between images and memblocks for direct pixel access
-Changed GetHTTPResponseReady to return -1 if the current task has finished but returned an error
-Fixed tranparent 3D objects sometimes appearing behind opaque objects
-Fixed video playback bug on Android where playing after stopping wouldn't work
-Fixed video playback bug on iOS and Android where GetVideoPlaying would not immediately return 1 after PlayVideo
-Fixed long load time when using large strings in CreateText
-Fixed crash when using CloneObject
-Fixed SetFolder("..") not working
-Fixed UDT assignment in functions
-Fixed global or literal strings returning from functions
-Fixed END now forces exit even if in subroutines or functions
In Progress - Build 1085
-Added a few more dummy commands and tweaks to Facebook commands (should be command set complete now)
-Fixed issue with Mac not allowing choose image and capture image to work properly
-Ensured Android, Mac, iOS and Windows platforms all working together
In Progress - Build 1084
-Added ability to save image in JPEG format on iOS
-Added CloneObject command to copy an object
-Added InstanceObject command to copy an object whilst sharing 3D data
-Fixed Android videos not starting from the beginning when stopped
-Added code for Android in-app purchase, although may be broken, sometimes returns errors from Google Play
-Added PushNotificationSetup to register for push notifcations on iOS
-Added GetPushNotificationToken to get push notification token for the device
-Improved image loading time on all platforms
-Improved performance of SetFolder and SetCurrentDir
-Added GetDeviceLanguage to return the ISO 639 language code of the device
-Fixed crash if ResumeSprite was called before PlaySprite
-Added code for Ultrabook Sensors and Multitouch
-Allowed VS2008 project to use above features (works from XP through to Windows 8)
-Replaced SensorsAPI with LocationAPI for GPS longitude and latitude (100% success)
In Progress - Build 1083
New V108 Commands:
-Added SetObjectScale command to scale an object in X, Y, or Z
-Added DrawLine command to draw 2D lines directly to the screen
-Added SetCameraRange command to set the near and far clip planes
-Added SetCameraFOV command to change the camera field of view angle
-Added Set3DGlobalDepth command to place all 3D objects at a specified sprite depth value
-Added LoadObject command that returns an ID
-Added LoadShader command that returns an ID
-Added WriteByte command to write single bytes to a file
-Added ReadByte command to read a single byte from a file
-Added RenderBack command to draw only the sprites behind 3D, Render() now only draws those in front of 3D
-Added SetObjectDepthReadMode to set the depth test function, if it passes the depth test the pixel is drawn, 0=never pass, 1=less than, 2=equal, 3=less than or equal, 4=greater than, 5=not equal, 6=greater than or equal, 7=equal, 8=always pass
-Added SetObjectDepthWrite to set whether a pixel that passes the depth test writes its depth value to the depth buffer
-Added SetObjectTransparency to set alpha transaprency on or off
-Added SetObjectCullMode to set the cull mode of the object 0=draw both front and back faces, 1=draw front faces, 2=draw back faces
-Added SetObjectVisible to set an object as visible or hidden
-Added GetObjectDepthReadMode returns the current depth func for this object
-Added GetObjectDepthWrite returns the current depth write mode for this object
-Added GetObjectTransparency returns the current transparency mode for this object
-Added GetObjectCullMode returns the current cull mode for this object
-Added GetObjectVisible returns the current visibility mode for this object
-Added GetObjectInScreen returns 1 if the object is in screen, 0 if not, this is only an estimate and may assume an object is on screen when it is actually not
-Added GetWorldXFromSprite converts sprite coordinates into world coordinates, for example the top of a sprite rotated by 90 would actually be to the right of the sprite in world coordinates
-Added GetWorldYFromSprite
-Added GetSpriteXFromWorld converts world coordinates into sprite coordinates
-Added GetSpriteYFromWorld
-Added GetScreenXFrom3D returns the screen coordinates of the given 3D point
-Added GetScreenYFrom3D
-Added Get3DVectorXFromScreen returns a vector pointing into the 3D world from the given screen coordinates
-Added Get3DVectorYFromScreen
-Added Get3DVectorZFromScreen
-Added DeleteAllImages deletes all images loaded with LoadImage or LoadSubImage
-Added DeleteAllSprites deletes all sprites created with CreateSprite, LoadSprite, or CloneSprite
-Added DeleteAllText deletes all text objects created with CreateText
-Added GetScreenBoundsLeft returns the edge of the screen in you chosen virtual resolution, this takes black borders into account to the left of the screen my be a negative value in your current virtual resolution
-Added GetScreenBoundsRight returns the edge of the screen taking black borders into account
-Added GetScreenBoundsTop returns the edge of the screen taking black borders into account
-Added GetScreenBoundsBottom returns the edge of the screen taking black borders into account
-Added GetReadPath to return the path of the current application exectuable
-Added GetLoadedImages returns the number of images loaded with LoadImage or LoadSubImage
-Added GetUnassignedImages returns the number of loaded images that are not currently assigned to a sprite or text object
-Added GetUnassignedImageFileName returns the file name of a specified unassigned image
All tier 2 Windows projects must add "Dwmapi.dll" the linker option "Delay Loaded DLLs" to maintain Windows XP support
Fixed edit boxes that are fixed to the screen not detecting mouse clicks properly
Fixed iOS video when changing orientation, fixed iOS GetVideoPosition command
Added Mac video playback suport
Added Windows video playback suport
Fixed a crash is DeleteImage was used on an image that had previously been used in SetTextDefaultFontImage
Fixed occasional stutter in frame rate on Windows Vista and Windows 7
Fixed mipmaps not working on some platforms and generating an error about glGenerateMipmap
Fixed particles so they can use images loaded from atlas textures
Returned default wrap mode to 0 (clamp) to solve some edge bleeding issues, use SetImageWrap to use mode 1 (repeat)
Fixed compiler issue with round brackets crashing compiler, now prompts square bracket error
Fixed bug with network integers causing a crash
Fixed text extending beyond the edge of the text input box
Added better network disconnetion detection, previously this would take up to 30 seconds to detect, now 5 seconds.
Due to this network change 1083 clients cannot connect to pre-1083 servers, however 1083 servers can accept pre-1083 clients.
For anyone implementing the AppGameKit network spec a server must now respond to message ID 7 with message ID 6.
Old Android Dev Kits need to download and install the latest Android SDK and select Tools & API 13 to install over any existing files you may have. Re-using the SDK folder location will help
If Eclipse gives you problems, go to Help > Check For Updates to install missing elements
In Android project fails to compile, enter project properties > Android and tick Android 3.2 then Apply
04/10/12 - Build 1081
Added Social, 3D, Sensor and Misc. commands
Modified compiler to allow auto-conversion to JavaScript
HTML5 Platform added as part of the Freedom-Engine deployment system
Unified V108 command between AppGameKit and Freedom-Engine
Removed MeeGo and Bada from Platform Support (obsolete platforms)
Replaced template projects with template creation guide
Hogging the awesome since 1999