My grandfather died of Lung cancer when I was... I think nine. I loved him so much, he was the coolest person I've ever known.
It was weird, he was like a cross between a cowboy and a pirate.
Cowboy because he had a cactus garden in front of his house, (its still there to this day, my grandmother takes care of it.) with real cow skulls and everything. He rode a motorcycle (his horse?), and even kinda talked like a cowboy, just a bit...
But he was also a pirate cause he was all about sailing. He had a sailboat that he built with my grandmother, my aunt, and my dad when they were kids. I loved that boat, it was so cool. Then he got a houseboat, which was even cooler. My grandmother still takes us out on it sometimes...
Inside his house, there were literally THOUSANDS of seashells he had collected, there were model ships, there were paintings of ships and the ocean, he had just about every Popeye the sailor VHS ever made, he even had a coffee table made out of a rowboat...
But yeah, I hope your friend will be alright. It really sucks to lose someone, anyone close to you.
If the good lord had intended us to go outside or have a social life, he wouldn't have invented the internet.